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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Duh. The Riddler rolls on! Is "Naplolean" the little fella who sits with you and gives you the words you type? If so, you might want to get him some medical help because it looks like he's dyslexic with a side of Tourette's. Use your words, Eric. Read the things you type back to yourself, so you don't sound so blindingly ignorant. You'd have been better off typing "I know you are but what am I." There's nothing more awesome than watching you trying to insult someone. It's like watching a helpless kitten attack the mirror.
  2. Actually, the correct question is "May I?" Welcome to PPP. We're mean to people who can't hold their own. If you stick around long enough, you'll either get better or get digested. Darwinism... Clever enough. First, I didn't threaten anyone. Second, I don't disagree that the title is meaningless. That's why I don't take it seriously and this board is pretty much a "free for all". It essentially polices itself, though on rare occasion someone will go too far and get a nice vacation. If you've got thin skin or can't handle the mud, this isn't the place for you. Later. It wasn't too long ago that Crayonz had you all flustered. You know who that happens to? FNGs. Joining the club isn't the same thing as being in the club. That's pretty much how it works.
  3. Oh look, another FNG who's a pecker checker. Congrats on being able to read a number. Once again, your deduction is ridiculous based on the facts involved. Quit being defensive, little fella. If you had something to worry about, you'd already be gone.
  4. If you're referring to me, you couldn't be more wrong. Deducing that because I live in Alaska, I must have voted for Sarah Palin? Try again, FNG. Your conclusions on that subject are as pedestrian as your posts throughout this thread.
  5. "You people?" Sorry, you're not looping me in with the likes of you. Nice response, drone.
  6. Declaring yourself the winner on the internet makes you a loser. How very spiritual of you. Whatever deity you worship must be extraordinary proud. Don't really care. I think all of you zealots are enormous hypocrites who're bathing in centuries of poop and pretending you smell like roses. It's always the other guy's misunderstanding that causes the conflict. Except it virtually never is.
  7. Is this an example of you "destroying" someone? Get after that infidel, ya peaceful dude.
  8. Which makes sense to you, because you're the Riddler. It is ill advised because it is a guaranteed money loser. The current political and economic status have nothing to do with this. They could have started "High Speed Rail" during the Clinton "Bust Out" and it would still be a ridiculous idea, only it would be losing even more money we don't have RIGHT NOW. Your delusions have never been more off target. It's actually fascinating to watch you play in your own excrement in public.
  9. Congratulations on being right for once. Nice to be leading the world in that. Maybe President Obama will reign in those evil drug companies. Oh wait...they were the first ones he bowed to to get that abortion he calls a "health care" bill through. More of the same, despite how much you partisans desperately want to pretend your party is different. More public education equals more drones. There are very real consequences to very liberal or very conservative politics. The differences between the two political parties in this country is nothing more than the caliber of lemmings that follow along so blindly. The responses on this board are earned. Don't like it? Pick up your game and stop following your party's line.
  10. Your blissful ignorance is always so refreshing. Two posts above yours is a link to California's attempt. Already 300% over cost and woefully behind schedule. Read the article. Pay close attention to the politician's comments.
  11. Remember when the rules were changed to outlaw cigarette advertising? You know, for the public good? I wonder why the same isn't done for prescription drugs? Wait, no I don't. I'm sure you did, you !@#$ing drone.
  12. So getting pissed about guys playing grab ass when the team sucks is lack of character? And Posluzny couldn't carry Schobel's !@#$ing jock, so that point is ridiculous.
  13. The irony of this argument isn't lost on anyone with a clue.
  14. That might be true if I was "anti-government". There's a difference between being "Anti-Stupid" and "Anti-Government". I'd tell you to figure it out, but you're too !@#$ing stupid to process even the most simple concepts.
  15. Which of the two has murdered MILLIONS of their own citizens in the last 100 years?
  16. They could just make your posts mandatory reading. Problem solved.
  17. Using absolutes makes you look like a total moron. At least you're consistent.
  18. What? No mention of his political party?
  19. Statler and Waldorf - and it's not even close.
  20. Pine Barrens. Watched it last Friday morning.
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