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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Euthanized then placed in the dumpster? Really?
  2. I think we're off target here. There were questions about each of those QBs, which is obvious considering the QBs who were picked in front of them. It's the biggest crapshoot in sports. Fitz has never played on an even decent team. I find it difficult to compare apples with apples when there are so many obvious deficiencies in St Louis, Cincinnati, and Buffalo. I don't think I'd say his accuracy is horrible. I'm not sure how many QBs would be super accurate playing behind our offensive line. Probably a valid point but I think I'd rather find the key components at the top of the draft than the next Vince Young (which Newton has written all over him). How do we know Levi Brown won't be that guy? Possible, but not probably. I think history shows that long term successful players at the college level are more likely to be productive NFL players than the "one year flash" guys. Personally, I'd rather see the BILLS trade down and pick up a couple more picks to increase the likelihood of finding more guys who can actually play in the NFL. I don't care much about hope and if they pick Cam Newton it'll just be another guy who feels a lot like Maybin at a time when the franchise can least afford another unproductive first rounder.
  3. Actually, I think that's absolutely what he should do. Politicians and labor unions have scratched each others backs without any kind of oversight for far too long. I don't see another way to do it and actually protect the public from the graft that is bankrupting us.
  4. Thank you. I'm waiting for Coli to chime in on how the statement on flipping magnetics means scientific consensus because that's how it works in that field of endeavor.
  5. I've read nothing but conflicting accounts regarding that subject - nothing credible or absolute. I'd venture to guess milk would be the tiniest of issues where diabetes is concerned and all the other processed crap that is being shoved at our kids would rank much higher on the list. Milk is off the charts expensive in most places. Up about 300% over the last 10 years.
  6. Ah, yes. The government needs to drive up the cost of milk even further by forcing companies to develop plans they won't oversee for an incident that will in all likelihood never happen. And the liberals will agree that it's totally necessary because they have no understanding of cause/effect/cost.
  7. I think the vast majority of the world agrees. The problem is the "solutions" that are being posed will have little affect on that but will line the pockets of a whole bunch of people instead. Every dollar spent on Global Warming is a dollar not spent on clean water, clean air, Super Fund cites, oversight, etc. It's always been a charade and it always will be.
  8. We know at least one world leader still has a sack. Pretty rare.
  9. Man, I loved Arthur Treacher's when I was a kid. Obscure, yet awesome reference. Nice.
  10. Because elite QBs don't last to number 3 in the NFL draft in this era. Which we probably already have with Fitzpatrick. You also don't win consistently in the NFL when your defense can't tackle a high school player. ANY QB that gets drafted this season is going to be 3 years behind what we already have. I don't. But the odds are far more likely that we'll draft a bust rather than a HoFer. The data on QBs is unarguable. Fitzpatrick is more than good enough to get this team to the playoffs if the problems at OT/D Front 7 get addressed. A rookie QB is meaningless at this juncture, especially if it's Gabbert (done nothing) or Newton (one year wonder with serious character questions). Quick, name the last SEC QB not named Manning to do anything in the NFL. Cutler? Outside of that guy, who still has questions about him, there is a line of complete failures - which Newton is very likely going to be added to. I don't, which is why I'd like to see the BILLS gather as many picks as possible. That all but guarantees they'll have a few hits. Call me crazy but I don't see Buddy Nix picking Flowers, Maybin, or McCargo. The Spiller pick wasn't made with this season in mind, nor should it have been. The BILLS were irrevocably broken and the process for rebuilding was with a longer term outlook. Finally. Who the !@#$ are you? Don't like attitude? Don't respond, "Maddog". You're welcome? I was referring to Gabbert.
  11. How about because there isn't an elite QB in this draft and because you need a real defense to win in the National Football League? You guys act like drafting the next Akili Smith or some nobody who never won a big game is going to change the franchise over night. Hilarious.
  12. I'm praying that Arizona, Tennessee, or Washington fall in love with either Newton or Gabbert and give us a king's ransom to move up to take one of them. I'm also praying that the BILLS are smart enough to make that trade and then smart enough to pick a big player when their turn in the first comes up. That's just me.
  13. Whichever dog gets the most votes is awarded $10,000 plus a $500 gift card for pet products. All of that will be going to Gateway Pet Guardians to get them things like crates, blankets, food, and veterinary care (for spaying/neutering and the like).
  14. Diesel We rescued Diesel a couple of years ago, now he gets to try and help some other dogs. We're trying to win $10,500 for one of our favorite charity, Gateway Pet Guardians. GPG goes into the worst areas of St Louis and feeds/rescues strays and animals that aren't properly cared for. It's totally non-profit and the people who run it literally give their lives to it. Some of the places they go to make war zones look safe - I wouldn't even think about going in there at lower than platoon strength. A lot of people talk a good game but they do things that are amazing. Their work is now the subject of a documentary called "Gateway Guardians". Gut and heart wrenching stuff. Take a minute each day for the next few and vote. Thank you very much.
  15. Probably because most of us understand the "boiling frog" theory. The government has already made higher education and health care out of reach for most people, and the economic "policies" are about to make the idea of my generation ever retiring a pipe dream. The next step is reaching directly into my wallet. Frankly, I've had enough. The government has more than enough money to do what the Constitution charges it with. It simply needs to learn to live within its means, just like the citizens that supposedly control it. And if you have a kid or two in college, any kind of mortgage and live in a city of modest size or larger, $250k ain't a hell of a lot of money. If that's tough for you to understand, you're going to be poor for a long time. Why not just type a post stating: "I don't understand basic economics"?
  16. You're going to have to dumb that down a little further. That means JOB LOSS. This "bill" and the surrounding hoopla are the absolute example of everything that is wrong with American politics. Soldier on, liberal morons.
  17. "What comes to mind when you hear the word "conner"?" A two week vacation. Happy Holidays, PPP. Sincerely, Santa AD
  18. Because that somehow absolves you... There's so much beauty in the way you idiots respond when you're getting an ass whipping. To many it would seem it's because you're too stupid to understand it but you're inability to formulate a real point for your bigotry belays that. Connor cries and screams about everyone else being stupid. You throw out "he doesn't agree with my pin-headed, narrow world view, therefore he's a homosexual with a complex." Stinging.
  19. No kidding. So persecuting adults having consensual sex is OK by you? No possible slippery slope there. Nice strawman. The real shame are all the people who like to preach about freedom only when it applies to them. I'm quite sure I could do a search on your posts and find plenty of victimology for "conservatives" and "Christians". I guess it's OK when it your group is the supposed victim.
  20. I'll let you know the second I give a crap about your opinion on any subject. Do everyone and hold your breath while you wait. You're not helping yourself much.
  21. Good. We can send them all to your house and you can parent them.
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