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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. High speed rail isn't for "advanced" countries. It's for TINY countries. The places where it's successful are generally the size of individual U.S. states with a very dense population. Germany's land mass is about the size of Montana, with a population density that is about triple that of California. Imagine shoehorning the populations of New York state, Texas, and California into Montana. That's Germany. Yeah, it's all about "advanced". Countries like Germany have virtually no choice on things like high speed rail, because they simply can't build an automotive infrastructure that would be cost effective. They already have intricate mass transit in each major metropolitan area, which makes arterial connections between those places even more feasible.** **This means when you take a high speed train between large European cities, you still have good transportation options available. In America, you're still pretty much stuck renting a car or taking taxis. Now factor in the exorbitant cost of train travel, coupled with the hassle of TSA, and voila, you have virtually no reason to ever get on a train. It's easy to sit back and pretend that "High Speed" rail would work in America because it works other places but there are VERY limited applications in this country where it may work. It's silly to waste the time or money on it, given what Amtrak has already taught us.
  2. I don't read any right wing websites. Here's the thing: Just because people don't agree with you doesn't make them a "right winger" or a Republican. It just makes them different. Or in this case, much smarter. What the article stated was that they feel warming is real. They didn't even try to broach the subject of whether or not man is causing it. It also is a very basic summation, which is why you found it "interesting", I'll reserve judgment on the validity until I can view it in its entirety. So once again, do we start looking at sensible solutions to what we do to the environment or do we allow ridiculous things like carbon credit brokering (which makes what goes on on Wall Street look totally on the "up and up") to be the direction we go? I already know your answer, because you're a !@#$ing retard.
  3. This is just one of many "counter" arguments to "Global Warming". There is little question that mankind needs to do a much better job stewarding the environment but the focus on "Global Warming" is a hindrance to that, not a help.
  4. I have a 26" LCD in my home gym. It's as good as anything else at that price point. I can't speak to the larger ones, though.
  5. The problem isn't texting. The problem is security is generally populated by idiots with a complex. It doesn't take much to spend 5 minutes observing whether there is an actual problem before taking action. Instead, they charge in there and overreact because most of them are wannabees and this is their only chance to exert power over others.
  6. Or we could simplify the tax code so even Warren Buffet could follow it.
  7. Didn't look psychotic to me at all. Dude calculated the situation, realized he was outnumbered, grabbed a weapon to equalize, then used it. As far as taking "extra swings", he didn't do anything a cop wouldn't do if a perp didn't comply with verbal orders. I hope public outcry is on his side and he walks away scott free. I always love seeing bullies take a beating.
  8. There was an ad for one playing tonight. "Well Hungarians"
  9. So I guess even hot chics have problems. Who knew?
  10. Luckily for him Vick waited too long to throw that pass because Jackson was wide open. Good recovery but Tom Brady completes that pass EVERY time.
  11. All of them, which is why George Wilson spent so much of the first half playing that role. The question is more whether he was supposed to be that deep or if the defensive line was supposed to execute better gap control - they absolutely abandoned lane discipline, which is really what led to Sheppard looking like a Clydesdale chasing a greyhound. It was a little unnerving that they changed from what was working, though it's not like I have coach's tape or overheads to look at. Yes.
  12. Another sad week for the zebras. The quality of NFL officiating is perilously low. Though the NFL doesn't seem to be very concerned. Cha-Ching!
  13. There have been multiple instances where the television cameras have caught Mason not running routes - either because he doesn't know the offense or because he doesn't care. That's not the recipe for winning and Ryan (and any other coach worth a crap) isn't going to put up with that kind of garbage, no matter who the veteran is.
  14. The issue is more "why in the hell would the BILLS have Shep playing Spy when he's obviously overmatched for the job"? Bad scheme, bad result.
  15. Because Martin is a very good special teamer.
  16. Everyone looks like a mauler when they play the Bears. That might be the worst OLine in the history of professional football. And they cut their Pro Bowl Center?
  17. Kelsay is fine when he's running down hill. That basically means when he puts his hand on the ground, he's productive. He still can't cover air.
  18. Banner raised. Game lost. Welcome back misery, it's like you never left.
  19. When did people care about it the first time?
  20. That's what you're going with? Seriously? You know this is a hypothetical because Han Solo isn't real, right?
  21. Han Solo. Guy was a rock star - if you were his wingman, the leftovers you'd get would be hotter than Hope Solo.
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