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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. The choice of where I live has little to do with anything you clowns are whining about. Actually, I have huge problems with both the amount of money that Alaska gets and how it's spent. Go ahead and give me some examples of things I've said to the contrary. You know, since it "Seems like I don't have a problem". What tax? Alaska would still be ridiculously wealthy without federal largess. The indigenous population would suffer greatly.
  2. Yeah, because I live in a wealthy state that makes out like a bandit, I somehow deserve blame for a federal apparatus that you idiots created and continue to feed. Typical lack of intelligence. It's incredibly amusing to watch you liberals whine about the system you're so beholden to.
  3. Yeah, that post was so unbelievably intellectual. I know you liberals have a desperate need for validation of your incredibly dated ideology but take your jerk off session elsewhere. When did Bill Clinton become a Republican? Your understanding of history and, well, virtually everything else you open your blowhole about is so pedestrian that it borders on childish. Fat and stupid is no way to go through life. RMPL. I don't know? Is the $.20 of every dollar produced in this country that the Federal Government touches enough? Apparently not for you liberals. You're so beholden to your broken ideology that you can't see your own overwhelming hypocrisy.
  4. Dave, Dave, Dave. No one here cares about what's "cool with you". In fact, there isn't a single person on this board that doesn't realize you're a complete dolt. This thread is yet another example of it. Let's recap: 1. I stated that without the world's financial sector, NYC would quickly decline into a Detroit-like cesspool. 2. You said that's unprovable. 3. I posted a NYS DoL study that says the recent economic decline has had DEVASTATING effects on NYC's economy. That's simply a DOWNTURN, not the complete removal of about 33% of the city's current revenue. Have any idea what that would lead to? In Detroit, it led to massive urban flight, further industry loss, and the continued downward spiral that we see today. It's an expected butterfly effect when something that's so "taken for granted" is quickly removed. Politicians redistribute money based on projections. The slightest change in the matrix has them scrambling like you when your mommy tells you to put away your blocks. Is it really your contention that NYC, with it's firmly entrenched unions and massive liberal support system, would be able to quickly adapt to such an event? They're still digging out from 9/11, which is a blip in the radar compared to what Wall Street brings in on an annual basis. NYC's true saving grace is getting massive chunks of money from Wall Street. Otherwise it would be JUST LIKE DETROIT. You're not.
  5. Yeah, because rich people don't enjoy working or being able to spend their money as they see fit. That's only a benefit of being blue collar. You liberals are such !@#$ing hypocritical douche bags.
  6. Put the shovel down, retard. You've been completely pwned, as usual.
  7. It's actually: "Chef's Special Blend". For what? If being a complete asshat in a thread is reason for a warning, I wouldn't have time to call people idiots.
  8. The tax laws are screwed as heck but the capital gains laws are probably the most fair of those that are on the books. They benefit both the people and the economy, while giving the government what amounts to pretty much free money.
  9. It's far more "American" to take money that has already been taxed (and probably multiple times), invested into job creation and economic development, and tax the !@#$ing **** out of it at some unreasonable rate. Because there can't be any downside to that stupidity, right?
  10. Unprovable? NY State Department of Labor Study A couple of highlights: "The fallout from this meltdown has been most keenly felt in the greater New York City metropolitan area" "The REMI model forecasts that between 2007 and 2012, GRP (expressed in fixed 2000 dollars) will drop by $58.4 billion -- equivalent to the combined economies of the Rochester, Utica-Rome, and Binghamton metropolitan areas." ** **This is just because of the economic downturn. Not Wall Street relocating and taking all their high paying and tax positive non-government jobs with them. In summary: NYC depends on Wall Street for somewhere around ONE THIRD of it's revenue. If Wall Street packed up and moved somewhere else, NYC becomes just another liberal cesspool - JUST LIKE DETROIT. There's literally no floor to your idiocy.
  11. To say nothing of the windfall they enjoy from having the world's financial center in their yard. Everyone loves to hate on Wall Street but without it, NYC would make Detroit look like a boomtown.
  12. And the reason all of this corruption exists? The inability of the intellectual liberals to admit that they cannot control the beast they continue to feed.
  13. I'm pretty sure the two first rounders the Raiders offered up had more to do with the trade than Andy Dalton.
  14. Bengals points for: 344 BILLS points for: 372 Bengals points allowed : 323 BILLS points allowed: 434 Quarterback isn't our problem.
  15. Aren't all the people he pardoned white?
  16. Him admitting he slid head first to keep from breaking his coke vials are what's keeping him out. Compare him to Lou Brock and tell me how Brock's in but Rock isn't. Ridiculous.
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