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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Prove it. Your contention that cops should only fire "if fired upon" is completely contrary to your desire to have smart people be cops. AGAIN: COMPLYING WITH A POLICE OFFICER IS PRETTY MUCH NEVER GOING TO GET YOU KILLED. It's literally that simple. The rest of your word play is just silly lefty fear-mongering, which is insanely hypocritical given how much power you mental midgets want to cede to the bureaucrats. Welcome to "reaping what you sow."
  2. So your contention that the intelligence they received was meaningless (911 call clearly states they have a gun) and Ramos' lack of compliance with simple orders and then getting into a vehicle and driving off is "just fine?" What if Ramos had run over someone? I'm sorry, but laws mean something and choosing not to follow police officer's orders in that situation doesn't make you a victim. It makes you an idiot. For all you mouth breathers: This is a single incident I'm referring to. It in no way means I don't believe we don't need to do something about police training, de-escalation techniques, etc. But the idea that EVERY police shooting is AUTOMATICALLY the fault of police is just ***** stupid. Which is only possible because of guaranteed funds from the left. Nothing better than screwing the electorate at EVERY turn.
  3. You misspelled "communist".
  4. A piece of paper from an indoctrination center changes nothing. I will give you that police training and evaluation needs to change dramatically but integrity and individual responsibility has been systematically removed from the world via the education "system." Everything we're seeing today is predictable and the result of liberal "thinking".
  5. Nothing says "woke" more than "zero tolerance" academia.
  6. ***A made up number to justify Niagara Bill's continuing democratic vote. Niagara Bill will conveniently continue to ignore how Democrat "leaders" reacted to Corona virus. Enjoy the benefits of living in NY.
  7. Turn off CNN, comrade.
  8. I'm torn. 1. You asked THAT moron to analyze something. 2. You really asked THAT moron to analyze something?
  9. Only when votes are at stake.
  10. When all else fails...polls.
  11. I deleted it. Fight me.
  12. Yeah, he was only obscure because of his minimal accomplishments...not his inability to continuously flap his word hole.
  13. If I had school aged children, there's no way I'd let them into a public school.
  14. Why don't I just excise YOU?
  15. It's relatively simple: If something offends you, ignore it. If everyone does this, then the offender will either go away or change their behavior. If you constantly give attention seekers what they're craving, then they're going to keep behaving like the morons they are. You're in no position to demand anything and you're not going to change THIS board or the tenor of politics - it's never been civil, contrary to what the romantics want you to believe. Maybe PPP isn't for you.
  16. Cancer sucks just slightly more than the JETS.
  17. I wish I had that kinda scratch. I'd buy that thing and burn it at the first tailgate.
  18. I like the "pick and choose." I led with "banks call full balance payers deadbeats" for a reason. My entire initial point that you didn't agree with is proven by that simple statement. The rest of it is informational and not necessary but some people may benefit from it, so I put it in.
  19. It never gets tiring listening to people parrot politicians. That "small picture" thinking is exactly what politicians count on to keep power. Health care costs are rising just as fast as they did before. The "Affordable Care Act" is anything but.
  20. I very much appreciate the snark. I don't work in banking and I never have. I probably shouldn't have used the term "liability" but there is a reason credit card companies and banks refer to people who pay their CC balances in full every month as "deadbeats." It takes a number of deadbeats to make the profit of a single "normal" CC user who doesn't pay their balance. It's literally as simple as investment. Would you rather invest in something with a 3% guaranteed return or 15% (or more)? Banks LOVE people who carry credit card balances. They get the same guaranteed profit that deadbeats earn them, plus HUGE interest each month. The average American household pays north of $1k in CC interest each year. You gotta charge and payoff over $30k a year as a deadbeat to match just that. And of course your bank loves your HELOC. It's SECURE.
  21. Don't get me started on either party. They both suck out loud and care more about taking care of their donors than doing the business of the America people. Doesn't change the fact that the ACA is an absolute abortion. He didn't "misspeak" - he let an unwritten corporate policy out into the customer ether. Banks like people who pay big interest, that's why they are able to put up big buildings in every city on the world. Smart people who pay their balances every month and use the rewards programs are a liability to the bottom line.
  22. Can't come up with any real examples of your own take? Every President and politician with a brain should be trying to overturn it. It's a terrible law. I would bet a decent amount of money that you've never been to Ferguson because if you had, you wouldn't make that statement.
  23. Feel free to give some examples of how it's been "undercut." The law was ALWAYS an abortion and the few decent things you cited could have been passed in a bill that was a single page, not nearly 3000 pages of failure just waiting to happen. Health care is the one place politicians absolutely REFUSE to let the market work. Imagine your local muffler shop being able to hand you a bill for whatever they hell they want to charge and you being on the hook to either pay it or negotiate with them until it's at a point you're comfy paying.
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