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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. I know it's $50k THIS year but I doubt he's made his full contribution. I was basically going off last year because it's likely the last time he contributed.
  2. First, $5k is the limit for certain kinds of IRAs. It's not the limit for SEP-IRAs, for example. That limit is $49k annually. Second, there are various types of accounts that could be rolled into an IRA. The contribution and matching limits on those accounts are SIGNIFICANTLY higher than $5k annually. Third, it's quite likely that someone with his money has access to slightly better than average investment advice at the top firms in the world. You probably don't. Fourth, his best investment earning years were during the top days of Wall Street. He very likely began cycling back his risk during the late 90s because he was getting closer to retirement age - he was born in 1947. That means the significant downturn in the market likely didn't affect his principle. Fifth, you're an idiot.
  3. Just In Case You Were Wondering How the Liberal Utopia of Illinois is Doing Fiscally... According to the article "one labor leader stands to reap more than $400,000 a year from three pensions — the city laborers fund, a union district council fund and a national union fund — all covering the same time period. During his expected lifetime, he stands to receive approximately $9 million, according to an analysis based on the funds' actuarial assumptions." [53] Union officials are accumulating these benefits even though the state pension code includes language aimed at preventing double dipping.
  4. There's little no liberal man chowder you're not willing to swallow. Get a towel and wipe your chin. At what point does it become his? 2016?
  5. You're like "The Who" later in their career when they were basically a parody of themselves. I love the attempt at condescension.
  6. Never forget: The government needs more money, the economy needs less.
  7. Does Romney have any ties to Jeremiah Wright? Next dumb subject.
  8. It's fun to watch you try to be smart. Like playing with lab mice.
  9. Don't go confusing ol' Joe with anything factual. MSNBC told him to be outraged, so he is. Timmy Thomas is a coward and Joe is a hero of the Republic.
  10. What they claim and what they give are not necessarily the same thing.
  11. I'm not a Republican. To me, there is virtually no difference between Democrats and Republicans. Nice try.
  12. The one where you live in America but go to Canada for medical care?
  13. Here's a newsflash: History didn't start yesterday. The Federal Government you're so beholden to has set up a house of cards that is easily toppled by just about any malady that comes along. That's what happens when you ignore basic economics and have to borrow money to meet simple obligations, much less the onerous panaceas that are passed to make idiots feel better about themselves because they don't understand consequences. Uh, I pay !@#$ing taxes too. Same laws apply to me that apply to you. I'm not sure how those two things are related. I "have the audacity" to complain because things are really !@#$ed up and idiots like you want to continue to do the same things, only you actually expect different results. Where I choose to live has absolutely nothing to do with it and the fact that you retards pretend that I'm some kind of supreme ultimate ruler who has the ability to get Alaska a ton of money over what they send to Washington is positively ludicrous. Sell stupid somewhere else. We're all filled up here. Hi, my name is Bob. I know nothing about rules or history. Especially when it comes to how Alaska got its statehood. No argument there. Actually, I did complain when Palin raised the royalty rate because it stifled development and cost Alaska jobs. The state government here doesn't act any different than the Federal government. They waste tons of money. One party rule all but assures that's going to continue. You're such a chimp. So America isn't already "decent"? The "weakest" don't have billions thrown in their direction? We aren't passing down the ability to live off the government tit from generation to generation? The only way you're going to get your dream is to shrink government, not to grow it. You've already lost the battle and you're apparently too !@#$ing stupid to realize it, much like you're too stupid to figure out how to multi-quote.
  14. What a surprise, another stupid strawman. The liberal system is !@#$ing broken, retard. It's an outrage either way. You don't get to complain about it because you're the reason it !@#$ing exists. That's why YOU are a hypocrite. The sad part of the equation is you're either too stupid or too morally bankrupt to point that wagging finger at the source of the problem, which is right between your ample man boobs. The difference is who owns the asset. The people of Alaska OWN their resource rights. The people of Seattle/Washington State don't own ANY part of Microsoft. I know it's a tough concept for you liberals but try to keep up. While you're whining about the government needing even more money, try to understand that for every additional dollar of "profit" they're trying to get their greedy paws on, there's another job heading for a third word country. That's called consequences. We've already hemorrhaged MILLIONS of jobs trying to create the liberal Utopia, how about we try something different? The people of America are taxed MORE than enough. Until EVERY level of government proves it's willing to live within its means, it's an outrage to even suggest giving them access to a single additional dollar.
  15. Another example of that intellectual liberal tolerance for all to see. There isn't any great scam here, other than smarter people taking advantage of the liberal system. Welcome to history, because it's happened every single time you idiots allow government to expand.
  16. Never underestimate the stupidity of the American Electorate or hard core partisan supporters. Too much historical data as proof.
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