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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Horseshit. Really? Over 20 percent of all Americans depend COMPLETELY on social assistance for their "living". That number is on the upswing and is poised to explode when the baby boomers start "retiring" over the next few years. Only an idiot would try to pass that off as a positive. There hasn't been a less qualified person to represent a party for the office, much less actually "win" the seat. Which should be expected given the teeny differences between the retards in the Democratic party and the retards in the Republican party. The more the government has gotten "involved" in trying to maintain "balance", the more out of balance everything has become.
  2. On one of the least talented, most poorly coached defenses ever to set foot on an NFL field. Whitner was the least of the BILLS' problems on defense. The fact that people are STILL piling on a guy who has had a pretty good year on a VERY good defense is really sad. Especially after watching our defense fall apart week after week.
  3. You mean the one where Tebow didn't look him off and telegraphed a throw to a guy that should have been wide open for a TD because the secondary was in totally the wrong coverage for the play that was being run? If that was any of 20 other QBs in the NFL and probably another 20 in college, that play is a TD. Tebow never looked at the TE, who was running a crossing route completely uncovered about 12 yards underneath. If he had and gotten Byrd to hesitate even a step, that play is a TD. Byrd was the luckiest guy on the field that play. Horribly defended play - one of the worst I've ever seen. Are you !@#$ing kidding me?
  4. Maybe if kids were taught that education and hard work are more important than possessions and getting rich quick...
  5. How much manpower should the government use to "prove what's going on" instead of passing a common sense law that ensures equal protection for every voter? Liberals love to pass laws based on "what may happen in the most remote of circumstances" but when something like possible voter fraud is charged and the fix is something as simple as having people prove they are you they say, they go full hypocrite. And picture IDs are just so hard to come by.
  6. They used to do that in Anchorage. They'd give them one way plane tickets to Lower 48 destinations. That explains all the hippies in Seattle, right?
  7. Now try answering how that's "demand" side. Be specific. And for extra credit, try figuring out how much sooner Social Security is going to be bankrupted for short term political gain.
  8. Feel free to expound on how this tax cut "operates on the demand side". This should be breathtaking.
  9. Wait, so the gigantic government all of you liberals seem to so desperately want is uncontrollable and doesn't serve the interest of the people at large? Wow, who'd have seen that coming? Anyone who's ever opened a history book. That's who.
  10. There's literally no floor for your idiocy. Way to prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you don't understand what you read. The very heart of "Supply Side Economics" is the lowering of tax rates to increase economic growth, you incorrigible dufus.
  11. What welfare "stat"? Surely you can back this up with numerous studies. You know, because I'm so ignorant I require proof to back up such "bold" statements.
  12. Iraq War = Big waste of taxpayer money Payroll tax cut = Good decision despite the unbelievable deficit and Social Security/MediCARE/cAID systems being on the brink of bankruptcy. I don't think there's anything better than watching Harry Reid and all his lemmings scream FOR supply side economics.
  13. All of the "other people's money" that you idiots are passing out hasn't changed much of anything. Virtually the same percentage of people are uneducated, hungry, homeless, and jobless as there were before this gigantic unconstitutional bureaucratic apparatus was in place, but at least the public employee unions are able to kill the middle class tax payer with their out of control pension benefits at virtually every level of government. Bravo!
  14. I'm sure the answer is MORE government, right liberal lemming?
  15. I'm not sure what's more sad, the fact that you think that's true or that you're dumb enough to actually post it.
  16. "If" we pulled out of Europe? Troop "strength" in EUCOM is about one-sixth what it was in the 1980s.
  17. Is this an example of your "heightened" brand of wisdom?
  18. Like you'd be able to tell if someone was making a serious point. It is rather humorous watching you parrot the insults others have thrown at you. Took you long enough. I guess your minimal cranial capacity can only have so many "catch phrases" banging into each other at any given time.
  19. Yep, Newt really knows how to play the political game. Right, RKFast?
  20. You really do have your very own special brand of stupid. You should find someone to help you fill out the patent forms.
  21. An American getting a !@#$ing hangnail in that !@#$ing **** hole is too big a price to pay, to say nothing of the raping the American taxpayer took. If it was "New Texas", I maybe could be swayed that this war was ever a good idea. Since that didn't happen...
  22. 1000% cost over run? I wonder what the re-election rate is in that area.
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