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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. No, it wasn't. It was all a giant charade. The current malaise is a direct result of all the falsehoods of the "Clinton Economy". 9/11, tax cuts, wars, Katrina, etc are all just pieces of the puzzle but there's no way this recession wasn't happening. The economic fundamentals of cheap money, red hot housing, hyper borrowing/spending, tech/venture, etc guaranteed an epic crash was coming. The Clinton economy was built on falsehoods and good feelings. Welcome to the bill.
  2. The only single position that wins football games is QB and you better have one of the "all timers" there for that to even be the case. I'd even argue that it has more to do with the salary cap now than the QBs. When you look back at the dominant QBs pre-salary cap, they generally had very, very good teams around them. For example, Joe Montana never won a SB with a defense that ranked worse than 2nd in the NFL. Floyd is the only one I know anything about. Is there a chance Coples could be a JP Paul type guy? That would be freakin' sick.
  3. I remember my kid bringing home his first and asking "Who the hell is FICA?"
  4. Don't know. Don't care. You're not worth the time and you know exactly why that is, as do most of the rest of the !@#$ing drones. That's because he's not old enough to know better. Anyone with experience knows there's little reason to bother. He'll eventually get there and you'll still be throwing out your pitiful (yet arrogant) takes and pretending your "Romper Room" level substance actually amounts to something.
  5. Funny. The girl we got her from had a thing for some German wine that had Auslese in the name. She rescued her from an owner that left her out on the deck all winter in Alaska, beat her badly enough to break her front leg so it had to be fused straight, and about 30 pounds underweight. We took her in because the girl got pregnant and couldn't deal with a new baby and 2 dogs (single parent). But I do love a good Nazi dig. That's why when the German wench at the American Express Counter in Stuttgart started bitching at us for putting our **** on the counter because the over-efficient Deutchlanders neglected to have a "put your **** back together after going through security" area, I said "Settle down, Reichs-Chancellor-ess". That got a very cold stare - even more than the average German customer "service" person. Damn those people are impersonal.
  6. Oh, TPS wrote the oversimplification playbook. Lybob's an absolute amateur by comparison.
  7. You'll forgive me for not giving a crap about a sample size that small. The current situation wouldn't be more than a blip on the radar if the government was able to exist on an average of 18% of the GDP of the greatest economic superpower in written history. No percentage of taxpayer gain will ever be enough if the fundamentals don't return to some semblance of sanity. Meaningful.
  8. And your neighbors aren't Asian. We've had a few: My dad's: Pud (yes, seriously) Shasta Digger Bella Walker Peanut Mine: Bosley Jessie Ashley Auslese (Owsh-Lay-sa), which means "Selection" in German. Dante (appropriate, because he was the freakin' devil) Diesel Molly Bosley is the only one we actually named and the only one we got as a puppy. The rest were rescues and we didn't want to add to the trauma in their lives by changing their names. Diesel is the only one whose name doesn't fit him at all. He's a complete goofball.
  9. Holy oversimplification, batman. You don't get to pretend there was a "budget surplus" in 2000 when the entire thing was a charade. The piper is gonna get paid eventually and the last recession is the fruit of the entire thing. The fundamentals of the US economy are broken because of Keynesian economics, not in spite of it.
  10. Why don't you go ahead and explain it to us. We love J. Maynard Keynes. After all, his "economics" haven't bankrupted the entire country. YET.
  11. The problem in Washington has nothing to do with the amount of revenue they take in. It has to do with how much they spend. When they can explain how they're going to live within about 18% of this nation's GDP, we can start talking about raising taxes. Anyone who thinks the government deserves/requires more money is absolutely nuts.
  12. I got kinda tired of watching his impeccable "Sonic the Hedgehog" impression, especially when we played the Jets. Seemed like a good dude, though.
  13. That would be true - except Calvinball is interesting.
  14. It's in reference to a classic thread where a poster named NJSue asked for help with her homework - it turned into an all out tardfest.
  15. That's because Fitz had to play against Miami's defense, not ours. Individual players don't win or lose games. Teams do.
  16. Call me crazy but I'm pretty sure Miami's new head coach knows a thing or 2 about coaching NFL QBs.
  17. Plus, you can sleep through 98% of it and not miss a damn thing. Talk about killing 2 birds with one stone! Soccer: You're only going to be bored for 2 hours!
  18. It's apparently his version of "tapping the other dude's foot under the stall wall."
  19. I think people need to understand that the offseason is long and this is just the first round of it. There will be other players who come available (think Morrison and Barnett from last season) and Nix has shown willingness to get them when that happens. The BILLS shot their wad on the opening round. Tough to be disappointed or think they should be doing more given what's out there.
  20. Jackson is a big reason the OL looks superior. It's no different than Fitzpatrick's ability to get rid of the football and avoid sacks. FJ is a freakin' magician at finding creases and hitting them on time. I'm not saying the the OLine shuffle/Fitzbustedrib/WR injury situation/Defensive collapse didn't factor into the equation because that's silly. But it's also silly to ignore how superior a player Fred Jackson is and what an enormous weapon he needs to be if this team wants to contend. I hope he doesn't feel disrespected enough not to sign an extension but I do hope he feels disrespected enough to run for about 200 yards against the !@#$ing Patriots.
  21. No one said anything along the lines of "Spiller only has straight line speed". At this stage of his career, Spiller should be carrying Jackson's helmet. Anyone who thinks Spiller is a better than Jackson hasn't been watching. It's no different than when people (like Jauron) clung to the idiotic idea that Marshawn Lynch should keep getting half the carries when Jackson was CLEARLY a much better player and far more productive. One again, we're back to "well, CJ is a first round pick and Jackson..." Jackson was probably the offensive MVP in the NFL when he got hurt. No one was better at the RB position in ANY facet of the game. The dude was averaging 6.5 yards a touch. Chris Johnson, in his MVP season, averaged 6.1 yards a touch. I don't have any problem with Spiller getting plenty of snaps but this team isn't getting anywhere near the playoffs if Fred Jackson isn't an integral part of the offense. 5-5 and seven 100+ yard games with him, 1-5 with a single hundred yard rushing game without him. It's not a coincidence.
  22. I hope Spiller is working hard because I have zero doubt that Freddie J is doing exactly that. If Jackson is healthy, there's no way in hell Spiller beats him out. Jackson is superior in every phase of the game. The only edge CJ has is straight line speed.
  23. Mark Begich, the Democrat who barely won Stevens' seat, is very thankful. Stevens probably got what he deserved, kharmically speaking but that is yet another disturbing abuse of power and law.
  24. Really Baldinger? Which guys? If the Patriots had signed MW, they'd be rubbing themselves in oil talking about it being the greatest coup in football history. !@#$ them.
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