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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Nice attempt at cherry picking, you yammering monkey.
  2. Thanks for bringing your typical liberal sloganeering idiocy to the thread and missing the larger and very obvious point.
  3. Finally, Someone in the Media Points it Out
  4. That's how government "works". DoD is the poster child for this kind of crap. I wonder how many people will be disciplined over losing track of sixty BILLION dollars?
  5. You're going to be dumber after you read it.
  6. There's no such thing as "less pricey" when you're talking about Germany.
  7. The dude is the ultimate example of a liberal lemming and you're asking him for logic and reasoning?
  8. No, it wasn't. It is simply the byproduct was the decade long incompetence on that side of the ball. The refusal to address the offensive line and have a cohesive scheme while "developing" young quarterbacks is a recipe for absolute disaster. The BILLS have been the poster children for how not to run a franchise. Edwards and Losman were destined for failure. Individual players don't win or lose football games by themselves.
  9. He's looked good in the limited time he's played. He'll be a situational pass rusher for the RAMS because he's still very raw against the run but he's got good hands and is VERY quick. Spagnolo will use him right.
  10. You mean because Spiller wouldn't look completely different in the Patriots' offense?
  11. You mean because the national debt wasn't going to get to this point without tax cuts? At the end of the day, you know as well as I that the fundamentals of this are completely broken and that a huge correction from the falsehood of the 1990s global economy was inevitable. A major overhaul of virtually every level of government is required and no one has the stomach to even take a baby step in that direction.
  12. Ooh, such scathing criticism. I'm sure Tom's deeply wounded regarding your thoughts on his credibility.
  13. Busy. Everyone already knows "your" special ed brand of economics.
  14. I can now think of a few examples of specific cuts the politicians should make.
  15. "Great" independent? Go ahead and explain exactly what that means. And spare trying to say you're anything other than a liberal sheep. You've never posted a single thing that could even be mistaken for contrarian to the position. You're the epitome of liberal sheep and this thread is yet another shining example. Keep wishing, jerky. Your 3 horned liberal unicorn is bound to be around the next corner. He'll fart the solution to the enormous problems the two parties have created and are now too big to fix. You should try being on the other side of your !@#$ing relentlessly idiotic act, hypocrite.
  16. Who the !@#$ are you? With one paragraph, you basically just told everyone you don't know a !@#$ing thing about economics.
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