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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Bash self rightious racists on the internet.
  2. And many of them are asking for the government to completely forgive their student loans, which is so very different than corporations asking for things that give them a leg up, right? I love when uber-liberals give examples like you have in this thread. The government that you worship is the biggest corporation in the world and causes more strife on a daily basis than all the other corporations in the world combined. They're guilty of virtually everything you accuse faceless bureaucracies of by at least 10 fold AND they have the ability to manipulate the global economy with an ease that corporations can only sit back and envy. You're a whiny hypocrite.
  3. Just when we think we've seen the absolute limit of your stupidity, you chip away another layer. Good for you!
  4. You mean because you know so much about me? You're a wicked smart business guy who can't figure out how to forward an email address or filter spam so he doesn't have to read about Michelle Obama? I wonder how many of your customers would like to know the "Dave in Elma" we get to see?
  5. Your business email is @Yahoo.com? You must be wildly successful.
  6. Congratulations on being the trained monkey that you are and picking out the one tidbit I knew your tiny brain would focus on. What propaganda do I read, Dave? Be specific, you doddering hypocrite.
  7. Who forces you to read Yahoo? Or click on the links? I'd ask if you understand that the First Lady of the United States of America is one of the most famous people on the planet and that news entities make money reporting on such people, but you're probably too busy warming your own flesh on the end of wire hanger with a Bic to understand something so obvious. Almost every day you make some reference that makes you look like a stone !@#$ing racist. You should work on that instead of getting all "panty wadded" about the media covering famous people.
  8. And yet you're somehow inundated with Michelle Obama references? Really? I wonder how I manage to avoid that, since it's obviously so pervasive. I find it more than a little ironic that you think the coverage of Michelle Obama is annoying but your act here is somehow fresh and intelligent.
  9. Turn off the television and computer, then go outside you !@#$ing retard.
  10. Guess your real education didn't come with a fancy diploma...
  11. All hail the politician's wife who campaigns.
  12. My Chevy pickup is 12 years with zero problems other than scheduled maintenance. I've never had a serious problem with any American vehicle I've owned. Jeep, Saturn, or GM.
  13. And? That doesn't translate to the United States.
  14. The "we are broke" argument is always in play when you're talking about things that have significant costs with minimal benefit. If California wanted to build High Speed Rail, then they should have at it. If they want Federal dollars for it, then no way. The United States isn't France or Germany. High Speed Rail isn't going to make a large positive difference in our infrastructure, made somewhat clearer by the fact that taxpayers subsidize 40% of every ticket on Amtrak and virtually no mass transit system in the country is self sufficient - the DC metro is about three quarters of a billion dollars underwater ANNUALLY. That money is better spent elsewhere.
  15. Let's try to stay on point. I used 4 tracks as a measure because the math works and because France is planning on expansion in 2030. If a system was actually going to be built in California or NE/DC, it would take 5-7 years from this point to even break ground. Construction, if we're lucky, would take about 10 years to complete. What year is that? 2026 at the earliest. It only makes sense to learn the lessons of those who came before and are already having to expand. The protesters aren't really the issue, just another serious time (and therefore cost) hindrance. What is the issue is funding. California and the U.S. are both completely broke. We don't really have an issue moving people between Boston and DC or stops in between, nor do we have an issue moving people between SD and SF. "High Speed Rail" for the United States is just another "Look at Me" endeavor. The cost is prohibitive and the benefit is small. There are far bigger issues for us to spend billions of dollars on, including the decaying road system that we've ignored for decades because politicians are too busy ignoring Constitutional responsibilities in favor of giveaways to keep themselves in office.
  16. Welcome to virtually every thread on virtually every message board on the internet. Out of necessity. About the only one of those that has an even tiny chance of being built is NE. There's no way California would ever be able to get all the permitting required to even start. To say nothing of finding the funding/beating back all the protesters who'll get in the way. Investments make money. People movers in America lose tons of money. Americans aren't like Europeans and they "if you build it, they will come" mentality hasn't proven fruitful in this arena. Virtually every mass transit system in this country is a huge money pit. That's why most of them are dirty and very old. You can do stuff like this in Europe because the entire continent is so compressed. What's France's entire "high speed" system? Like 1200 miles? Or about enough to handle California if 4 tracks were built?
  17. Really? You think Fitzpatrick signed his contract believing he never had a shot of seeing the field in Buffalo? Somehow I doubt it. Manning doesn't miss SNAPS, much less games. Hasn't for a couple of hundred games. Not too many competitive people are going to sign a contract to get 10% of the practice reps with zero chance of ever setting foot on the field. Fitz had to know that at some point Trentative was going to get smoked and he'd get his chance. It didn't take long... The Colts have had a run that few teams in the modern era can match. Their problems have a lot more to do with hitting big on a large number of draft picks, then paying them to stick around. Add to that having to draft at the back end of every round for over a decade, while losing arguably the best and more important player of his generation, and you have a recipe for disaster.
  18. It's almost 2800 miles. That would be a nightmare and if it only stopped a few places, you're still looking at an entire day traveling for a significantly higher cost than air travel.
  19. And how many people need to do that every day/multiple times a day? Because that's the only way things like that are economically feasible. Trains are VERY expensive.
  20. Cripple FIGHT! I don't know if the helmet would change hands but the PPV numbers would be legendary.
  21. So your solution to the government spending money on stupid things is to have them spend money on things that are, at best, only slightly less stupid? Brilliant.
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