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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Another case of "because she's not hot, someone else in the world needs to suffer." You never see hot chics hiring someone to kill a fur wearer - probably because someone is willing to buy a hot chic a fur.
  2. I'm pretty sure Barbara Bush and her family pay far more in taxes than they receive back in services, not that it matters in the least because the problem in Washington has little to do with what percentage of taxes "rich" people pay. At the end of the day, the only way to ensure fairness on this issue is to simplify the tax system and take the power away from Washington DC and the state capitals. Until that happen, we'll keep having class warfare arguments and getting absolutely nowhere.
  3. So the government making a bad rule and the private sector capitalizing on it is the private sector's fault?
  4. Horseshit. The government isn't going to start paying its bills simply because it takes in more money. That's just another fallacy you lemmings keep perpetuating. The problems with government have absolutely nothing to do with how much money any level takes in.
  5. Way to put the stem on the apple, Bart-man.
  6. I ask for a post from a tool and you're the first to respond. Perfect.
  7. The inevitable correction of the fallacy that was the "Clinton Economy". It was all built on a house of cards and still is. Kind of like "The deficit didn't rise under Clinton", while they were stealing money hand over fist from Social Security - despite the fact they were raking in record revenues from Capital Gains and the new investor class.
  8. Makes you wonder why anyone is actually a liberal, doesn't it? C'mon all you "if you didn't do anything, you have nothing to worry about" tools. Let's hear from ya.
  9. The Air Force only tested them. The Navy actually fielded them. These things look even worse in person.
  10. http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/columns/pat-gauen/handgun-proposal-means-chicago-mayor-won-t-run-for-governor/article_ccbfa2e3-dfb8-58f1-9bc1-06bf0ccc8ea6.html Rahm Emanuel wants the rest of the state to pay for Chicago's gun violence problem.
  11. Irsay's Wikipedia Irsay is known for quoting rock lyrics and for his love of "The Who". Hmmmmmmmmmmm. Championship!
  12. Yep. She stared right into his eyes in close quarters. In "dog speak", that's a challenge. That's why he bared his teeth - he was letting her know to break contact or there was going to be escalation. It doesn't matter what kind of dog breed it is. Dogs have consistent behaviors, especially alphas. She broke one of the easiest rules of dogs and paid for it.
  13. Consider your man card revoked until further notice. Congrats.
  14. Great. A tard thread whining about a tard supermodel whining about a whiny tard QB. We've come full hypocritical circle.
  15. Why would they bother to change anything important or take more than half measures when idiots are pretending a television bit by a non-voting spouse is an example of "why politics suck"?
  16. Gee, I wonder why professional athletes are so wary of fan interaction.
  17. Pathetic (not the clip or the story, the fact that you posted it as something that's somehow worthy). Pathetic.
  18. According to that article the wrestling coach who gave high school students drugs got 2 years. So five years for !@#$ing a kid a few weeks shy of 18 but only 2 years for drugs? Great legal system you've created, shysters.
  19. I have to laugh about the market for autographed/game worn stuff. I've watched minor pro hockey teams raise $25k-$50k for "shirt off the back" auctions right after games. People paying up to $3500 for a minor league player's jersey. I wouldn't pay that for ANY player's jersey from ANY sport. Just more proof that most people are !@#$ing retards. Want to do something cool? Give $20 a month to the Wounded Warrior Project.
  20. Wait, so there are still people who watch the NBA?
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