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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. There was a dirtier component to the game back then but the size, speed, physical training and violence of today's game is light years from what was going on back then. And today's equipment makes the game more violent, not less. Guys like Kaleta would be far less likely to take half rink runs if they weren't wearing full body armor. Cloth shoulder pads, defensemen who couldn't skate, and goalies who had little athleticism. That's what I remember most. Don't get me wrong, I loved the WWF part of it - it made up for the fact that most guys weren't very good.
  2. There was a study done on a high school football players not too long ago. They wired up a special helmet and measured the impacts that they took in practice. Each had a number of collisions equivalent to 300 times the force of gravity. That's 10 times the force created in a low speed "rear ender" car accident. Collision sports are very dangerous. We're just now starting to see the long term affects.
  3. "Food Insecurity" is another example of all the good higher education has done for modern day America.
  4. Make them put the requirement in writing.
  5. Comparison still works. Guess about the only things I know about Hell is that I don't believe in it and it's probably where I'm going to end up if I'm wrong.
  6. I see them from both sides and normally don't have a problem with them not calling it because they often don't have significant effect - but in this game they opened numerous big plays (especially for the Bengals) and therefor should have been flagged. I know someone whined when Wood was called for a chop block (I think against the Raiders), saying it was a horrible call. That one was hilarious to me because Wood executed the very definition of a chop block.
  7. Purged the roster this offseason, cut the payroll down just over $40 million, still made the playoffs, and draw under 30k for each of their playoff games. That team is something to watch, making the playoffs 3 of 4 seasons playing in a division with the Yankees and RedSox. That just sucks.
  8. It's a lot easier to play defense when you're never flagged for interference, illegal contact, etc and you're doing it on virtually every passing play. It's a lot tougher to play defense when your front 7 is being tackled on virtually every play. I'm surprised Dareus isn't on the injury report with neck problems from the number of times he was horse collared and driven to the ground. I knew we were in trouble on the first big play the Bengals had. Short pass to the smurfy running back. One of the BILLS DBs was in position to make a tackle at or just behind the LoS. The OLineman just grabbed him by the back of the collar and pulled him down. Bang, gap opened, big play. Their OLine got the message that it was open season. I've seen many NFL games that had poor officiating. This game may have been the worst ever. An absolute embarrassment.
  9. I don't think it's brilliant, especially since Chavez is just as much an oil guy. If he'd said something like "Smells like Cheney's ass..."
  10. If you have Center Ice, the games are usually available on MSG or MSG alternative. Check there as well.
  11. Drew Bledsoe used to do it all the time. He was just too stupid to throw the ball first.
  12. I'd be a lot more worried about the BILLS pass rush if the Bengals weren't allowed to get away with perpetual rape.
  13. Who cares who the OP roots for? And the RedSox fans are famous for their piling on (when they're not blaming the Yankees for whatever failures they've had, that is). They started chirping about it on facebook from the second they took over first place this season. Turn about is fair play. Deal with it. My entire family cheers for the Yankees. Yankees, BILLS, and Sabres. My dad has friends who played for the team. I grew up in !@#$ing New York and we listened to every game on the radio unless it was on TV. Same with the BILLS, Sabres, Amerks, and Red Wings. When I was growing up, the Yankees sucked. Remember the '80s? How about the early '90s? Yeah, I'm a BILLS and Sabres fan who just happened to latch on to another New York team. Such a bandwaggoner. You've always been a sore loser in this debate. Get counseling or something. You'll have to excuse him, his panties always end up in a wad when the RedSox disappoint. There are probably 30 pairs stuffed up his keister at this point.
  14. You know, it's funny. For years I've been inundated with people who whine about the Yankees spending money. Now the RedSox open the purse pretty wide and haven't been able to get into the playoffs for 2 straight seasons. I guess it's a lot harder than it looks, huh Theo?
  15. Thought the Bartman one was pretty good. Loved the mob mentality and the smiling idiot who was all proud of himself for going down there with the intent of starting a fight.
  16. Let's see. In the playoffs 16 out of the last 17 years. Won the WS two years ago, finished 6 games ahead of the RedSox last year, winning 95 games. Won the division this year with only one reliable starter when the season opened and injuries up and down the lineup. This is despite playing in a division with what was supposed to be one of the best teams of all time (too bad for you Sox fans the season doesn't end in August). It's so much fun to watch you supposed RedSox fans spend more time hating the Yankees than liking your own team. Enjoy the second straight extra long offseason. Maybe you'll win that this year too.
  17. Don't worry. By midway through the third you'll be able to choose any seat you want.
  18. He may have thrown for a bunch of yards but he took a beating doing it.
  19. Only Republicans engage in crony capitalism. Sincerely, Liberals
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