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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Depends on how the deals are structured. There's no reason they couldn't sign more guys but I suspect they won't be front line guys, unless the market allows it.
  2. I disagree. Butler's teams were very good with probably the best defense we've ever seen in WNY. They made a calculated run at getting the ring but it didn't turn out. I don't see the current situation much differently than the Donahoe era - though it's MUCH different than the Marv/Jauron situation.
  3. Sounds like about half the male population of WNY.
  4. That Cowboys game was the lone bright moment in 2 entire SEASONS. I still can't believe we won that game. It was nice to have that to lord over all the front running bandwagon Cowboy fans that somehow resided in WNY.
  5. Our very own Rex Ryan. Wait, don't we hate Rex Ryan?
  6. Not close, really. Those BILLS were so unbelievably horrible (B2B 2-14 campaigns) and without identity that Kelly's signing was the first moment of real hope in a very long time. Of course we didn't know that we'd drafted 2 HoFers in the previous draft, either. Williams would be a signal that they FINALLY believe they can take a step but it pales compared to Kelly showing up.
  7. Yeah. Let's outlaw teleprompters. And Speech Writers. And press liasons. And ... Nice job with keeping Santorum around, GOP. That dude is a total whack job.
  8. You mean because your spelling ability is so above average?
  9. You prepare all off season for Daytona and then have your race essentially end after a single lap because some tool box got into someone else in a manner that's been wrecking everyone for the entire week. I'm sure, given your posting history, that you'd be super classy. Love the overt sexism. Very classy.
  10. So? They're Cuban. Born and raised. Being Cuban doesn't mean you love Communism or love Castro, anymore than being American means you love Barack Obama or take Barney Frank up the chute. You imply that they're ungrateful because they still love where they come from. I still root for the !@#$ing BILLS and SABRES despite the fact that WNY politics is probably the closest thing to communism in the U.S. Stop taking every symbol as some kind of personal affront. It's pathetic.
  11. That's the first thought that ran through my head. The old joke: "All the kids are named <blank>." "How do you get their attention?" "I call them by their last names." I can understand how this happened. 10 kids, 3 vehicles. Logistical nightmare. **** happens. Looks to me like the media is playing it up. As usual.
  12. Promising premise and great cast (especially Assante) but the execution of that movie was quite disappointing.
  13. President Reagan's Address Say what you want about the man's politics but he knew how to talk to the country and the world.
  14. It's really hard to have success fishing when other fishermen keep stealing all your bait.
  15. What's the commission on trading stuff for an employee's 401k that makes a whole $10 an hour, about $3.50 cents a year? Gee, I wonder why they weren't beating your !@#$ing door down for the business. Jesus, the fee for printing the required prospectuses no one reads is more than that. You're a bigger !@#$ing dolt than even I gave you credit for.
  16. Lincoln Hawk! I loved the most recent Rambo movie. It was fun to see him open up with that .50 cal and just start waxing MFers.
  17. So $10 an hour is a living wage? Where is your practice, Somalia?
  18. You mean doing a search at WebMD doesn't make you a doctor?
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