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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Actually, I think it is part of the plan. Lose. Lose often. Lose disgracefully. Stockpile high picks. It's pretty much what the Blackhawks did.
  2. How exactly is that? Who said they were? Maybe you can enlighten me on who exactly is "kidding Muslim ass". I must not watch the right television shows. Which, of course, ignores the fact that the vast majority of Muslims do live peacefully. Is that the same government and media that gotten us into unnecessary conflicts in the Middle East for over half a century? You're somehow expecting truth now? Which isn't the case historically. It's only been recently that the media has started truly digging into what the Catholic Church has been doing and no one likes what they see very much. I'd hardly call the systemic molestation of children and the cover up that followed "crap". Defensive much? Probably about the same time the United States government starts keeping its hands to itself. Somehow I doubt burning Korans or denying people their Constitutional freedoms is a good path to take.
  3. Outraged? The fact of the matter is ANY group that has absolute power is going to rule in a horrible manner. History has proven it over and over again. The fact that you tool boxes continue to pretend that this is the exclusive domain of a single religion or that every Muslim on the orb is complicit is ridiculous and nothing more than fear mongering for the sake of needing a boogie man.
  4. Ditto everything Tom said, especially the points about the criticism of virtually all of the policies of the previous administrations AND not giving a flying !@#$ what you think. And "Bob": I have absolute faith that you bitched like schoolgirl when the previous administration was pissing all over the Constitution. Therefore you should be doing exactly the same thing in this instance.
  5. The fact that this: Is followed by this: Ought not be lost on anyone. Your "arguments" are as ridiculous as the liberals when they attempt to blame guns for the actions of those who use them to do horrible things to people. Complete ignorance of reality.
  6. So when big, bad companies take the "quick and easy route" with the law, the government needs to form yet another agency to combat it. When the government does the same with regard to the Constitution, you truly love it with all your heart. !@#$ing idiot.
  7. Go to the new Comiskey Park and see the worst new baseball stadium in the country. They should have called it "Retatta Field" because it's a friggin' abortion.
  8. I doubt it. The continued election of Democrats and Republicans is far more stupid than electing any third party candidate. I'm not surprised that you're unable to understand why and are trying to find fault with a boogie man that doesn't exist. Never said he was. You're the one who trumpeted that he won and furthered the Libertarian revolution by winning the Republican primary. Who's the moron again? You'll forgive the fit of laughter I'm having at you calling someone else's ideas childish. Which is why NYS will continue to bleed like a victim in need of a tourniquet. At some point something needs to change drastically. As long as the status quo remains, NYS (especially Upstate) will continue to lose jobs and fall deeper into the red on pension obligations.
  9. The issue with a lot of guys isn't performance enhancement, it's lack of proper conditioning/nutrition. They lift heavy weights and eat protein heavy diet to pack on size that their body isn't meant to carry. What they don't do things like yoga/isometrics/BWE and feed their ligaments with proper nutrition. Too heavy + inflexible = muscle tears/ligament and tendon issues. Steroids could certainly play a part in it but I doubt it's the whole story.
  10. The new ones are under FERS. That means they need 5 years of service to be vested. The last thing I read was the average congress critter's retirement was about $60k There is a formula but the max is 80% of the average of their 3 highest grossing years.
  11. The Rams wouldn't make that deal. I doubt they'd have traded out of the 1 spot for less than multiple firsts plus a few other day one picks spread over multiple drafts. Then everyone would be complaining when Bradford got ruined because we couldn't surround him with talent. It's a process and what wasn't broken overnight won't be fixed that way either.
  12. Mychal Thompson is a former Laker who was a classy player in his day. I'm sure his question was more tongue-in-cheek than anything.
  13. Dave's a one trick pony. He likes to pretend that Libertarians, who've never won a single major office, are somehow to blame for things that are going wrong. To the point where he gives credit to them for Paladino, who isn't a libertarian. Dave's pretty stupid.
  14. A group of men are talking about an attractive woman and trying different things to get her attention or a closer look? That's somehow news? No matter where I've been in the world, that's pretty much normal. Good work censoring Portis, NFL.
  15. When did it become our broke ass country's job to spend money we don't have on studies we don't need for people who aren't citizens? Carry on, excuse makers.
  16. Ignoring all the while the things that actually make health care more expensive here...
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