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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. How many GG's was he going to win in the same league with Ozzie Smith? Larkin was the best all-around SS in the National League for over a decade. He put up GREAT offensive numbers for his position when compared to those who came before him. People are very jaded now because guys like A-Roid and Ripken took the offensive side to such lofty heights but Larkin compares very favorably to everyone else who's already enshrined. There's only ONE infielder who has ever won more Silver Sluggers (Piazza). He's 4th all time for his position in WAR (Ripken/Jeter/A-Roid). The only real knock against Larkin is durability.
  2. Is there a point there or are you implying that I give a crap about either of them?
  3. It probably has a lot more to do with the fact that she's at least 100% overweight. I'm sure the liberals will be able to solve that little problem with the magic wand of legislation and just a little more tax payer money. Extremely obese people have significantly more heart attacks. She was obviously so concerned about her health after the heart attack that she started taking far better care of herself.
  4. "I don't think a giant corporation should write those things on a receipt," Cho told The Post last night. "That's poor management. It was surprising to see that on paper; if they had said it in person, it would have been worse." Yeah, because the Papa John's "corporation" wrote it, not some idiot who had very likely been briefed ad nauseum about this crap.
  5. Only you would come to that conclusion. My point is actually toward typical government incompetence. Simplify the tax code, simplify enforcement. Politicians won't do that, because it takes away their power and ability to curry influence. People like you are too stupid to force them to do it because you consistently believe the lies and blindly follow like the lemming you are. I actually got the story from a subscription service, searched Google, and found a link the rest of you tools can actually get to. So I guess that means we can simplify the tax code and significantly reduce the size of government, right liberal retard? Trying making a germane point, you nefarious twit.
  6. It's tough to read those two sentences and conclude that I'm the one on the soap box.
  7. You're right, you didn't do that. Instead, you made a snap judgement that she's bad with money because she's spending some of it. You have no idea what other income streams she has or anything else, only that she's just "plowing through" her money. I don't care about any of that, other than pointing out that there's very likely much more to the story. That's almost always the case because your media would rather throw up a headline to elicit the exact reaction you (and others) gave. Somehow I doubt a supermodel, who gave birth to the richest golfer in history's children and who is currently dating a multi-millionaire, is going to have money problems like us normal schmoes. You know what disgusted me this morning? An article I read about some teenagers putting a fire cracker in a German Shepard's mouth and blowing half of the dog's face off. I could care less about a rich person buying a piece of property and doing whatever they want to with it. That's what liberty is all about.
  8. I'll let you know when I give a flying crap about your opinion on anything. Hold your breath.
  9. If you think there are only "one or two" experts in America who are fluent in Farsi, it isn't someone else who's myopic.
  10. See, that's where you're wrong. They likely "settled" for $100 million to get the publicity out of the way, make the deal look better for him than it is, and give her a significant income stream in the future that wasn't disclosed. An "everybody wins" scenario, but in reality Elin won big.
  11. The ghost of Jimmy Carter's re-election campaign called. Didn't say anything, just laughed.
  12. Doubtful, given the circumstances the divorce was granted under. Why? Because you can't afford to do it? It happens all the time. People buy houses they don't like because they sit on a nice piece of property. It's generally cheaper to start from scratch than to remodel, so they knock 'em down and start over. That's so far down the list of "disgusting", it barely deserves a mention.
  13. Uber successful people are usually abrasive and have low tolerance for failure. Jim Irsay is probably going to regret this decision far more than the Polians will.
  14. Sincerely, Liberal Lemmings everywhere
  15. Somehow I doubt the cash cow died with the first part of that settlement. She still has custody of his kids. I'll bet he pays her millions annually for the next 15+ years.
  16. If I had $100,000,000.00, the last place on earth I'd be living is Swaziland.
  17. That wasn't pointed directly at you. Those people know who they are.
  18. So this is an example of your ability to deduce a conclusion? No fear mongering or paranoia there. Really? Name another Democrat or Republican "finalist" who had less on their resume. This should be fun. Yeah, this is only 30 years in the making. DING! Your hotpockets are done.
  19. I'm not sure anyone has ever said that. Of course, you liberals like to put every ounce of your faith and energy into the largest corporation in the history of the world - so you're a bunch of hypocrites. At least Monsanto is basically politically neutral. 52% contributed to Republicans, 48% to Democrats. Just another example of how the 2 party system really works. Keep voting the way you vote, eventually it'll work out. Right?
  20. Yeah, just as impartial as Matthews, Olberman, Maddow, etc. Anyone who watches any of the major "for profit" networks and believes any of the **** being shoveled at them is nothing more than a lemming.
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