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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. That's pretty funny given I don't watch Fox News (or any cable news for that matter, don't ever look at Drudge (or any scoop/partisan website), or ever vote for a Republican. Outside of that you're almost spot on. Moron.
  2. First, I'm not chastising anyone. Look up the definition of the word, drama queen. Second, I'm not surprised you can't see the not so subtle difference between calling someone an idiot (which most of the time is done directly to the person, though politicians, celebrities and news makers get it when they deserve it), and saying the first lady has a fat pusssy and a pig face (which I somehow doubt he'd have the stones to do in her company). This is why you're an idiot. Fixed.
  3. John Kerry's probably more comfortable with that in his hand too.
  4. I think my favorite part of the coverage today was Mitch McConnell railing about the bill and the earmarks. $100,000,000.00 of them were HIS. Douche.
  5. I have a pretty high tolerance and find a lot of toilet humor pretty funny. That? No so much on either count. There's more than a little hypocrisy in Mrs. Obama taking on this particular subject given the size of her posterior but I'm not a fan of the way you handled it.
  6. There are people willing to watch Sarah Palin on television or anywhere else? Really?
  7. Don't introduce the visiting dog to your dog inside your house. Let them get used to each other at a neutral site. Make sure you keep the new dog leashed to you (tethered) for a little while so he knows who the pack leader is. You may need to leash your current dog for awhile too, just to keep him from feeling he has to figure out that you're totally in charge.
  8. You voted for Obama because he wasn't a Republican as he was in NO WAY qualified to be the President. I fail to see much difference. You, like virtually all partisans, are a hypocritical lemming and you're getting exactly what you deserve.
  9. They don't have to talk about the truly poor because the truly poor already vote Democrat at an over 90% clip.
  10. While that's probably a factor, it's not the largest. The pension "systsms" as they've been designed are destined to fail. That's why private industry got out of that business so quickly. I think it's a pretty easy fix for the future and they could even keep them but they'd have to downsize the benefit significantly and add hard caps. The issue for most states is they don't want to piss off those special interests because they are guaranteed votes.
  11. I have no idea and I'm not even sure where to look to find any real data on which to base a decision. It's a very slippery slope when so many families are barely holding on to their houses. Then went through the same thing in the late 1980s in Alaska. People started leaving their keys on kitchen counters and heading south because the Lower 48 wasn't facing the same issue. That certainly isn't the case here. But taking away what amounts to a pittance will surely lead to an even larger correction in the housing market and higher unemployment in the short term, as well as further downstream consequences that I don't even want to think about. It looks to me like the world is broken.
  12. A very minor one, at best. I fail to see how keeping people fed and in their homes when there are few or no job prospects is a bad thing, even if a percentage of them are gaming the system. It's pretty much the equivalent of Democrats saying $250k a year is rich and undeserving of a lower tax burden.
  13. Neither side cuts spending. It's fun to watch the Republicans begin their "leadership" by doing the very things that will get them punted out. The never ending cycle of stupidity won't end until the 2 party system does.
  14. That doesn't make her the typical case. There aren't a lot of available "real" jobs out there. It's easy to sit and pretend that extending unemployment is keeping everyone at home but the truth is most employers aren't hiring and those that are can be VERY choosy. Add to that the fact that the housing market is total ****, so people can't easily sell and move to places where there are jobs. Something has to give or it's going to get much worse.
  15. Amen. Boner has already showed his ass more than enough times and he isn't even in charge yet. Dude is an idiot.
  16. That slogan died within days of taking office. This Administration is just as bad as the previous one, and in many cases it's worse. My favorite news from yesterday was the new Missile Defense Shield. For Europe. I'm glad we can afford that.
  17. You're not helping yourself. Quite the opposite. Your "examples" make you trying to talk down to someone else even more laughable.
  18. I believe in this completely and have said so in the past. However, cherry picking what they're going to remove/add from the tax code won't change anything. It's time for a flat tax, which will get rid of a ton of Washington bureaucracy, let people know what they truly pay, and cut off the payola crap that goes on to curry favor. Of course it'll tear down the tax infrastructure, which will be horrible in the short term but it will free up the IRS to actually investigate the things they should be.
  19. Sounds like you'd have given Dick Jauron an extension 5 games into the season as well.
  20. Read the last sentence aloud to yourself in a mirror. Then read the rest of the post, you ego maniacal hypocrite.
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