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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. It has nothing to do with celebrity or hero worship. If you're in a job that has concerns about liability, they tell you who could make your life the most miserable. If they don't, that's just piss poor management. So it's not OK for him to protect his kid from what he perceived as a threat but you can beat his ass by proxy? Thanks for playing my game. Duh. That's just another example of how !@#$ed up we've gotten because we let lawyers and politicians dictate everything.
  2. Nope. I'm suggesting that the people "on duty" should probably know the immediate parents of the freakin' children they're caring for. It's one of my pet peeves when it comes to care. I also have a hard time believing that every person who works in that ward doesn't know which baby is the Kennedy. Mostly because I live in reality. I have no idea, Encyclopedia Brown. I do know that far too many people who are in that line of work are bullies who treat people poorly and abuse their positions, hiding behind things like "liability" and "rules" (before all you health care people start in, pretend I'm not talking about you as an individual). We've become patently ridiculous as a society and are surprised when someone acts unfavorably in response to a system that's run completely awry because lawyers and government touch virtually every facet of our lives.
  3. Education has never equaled intelligence. Yeah, that would make them as hypocritical as the Dems with regards to the final months of the previous administration.
  4. Mr. Obama is as politically far to the left as Santorum is the right. Both are pretty much nuts when it comes to their ideals and have pretty much no chance when facing reality.
  5. Lin "Buck" Compton One of the heroes of the 101st who was immortalized in HBO's "Band of Brothers". Anyone who hasn't seen that series, take some time. It's excellent.
  6. Thanks, Chachi. I can read. I also know a hell of a lot more about TPS and his games and don't need your help with, well, pretty much anything.
  7. TPS has never been great at staying on topic when he's going to take an ass whipping. Fiscal conservatives in the UK have been sounding the alarm for DECADES. They'd look a hell of a lot like Greece if they'd gone all in on the Euro - luckily for them they didn't. The fiscal conservatives in the US (not Republicans) aren't wrong either. We're pretty much screwed unless a miracle happens. The Administration is floating the idea of raising military TriCare premiums 345% as one way to close the gap. These are the "ideas" we deserve because we keep electing these buffoons.
  8. Says the guy whose party gave us Barack Obama - pretty much the lefty version of Santorum, only less qualified to actually hold the office. How I love the hypocritical ignorance of you partisan apologists.
  9. I haven't followed the current Republitard "process" much since it started but I finally got to see Santorum open his mouth. Dear God, is that really who you partisan idiots are going to have as your nominee? Dude is certifiable.
  10. C'mon private sector! Bail out our horrible decisions! Please? Welcome to America's future. We're pretty far down the same road.
  11. That's how they campaign - it certainly isn't how they govern.
  12. There's the "I'm not even a Democrat" we all know so well.
  13. Actually, he's not. I did. You see, I read A LOT of information on these subjects. I understand how economics work, and I understand how these things are funded. I also understand we're at the very tip of the iceberg concerning baby boomer retirements and that if we can't pay the promised benefits now, with TRILLIONS of dollars of current debt, there's absolutely no way we can pay future obligations, BECAUSE THEY ARE EVEN HIGHER. That's what happens when you promise public employees are promised things like "75% of their salary, based on their 3 or 4 highest earning years, with guaranteed cost of living increases". It's even better in states like Illinois, where pensions are Constitutionally guaranteed. That's probably why their pension obligations have grown 700% in the last decade. That's probably sustainable if the economy picks up 10% annually over the next 20 years, right, Tardo? NOPE. You sound EXACTLY like the politicians who are trying to deal with this. Nothing more than kicking the can down the road. We're in this mess BECAUSE of people like you and "pie in the sky projections" like annual 8% growth. You're an idiot.
  14. Sure you're not. lol: Duh. No, it doesn't. But that's the kind of gem I've come to expect from you. The economy could grow at 10% every year for 20 years and these states still wouldn't be able to pay down their obligations and continue to fund all of the programs they've put in place. Yeah, let's go ahead and wait for things to get better. Maybe we can all sit in a prayer circle and chant. Actually, now is the EXACT time. When the economy is good, politicians NEVER spend less money or enact fewer programs for the people who put them in office. That's why we're in this predicament in the first place. But you have the audacity to call someone else is a dipshit?
  15. Typical idiot response. Translation: "I'm an idiot partisan hack and so is someone else". The best part is, you actually think that's a win for you. I defend plenty of "somethings" but rarely "someone's" because the people who run for office from the Repubitard/Democrap "parties" are indefensible. The state of the nation and continued downward spiral is all the proof required.
  16. Luckily for those 3 states the computation is a percentage of GDP, not the size of their debt or what their future obligations truly entail. California, Massachusetts, New York, Illinois, and Texas are ALL staring massive debt in the face because of their "far too generous" public employee pension obligations. We're only at the tip of the fiscal crises right now - it's only going to get worse. Mostly because so many people (like you) desperately cling to their retarded partisan politics instead of facing reality.
  17. Mount Vernon and the Vietnam Memorial are "must sees" for anyone who has the chance.
  18. Leave him alone. He's another partisan hack that needs to desperately cling to his pariah, no matter the consequences.
  19. I get where you were trying to go but there's way too many people like him to give such exclusivity.
  20. Oh, he's not a 1%er in any way. He's about a "40%er". We're well on our way to "Idiocracy".
  21. He doesn't have to tell "us". And I doubt there's too many posters on this board who would appreciate you speaking for them.
  22. Dude is so stupid he !@#$s construction equipment?
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