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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Wrong, dumb ass. Try again. Anyone who isn't a Democrat or Republican would be a terrific place to start. The 2 party system is irrevocably broken, not that you're smart or lucid enough to understand something even that simple. Step 1: Admit your problem. You're on your way! Gingrich is about as conservative as Tard in Norfolk. More of the one party system. It is entertaining to watch you chimps pick up **** from the same pile and heave it at one another. Even better is when one of the chimps on your own team hits you with a head shot, you lick your own face clean and pretend it tastes like sweet Belgian chocolate, but the same **** heaved by a chimp on the other team... The Republitard party slogan ought to be: "Bring out your dead!"
  2. Move Wall Street to Dearborn and then check out WNY in about a decade.
  3. Thanks for proving my point. You're still a friggin' dolt. Congrats on being correct for a change...
  4. So you're saying he doesn't suck? Why, because he has an ® next to his name? Gingrich is the absolute poster child for what's wrong with Washington. The fact that he hasn't dropped out of this race already and is instead surging says that the Republican Party and the idiots who blindly support it have learned NOTHING from their immediate past. The Obama "Machine"?
  5. My father smoked for over 4 decades. Multiple packs (usually 3+) of Reds every day. Had a couple of minor heart attacks and quit cold turkey. I don't remember a single moment I spent with him growing up when there wasn't a cigarette burning. If that man could walk away from them cold turkey, any one can. I quit cold turkey, too. The biggest thing was changing the lifestyle. Stay out of bars for awhile. When you get out of bed, go for a walk, do some push ups, or some other kind of physical activity. Just don't do the things that you associate (mentally or physically) with smoking. It's really not as hard as you think. Getting through the first few days, while the physical part is kicking you so regularly, is the toughest part.
  6. "Caddyshack" is a great movie but golf is about as much a sport as Monopoly.
  7. Cows that don't moo probably wouldn't taste any different...
  8. "Gazongas!" "I think he's saying he likes your cones."
  9. Which means he got the gun ruling right and this one wrong. Getting the gun ruling correct doesn't make him an "across the board" infallible decision maker.
  10. Amen. Obamacare didn't even attempt to address the things that make health care expensive. I love the fact that liberals chirp about how health care in America is failing because it's "capitalist", when it's nothing of the sort.
  11. I don't think giving idiots more access to voting is a good idea. Voting should be more difficult, if anything.
  12. If you're serious, you need professional help. If you're just a troll, then Bravo.
  13. I don't think it's an issue that "doesn't matter" but it gets pushed to the front far too easily (much like "abortion") and that causes far too many to simply dismiss what is most likely the closest ideology to their actual core beliefs. Because most people are blindingly stupid.
  14. I wouldn't have a problem with Unions, especially for teachers, cops, and fire - if they could exist in reality. But they honestly think it's OK to negotiate things like "High 3" and all the little quirks they get in exchange for guaranteed vote percentages. It's the most absolute form of corruption in the democratic system. There are no protections for the taxpayers whatsoever and the bill is finally coming due. Ohio is going to !@#$ itself royally if they give in to this graft and they'll have their public school "educations" to blame. Soldier on, drones.
  15. If you're keeping score at home, that's: FNGs: 3 Regurgitating Liberal Mouth Breather: 0
  16. I remember when the Giants got lit up by the Redskins. I doubt anyone wanted Fewell then...
  17. What site? The one that doesn't exist anymore? Yeah, that site is way awesome.
  18. No it doesn't - but they don't stay as long.
  19. We're getting there. I doubt anyone from 100 years ago could have envisioned where we are today given what they were dealing with.
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