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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. That's because this particular situation NEVER happens. The ball is almost never under thrown so badly that it's intercepted 5 yards before it gets to the intended receiver when the receiver is covered by another defender entirely. That's your opinion and this board probably would have crashed if the situation was reversed or if the PI wasn't called.
  2. Uh, no. Watch the video again - for the first time and realize the ball hit him in the chest, just below his chin and there was virtually no "leap", or at least one wasn't required. Strangled? Exaggerate much, Sally Jesse Raphael? There's no way in hell Nelson was going to stop, pivot, get around his defender, and run back 5 yards to even break up that play, much less attempt to catch it. It was a horrible call that was an absolute gift to the BILLS. If you think otherwise, you should apply to be an NFL official. I'm glad it happened, lord knows we've lost enough games to this team because they get these kind of breaks but that doesn't mean it was a good or accurate call. It wasn't.
  3. So Nelson was going to stop, run around a defensive back, and get back 5 yards to where the ball was intercepted all while the ball was in the air? And I'm not changing the application of the rules. For it to be pass interference in the NFL, the ball has to be catchable. The fact that the ball was intercepted 5 YARDS before the ball could have even gotten to the spot where the receiver was supposedly interfered with, that makes the application of the rule moot. Saying anything else is nothing more than homerism and 99.999% of BILLS' fans would be losing their friggin' minds if the same call had gone against the team and cost us yet another game against the Patriots. Friggin' homers.
  4. There are people who actually listen to that blowhard? He might be the worst sports radio guy in history - even worse than that idiot Peter Brown.
  5. No, he couldn't. It hasn't happened in the history of football. Really? It's in the rule book? How many times have you ever seen pass interference called on a play like that? I can't recall a single instance where a ball has been intercepted 5 yards in front of a supposed pass interference penalty. That ball was thrown 5 yards short into double coverage, with TWO defenders between the receiver and the QB. I'm sure you'd be making the same contention if George Wilson was the interceptor, McLovin' was the guy getting called for the PI, and the Patriots had won the game on a last second FG, right? RIGHT? Wrong. How many times a game is PI called? Out of 150 offensive plays? Maybe twice on average? That's how many percent? What's your definition of rare?
  6. So if Brady threw it, Wilson intercepted it 5 yards in front of where the contact occurred, you'd still think it was interference? No, you wouldn't. Because it wasn't. The contact had absolutely zero affect on the play. None.
  7. That was football 101. The mistake was by New England's defense, not recognizing the adjustment and stemming back to a different coverage.
  8. Maybe this year the BILLS will actually give them something to cheer for.
  9. The dude was 5 yards deep in the endzone. The intercepting player caught the ball at the goal line. Unless David Nelson is Plastic Man with the Flash's wheels, there's no way in hell that's anything but a pick because no player can stop on a dime and run 2 steps in the other direction in the time available. Try reversing the jerseys and seeing the play for real, you !@#$ing homer. How about the fact that it was intercepted 5 yards from where the "interference" happened. The last time I checked, interference was for "catch able" balls. That ball wasn't catch able because it was intercepted LONG before it would have ever gotten to the receiver. I don't have a problem with the penalty - lord knows we've been on the end of them for too long. That doesn't make it a good call.
  10. Yep, it was a gift. There were well executed plays in the middle but the beginning and end were both horrible calls by the zebras, one of which took away a turnover on one of the worst decisions I've ever seen a QB make.
  11. I'm quite sure Belichick has told Brady not to do it and for good reason. New England would be extremely mediocre without him.
  12. There are people who actually watch that horrible show?
  13. We saw as much with the McDaniel thing in Denver. During the "Bill Belichik - A Football Life", they showed them talking before the game and he said something along the lines of "let's make this the post game hand shake and I'll talk to you later". Obviously he didn't want the resulting circus around the "Teacher/Pupil" facet that the media was going to beat to death.
  14. Probably pay back for the 60 minute ass kicking Vince took Sunday. Levitre and Wood beat his fat ass all day.
  15. That was Corner blasting Welker from behind. Damn, that was a horrible play.
  16. I was wondering what that was all about. Anyone have any perspective on this?
  17. Not me. I was tired of watching Handy doing his best "Sonic the Hedgehog" impression. My faith in the OLine is growing but I'm also wary because everything we're seeing is so new. The second quarter of the season will tell us a lot because teams will have much more film of our scheme and will make better adjustments. So far we've done a better job than they have.
  18. Which is as much a credit to Fitz/scheme as the guys up front. There's a synergy that's been missing because of the revolving door OC/gutless QB play we've enjoyed for so long.
  19. Rome has always been a Buffalo guy. He's also the best interviewer in the business.
  20. I could understand it because Lynch sucked. He's never going to be anything more than a short yardage guy who'll occasionally tease you. Marshawn lacks the vision and football sense required to be a good, consistent NFL running back.
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