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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. I like Aaron Maybin a lot better now that he changed his name to Arthur Moats.
  2. Congrats on catching my grammar mistakes. I hate when I do that. That's why I love this board. I've been accused by the lefty idiots of being a Nazi. Now some racist conservative says I sound Marxist based on a pair of words. I can play this game too. You'll do whatever it takes to grow your business. You're a whore.
  3. Your inability to read is impressive. Though it pails in comparison to your ability to process the small amount of information given and somehow end up with a march toward Marxism.
  4. Probably the worst decision he made. There's no way I would've used that guy in Game 6 instead of starting him in Game 7.
  5. Molina has 55 home runs in 8 seasons. He's an inside out contact hitter who generally hits 7th or 8th. You can't use regular season OPS when Freese is having the post season he is. I'm guessing the bases would have looked like a carousel. With the way that guy is hitting the ball in clutch situations, I think he'd have hit one out. I have nothing at all to base that on. While true, there's no way you can pitch to the hottest hitter in the post season there either. Putting Freese on put the force at any base, which is another bailout for Texas' shaky defense. All they needed was for Feldman to pitch to contact, which he didn't do. He needed to make Molina beat him, but instead tried to be sneaky and the ump didn't bail him out. I think the bigger question marks for Washington had to do with his selection of pitchers for situations in both games 6 and 7. Leaving the struggling Feldman out there for Molina was clearly a mistake, as was having only Young up throwing. How many times has Young come into the game from the bullpen with the bases loaded? NONE. Probably not the best time to see how that's going to work out. The Rangers lost the series because they made more mental mistakes. Managerial, base running, and fielding. They constantly gave the Cardinals extra outs and it finally got them.
  6. Love the mentality. "Other places totally suck, but we suck less." Therefore, we rule. Now try looking at the real issues and trying to solve them, instead of trying to suck slightly less. The liberal slogan should be "Commitment to mediocrity".
  7. Freese was the MVP of both the NLCS and World Series. His OPS was 1.2, set the postseason record with 21 RBIs and has big power. Molina's OPS was .7 and he doesn't have real home run power, not to mention the fact that he's probably the slowest player in MLB. That means if he hits the ball to any infielder, he probably can't leg out a hit. The last 3 times Freese was at the dish with a chance to make a difference, he hit a double, a triple, and a home run with 5 RBIs, 2 game tying RBIs, and a game winning RBI. You'd pitch to that guy with first base open? Washington made the right call, his pitcher let him down.
  8. That was my experience, too. The SLs rocked.
  9. I was waiting for someone to go there, though it took much longer than I expected.
  10. "Internet grudge"? I'm not emotionally invested in this at any level. This, along with your "I probably paid more in taxes than you made last year", makes you an idiot. If you paid more in taxes than I made last year, you are either very, very successful, or need to hire someone to take advantage of the tax laws because you're not doing a very good job. I doubt it's the former. I'm successful enough that I can pick and choose who I work with. There are good business reasons for being selective as both a provider and a customer. That's pretty much Business 101.
  11. If I was actually going to offer them to you, you would. But I wouldn't, so it doesn't really matter. A new revenue stream? Interesting. You're right, though. I am expensive.
  12. I already did. Which are totally deserved, unless you own Yahoo. com. Which you don't. I don't need to give my credentials to you. You aren't cutting me a check. You want my services? $130 an hour to start, 30 hour minimum. Why? Because I need YOUR approval or care about your opinion?
  13. Fox is asking them for a 40% price increase. That's pretty much ridiculous.
  14. What has 2 thumbs and is going to game 7? This guy.
  15. I don't support it because from what I've seen, it isn't honest.
  16. Perry's plan is a disaster. The thought is correct but the way he's proposing to execute is ludicrous.
  17. And the way it gets fixed ISN'T continuing to commit the very same sins. I truly appreciate you trying to summarize things I've been saying on this board for as long as it's been in existence.
  18. Implying that I somehow care what YOU think?
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