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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. It has nothing to do with me but you can't help but try and go that direction because anything else you type is so easily exposed for its idiocy. Let's look at all the things wrong with that statement: 1. I make fun of partisans because that's what they are. You're a terrific example of everything that's wrong with politics in this country and you're too stupid to look inwardly. 2. I'm neither "dogmatic" nor libertarian. My politics are far too complicated to fit neatly into a single party. I'm an independent. Would I vote for a libertarian over a Democrat or Republican? Absolutely. Would I prefer the government to stay out of a lot more things that they do? Certainly. That doesn't mean they don't have mandated responsibilities nor are those responsibilities without necessity. 3. There isn't a need to back "anything" up with you. You're a !@#$ing drone. No matter what the Democrats do, you'll defend it like it was gestated in your uterus. That's not my issue, tardo. Only partisan tards give a flying crap what Rush Limbaugh, Rachel Maddow, Olbermann, Hannity, etc have to say. I'm not surprised that you're easily able to regurgitate it, either. Though I wouldn't be surprised if those numbers added up because government employees enjoy far greater benefits and pay for the same work than their civilian counterparts. It's called overhead and burden. Who said anything about the tax cuts? Tax cuts shouldn't ever be about trying to stimulate the economy. They should always be about controlling the amount of money that bureaucrats are given access to. That delicate balance has been shot all to hell and it's very likely that it'll never get back, especially when there are so many people like you who're always available to defend obvious, overt stupidity. That being said, anything the CBO has to say should be taken as nothing more than the garbage it is. They have zero credibility and are arguably the least competent organization in a government that's rife with them.
  2. There truly doesn't seem to be ANY interest in reform - the reality is puppet politicians are simply gaining more control for special interests than the average guy and the partisan supporters of each party lap it up like the simpletons they are. We had a pretty good debate here about health care leading up to the passage of this abortion of a bill. Your suggestions were the tip of the iceberg but they were certainly included. It shouldn't be of any surprise to the lucid that the first thing the current administration did was take economy of scale off the table regarding the pharmaceutical industry. They knew the money in that industry would flatten any chance of getting something done. Had they gone for a series of smaller bills to address any number of things I think they'd have had an easy time getting them done and winning serious political points but the poorly crafted bulldozer legislation and the surrounding circus all but guarantees losing badly in November.
  3. Good luck with that desire, chimp. Do your own research. The irony of you misspelling nonsense isn't lost on anyone. Here's the thing "Dave": The only thing you're worth to me is an occasional clubbing. I'm not going to waste keystrokes that would take a significant amount of my time because the subject is incredibly complex and interwoven. Especially when your response will be the typical preprogrammed liberal-tard speak. Oh look, Dave did a google search and is trying to pass it off as the straight dope. Once again, Dave: Economics is a very complex subject and you trying to point to a single scapegoat so regularly lets everyone know how little you understand about it.
  4. No, you don't and it's quite pathetic that you think anyone is buying the charade.
  5. I'm incoherent because you can't answer simple questions while pretending you can speak for all the Christians in the world? Awesome. Uh gee, thanks for actually explaining that. As if your intellect is so superior that I was having a problem getting it. Here's the thing: I moved on to the next facet because quite frankly I pretty much know what most responses are going to be. I get them every day from the dolts I'm forced to interact with, so seeing them here is just another chance to reinforce my belief on what percentage of the population is essentially sheep. Thanks for trying to continue to hide behind a whiny, pathetic, fear mongering argument by pretending it's not exactly that. How completely unexpected.
  6. I was feeling just fine when I typed it. No change. Tremendous example of why you're an idiot.
  7. How many Muslims do you know? How many Muslims have threatened to kill you personally? I'm going to go ahead and guess: 1. Very few or none. 2. None. You a gun owner? If you are, you need to re-read your ridiculous "points" and realize they're EXACTLY the same ones that liberals try to use to outlaw ALL guns because a very few are used to do some very bad things. Wake the !@#$ up.
  8. The don't know but that's not going to stop them from trying to run every person in this organization out of town. These are the same people who thought Reich should start over Kelly, that Bruce should be traded for someone who would attend camp, etc. We don't know if the guys we drafted would have developed because most of them were screwed just by being drafted here. They were doomed with Jauron and company and then saddled with the "they got cut or didn't perform in Buffalo, so they must be crap" reputation that this organization has propagated since Wade left.
  9. WTF are you talking about? I don't wonder at all how "Christians" would react if an Imam was planning on holding a Bible burning here in the good ol' USofA. Even if the dude was as much of a nutto as the clown in Florida or that Fred "God Hates Fags" guy.
  10. Now try to connect the dots on why there's a huge deficit and recession.
  11. I've done it a couple of times to get a better rate at no cost to me. My bank does it to keep the business and the only "catch" is I can't skip a payment between mortgages. That means they keep getting their interest payment. With the cost of money being so low, it's really a pittance for them to essentially shuffle paperwork.
  12. It doesn't have anything to do with fan loyalty. The NFL has gotten both stupid and greedy. The fans are simply voting with their pocketbooks, like they should have been doing all along.
  13. I'm not sure why I forgot to put that in, as they are the next thing that's going to cause a recession (or deepen this one because we're no where close to getting out of it). It'll be a total shock to the liberals, despite the litany of information that's been smashing them in the face for a couple of decades.
  14. He should have just called them what they are: idiots.
  15. Nice try but you have pretty much zero credibility on this topic. Well, and most other ones that require any thought.
  16. Sincerely, Enron, Wall Street, and the Default Credit Swaps, (the final 2 almost brought down the entire U.S./world economy and were so important to the government that they created even more ridiculous leftislation to cover the lack of oversight they were legally supposed to be providing anyway). But Global Warming is REAL!
  17. I'm glad to see you take obvious sarcasm so personally. You fuggin' dolt.
  18. LA Times via "Truth and Rumors" says BILLS are the most likely team to go winless. LA Times Link
  19. I grew up a huge boxing fan but it's tough for me to enjoy it anymore. I suppose some of it has to do with guys like Mayweather and his antics but mostly it's because of the effects it has on the fighters. Watching the UFC put subtitles under James Toney during his interviews because his speech is slurred beyond recognition was a good example. The fact that Toney is 5 years YOUNGER than Randy Couture made me cringe.
  20. You've gone far beyond "respecting the opinions of", you blathering dolt.
  21. How do you know Lynch got 4 games for carrying a gun? How do you know that Goodell didn't tell him after their first meeting that if he saw him again he was going to throw the book at him? How do you know that Lynch didn't act like a total dickhead both times he was in NFL offices? What do you know about the Rogers situation, other than the penalty? The answer is: YOU DON'T KNOW. You don't know the reason for the difference in the suspension so you automatically assume and quite probably your assumption is completely off base.
  22. How about because every situation isn't the same and shouldn't be treated the same? Lynch was in a hit and run and there is a VERY good chance he was drunk when it happened. He embarrassed the **** out of the NFL (with a bunch of help from the BILLS, of course) with his actions both that night and in the follow up legal process. Then a story surfaces about him having a run in over a tip in a restaurant. Not long after he gets arrested IN HIS CAR with DRUGS and a GUN. How exactly is the NFL supposed to react when he committed similar WILLFUL acts? I really hope most of you are never in charge of anything.
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