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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Holy oversimplification. Try moving the world's financial district to another city and see just how long NYC stays relevant. There are MANY symptoms of the downfall of Detroit. Liberal policies are certainly one of them. Dismissing them because they are part of your political belief system is as dishonest as the "conservatives" who pretend they don't have a dog in the fight.
  2. Bi-partisan agreements require "give and take" - but that takes leadership. Something the politicians are woefully lacking.
  3. It's not as simple as that. I think the biggest problem is the "hard landings" of transitioning economies. The "Education" system is so broken that it can't adapt as necessary so we end up where we are. There's no way an unskilled person who sits in a booth all day taking money should make much above minimum wage, much less enjoy a paycheck double that of a "professional" occupation like a nurse or teacher. That's absolutely ridiculous.
  4. The real absurdity is how much higher the rate of incarceration is on the civilian side.
  5. Their "desire" is more likely to avoid the inevitable lawsuits and keep the cash flowing as long as possible.
  6. The NHL. is not convinced that there is a link between hockey and C.T.E.
  7. I've been wondering how long this was going to take. Black Friday may be the very low point of capitalism.
  8. Not like you need more company, right? At least you don't curse when you name call, cheerful guy.
  9. I'm not sure what you're asking me. Do you take money from unions to spew the ridiculous rhetoric that politicians have been using to bankrupt the middle class taxpayer?
  10. You mean because the world should remain static and nothing should ever improve? It's more ridiculous that people can't comprehend change and that every situation isn't exactly the same.
  11. It doesn't matter what the other names are. You're conditioned to behave a certain way, with built in excuses.
  12. It's too bad the old board isn't around anymore. I'd love to see the old threads on what a bad idea a common currency was going to be for Europe. Just to read Olivier's responses to the contrary...
  13. You probably can't. The bank could probably sell your house. That's the interesting part about these situations. Banks understand that it's better to allow people to stay in big dollar places and keep them up, so when the market comes back they can get close to the value.
  14. Translation: Dave can't back away from anything and analyze it. Because it's really hard. How and why? What's the national debt, Dave? It just went over $15,000,000,000,000.00, which is nearly $50k per citizen and $135k per taxpayer. You have the audacity to call someone else a moron? George Washington talked about the dangers of the two party system in his final speech as President. "It serves to distract the Public Councils, and enfeeble the Public Administration....agitates the Community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms; kindles the animosity of one....against another....it opens the door to foreign influence and corruption...thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another." Virtually every concern he had has come to absolute fruition. First, someone who is elected to office can't be a "non-politician". Second, there are plenty of people in this country who are not Democrats or Republicans and they actually hold office. Some of them are running for President. The reason YOU don't know that is because YOU're part of the problem. Head to the polls and pull the lever for whatever "D" is running in whatever race. Because you're a !@#$ing chimp and that's what your masters have trained you to do. Enjoy your banana. You mean because I'm concerned about your opinion about anything?
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