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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Perhaps he got the message they were sending...
  2. He woulda fit right into our secondary today.
  3. Apparently it's not a recipe for success against the Raiders, either. Ick.
  4. The Raiders must be the best 2-8 team outside of their division in the history of football. They have the "explosive and consistent" Jason Campbell at QB, virtually no healthy receivers, all of these amazing secondary players even without Asomugha, an improving OLine even without blown first rounder Robert Gallery, are better at TE even after replacing Zach Miller with the always injured Boss, etc. How in the world can they not win any games outside the worst division in football? Oh, because they're an average team that barely held on to a huge road lead against a bad Denver team last week. Do everyone a favor and STFU, homer. What you're seeing isn't anywhere close to reality.
  5. I don't really agree, though I don't miss Fewell in the least. Their defense is devastated by injury and still managed to put on a pretty good pass rush against the Redskins.
  6. I frankly don't understand this mentality. Barnett is on the field every down and is just as effective as a run defender. The BILLS have been getting gashed on gut runs for so long that I can't remember the last consistent ILBer we've had. The vast majority of effective rushing teams in the NFL are teams that run consistently between the tackles, Kansas City is probably the only real exception. This "setting the edge" business is just a new way of saying "gap control". Barnett is just as good at controlling his gap as Merriman is.
  7. Apologies. There are so many stupid people in this world and I only have one club.
  8. Why not just type "I'm a liberal union apologist. I can't speak specifically to anything but the standard talking point of 'DoD BAD', so I'm going to stick with that theme despite the fact that I'm shown to be ignorant on everything regarding the topic."? At the end of the day, DoD is an industry. It employs a ton of people. If you cut it just for the sake of cutting it, you add to the current economic problem. That solves nothing in the long term and has catastrophic implications in the short term. It's on par with just letting GM and Chrysler go under. The downstream affects would have made 1929 look like a vacation. Can DoD be cut? Absolutely. Can it be cut in half? Probably. Is the best way to kill things like innovation? Absolutely not because that's one of the very few places America still has a lead in this world. Smart people understand that things like this must be done very carefully with planning and measurement. Do yourself and everyone else a favor and RMPL.
  9. Government giveaway recipients vote for Democrats so they never have to get a job. Tomato, to-mah-to.
  10. Gambling is a serious problem for some people.
  11. You're right. Parker was actually the Steelers FOURTH leading rusher that season. He ran for 84 yards in the first 15 games of that season. You know who else had a sack in that game? Ricardo Colclough. Now there's a Steeler legend. Please don't make excuses for Bledsoe. That's absurd.
  12. Feel free to let Mr. Bledsoe know what you think of his comments. Info@drewbledsoe.com !@#$er.
  13. Do athletes not realize there's no such thing as local telecasts anymore? You can't just say whatever the !@#$ you want and not have it come back to haunt you. !@#$ you, Bledsoe. You were never anything more than a taller version of Vinny Testeverde. I'm not sure there's a more overrated player in NFL history.
  14. Boy, you're not kidding. McLovin' is a disaster waiting to happen. He's still super aggressive and susceptible to double moves while occasionally showing extremely poor technique/route anticipation. He's got tremendous recovery but against the Patriots that's not a recipe for success.
  15. Based on what evidence? Merriman wasn't doubled a single time on the rush against KC. Dareus/Williams were. Not if we don't get off the field on 3rd down. Over the last decade, the short middle of the field was our biggest detriment. On Sunday, Barnett and company took that away - even when Merrimen was on the sideline waving his wing around. Barnett is the glue guy bringing the young guys along. He's the true veteran defensive leader. Merrimen will get the credit because he's going to be the one who has the flashy stats (if he performs) but Barnett is going to be consistent Darryl Talley - the leader who inspires everyone around them to play to their absolute potential both with words and actions.
  16. Barnett is going to have the largest impact and it's not even up for debate. He basically coached all of the younger guys after every series in Kansas City. Took the overhead shots and explained what was there and what the responsibilities were. His on field impact only tells a small part of the story. He's one of the major leaders on this team and probably the most important off season acquisition.
  17. Yeah, those are the two words I think of when Jason Campbell's name comes up. Consistent and explosive.
  18. Settle down, Meat. The last thing you want is my undivided attention.
  19. Kinda like the liberals who are "Pro Choice" but anti-"death penalty". The hypocrisy from Republicans and Democrats is equally maddening. I'll believe "health care" will be fixed when the average American spends as much time exercising as they do choosing what fast food item they're going to shove down their gullet.
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