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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Winfield was no bigger than that. He may have been listed bigger but he was in the 5'9", 185 pound range.
  2. Germany is easy to get around via train - every decent sized city has excellent mass transit. It's easier and cheaper than driving and subways are both clean and safe. Every platform has a ticket center. There's a button with flags at the top. Keep pressing it until it lights up the Union Jack (Great Britain's flag) and the information is in English. There's a bunch of ticketing options, so try to plan your day a little bit and you can save a bunch of money and hassle. Find a hotel that's on the U-Bahn and you won't even have to rent a car. There's also the S-Bahn, which is faster but has fewer stops and travels to other cities. Get a map (the hotel front desks have them) and spend a little time familiarizing yourself with what stops are close to your destinations and you'll have almost no problems. Again, Germany is expensive. Leave your taste for things like soda back in the States. It's actually cheaper to drink beer. Also, unless the places you eat/drink are "Americanized", you're not likely to get ice. "Real" German restaurants serve HUGE portions of food, so if you see something on the menu like "2 Snitzles and fries", it'll likely be enough to feed a family of 4. I'm not kidding. Don't bother taking your cell phone, unless you want to pay a freakin' fortune to use it. There are throwaways for sale all over the place and you can add minutes to them easily for much cheaper. Most hotels aren't like hotels in America. That means things like internet are an additional (and expensive) charge. The rooms are generally much smaller. Though you won't be there in the summer, if you were you'd want to make sure the hotel has air conditioning because many of them don't. Germans (for the most part) are very aloof people - in America their average behavior would be considered extremely rude. Don't take that personally. If you want some help, know at least a few German phrases. If you even try to speak their language, there's a good chance they'll treat you much differently and start speaking to you in English. If you have any specific questions, ask away. I'll do the best I can.
  3. I think the steroid era led to more free swingers throughout baseball. 10 years from now we're going to be talking about HRs being down and averages being up. That's what I think, anyway. I also think that teaching pitchers how to pitch has made it's way down all the way to the little league level. It's no longer just the "big armed" guys getting run. Everyone is looking for the next Tim Lipscomb too. The LLWS had kids who were setting hitters up for out pitches. That was interesting. I think the Glavine/Smoltz/Maddux Braves ruined the strike zone by making it wide rather than tall. You want to see baseball sped up? Call the high strike instead of the wide strike. Right now, if a pitcher throws the ball more than 3 inches above the belt, it's a ball. Ridiculous.
  4. The ATF is selling guns to Mexican drug lords, who are using them to murder citizens and ATF agents. There isn't anything on television that's going to be more ridiculous than that.
  5. Why? Are you worried about the BILLS not being able to sign free agents despite being nowhere near the cap?
  6. People actually waste their time watching that crap? You'd be better off going to the dog park and betting on which dog is going to take the next dump.
  7. If being "progressive" means getting your sound byte shoved down your throat with a size 16 Red Wing as you have in this thread, then count me proud to be regressive. At the end of the day, the 2 party system survives because there are people who are too stupid to look at things that are clearly black and white and see anything other than whatever color their masters tell them they're supposed to see.
  8. C'mon Buf. Talk some more about the evil Republicans killing the post office.
  9. Am I the only tired of everyone whining about the news? Turn the !@#$ing station or turn the thing off. Problem solved.
  10. Kinda like a bunch of Muslims taking flying lessons then killing 3000 Americans in the course of a couple of hours while the world's most expensive Intelligence Services sat with their thumbs up their asses?
  11. From a study I made up for this post.
  12. They should be livid. This is another irrational, uninformed decision made by an unqualified politician. All we're missing is a "Mission Accomplished" banner in the background.
  13. Nah. Everything that goes wrong is management's fault and everything that's awesome was because of unions. Union Yes! Please. It's page one of every politician's playbook.
  14. Why bother with an explanation? Dave is the typical liberal fear monger. Every attempt to reign in an out of control political system is met with this crap, which is why every level of government is broke beyond the meaning of the word. But it's the fault of Republicans, Tea Partiers, Conservatives, Neocons, etc. Democrats are completely absolved. Welcome to the 2 party system George Washington warned us about.
  15. It's like Larry Quinn, Tom Donahoe, and Stevie Wonder got together to design a uniform inspired by vomit.
  16. That's right, Cletus. If the government just spent ANOTHER trillion or so dollars it doesn't have, everything would be rosy. The 11% increase in federal spending since 2009 hasn't stimulated the economy? Why not make it 30%? Or 40? Krugman is an idiot and so are you. This is another vain attempt by a Keynesian to kick the can a little further down the road while ignoring the fact that the fundamentals are basically a house of cards teetering in the wind. The deficit is going to be over $1,500,000,000,000.00 THIS year. Cutting a few billion at the state and local level while continuing to pass anti-business leftislation at virtually every level isn't going to lead economic fruition. That's such a basic concept that even you should be able to understand it. Krugman?
  17. "3. Mornhinweg's boner Ah, the one that inspired this list. Sudden-death OT, his team wins the flip, and Mornhinweg chooses to kick. Hey, the Lions get the wind at their back! But, hey! The Bears get the ball! The Lions never have a chance, as the Bears score on the first, and only, possession of OT to win the game." Jack Pardee took the ball in OT of the Miracle Comback... There's no perfect formula for winning a football game. Sometimes you go with your gut and win, other times you lose.
  18. The problem is the media says the Tea Party is bad, so therefor the parrots need to regurgitate that back until it's believed to be gospel. Heaven forbid anyone actually look at how the government "works" and realizes that it's time to DEMAND significant reform BEFORE we give them even more money to waste.
  19. Yep. Still looks terrible against real NFL players and decent against the guy who will be collecting my trash or washing my gym towel on September 8th.
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