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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. The BILLS still have plenty of money and the ability to create about $8 million more by dumping Johnson and Edwards. Kelsay would save $2.5 mil this season but his contract is reasonable and gets better each of the next 2 seasons.
  2. Winning the offseason isn't worth much from September to February. Sincerely, Vinny Cerrato & Howie Roseman
  3. Wait, a college kid who drinks and makes bad decisions? He's a horrible human being. I'm glad guys like Bruce Smith and Jim Kelly were tea teetotalers during their careers.
  4. Another liberal program that was destined to fail. It's tough to nation build when you're !@#$ing up so badly at home. It's time to admit that wars need to be about total conquest or short term message sending with no in between. This could have been over a very long time ago with "leisure" bombing from Whiteman if anything even remotely serious started up. The U.S. Army is ill-equipped to handle engagements like this and the current version of public information warfare is virtually impossible to control because every tiny issue is so easily blown up. Pull out. Warn sternly. Follow up if necessary. If we don't have the apparatus in place to monitor Afghanistan, then we never will. Oh, and once again a big thanks to the Clinton Administration for the Executive Order on asset recruitment. One of the all-time !@#$ ups in Presidential history.
  5. Wait, so the government put together a program that was supposed to help people and it's had a bad long term effect because they didn't do a good job of assessing the possible consequences? How surprising. At least all of these "graduates" have those great pieces of paper and the guarantee of minimum wage to show for the six figure debt.
  6. I know it's not to get to the bottom of field agents murdered with illegally purchased weapons that were exported to Mexican drug cartels with complete departmental knowledge. Or to answer Congressional subpeonas.
  7. Since law enforcement is has no legal obligation to protect the citizenry, I see that as a moot point. What we seem to be discussing is very isolated issues that no amount of wrangling or legislation will ever prevent. It's time for the legal community, politicians, and citizens to understand that the justice system will never be without cracks. That's not to say that things can't be improved upon but I'd rather have the current error rate with regard to "stand your ground" than the overt violence that plagues too many communities in this country. We're never going to be Malaysia and we shouldn't strive to be.
  8. I'm sure Ryans was still hampered by his achilles last season but he should be back now. It takes a long time for those things to completely heal - Spikes was basically 2 years. I think this may be the first time I've heard a 247 ILB/MLB be called out for "lack of size". I think Wade Phillips "makes that defense go". He's done it everywhere he's been. The Ryans move looks totally like a salary cap dump. I don't blame them for doing it but damn it would be nice to have gotten a player of that caliber for what's basically going to be a special teamer.
  9. Manzier Summer of George The Merv Griffin Show Mulva Anti-Dentite (Yada, yada, yada) "He's a face painter"
  10. For those of you who haven't traveled a lot, this story is made more ridiculous by the fact that virtually every European country has "informercial porn" every night on about 20% of the channels. It starts at 10:00. So yeah, be up in arms about this. The photo in the story is probably the least risque thing an Italian kid sees on any given day.
  11. That doesn't seem to be all she's begging for. But at least she seems know what she wants.
  12. Damn, that's a good deal for the birds. Ryans is a stud. ESPN
  13. Trayvon liked his money. Made a lot they say...
  14. It's a real email from James Carville. See, unlike all the partisan toads I get emails from every part of the political spectrum. That's actually a below average "fear mongering" email from the left. They come out with some real doozies. Not that the wacko righties are significantly different. Oh, and don't forget to cut each of them a check for whatever you can give.
  15. I don't. I don't think victims should be forced to be victims. The "duty to retreat" empowers CRIMINALS because they don't have to face consequences of action immediately, which emboldens them. That's not necessarily in an overt manner, either. I think the situation in Florida is very unfortunate but the right to protect oneself from CRIMINALS is as fundamental as any other right a free society can afford it's citizens. Lawyers and Lawyers in $23 robes have ruined any chance of the average guy ever getting a fair shake when the "system" is involved. Congrats?
  16. Have Jimmy Carville send out an email: Think about Republicans pulling up in moving vans. A boxful of attacks on women’s rights. A bagful of tax cuts for Big Oil corporations. And there’s an ugly lamp. There’s gotta be an ugly lamp. When the moving crews leave, we’d have a President Romney or President Santorum with a Senate suited to the 16th century and Karl Rove and the Kochs on speed dial. Heck, you ladies might be lucky to keep your voting rights. Republicans flip four of the 23 seats we’ve got up, and here come the trucks. It’s our choice: We can let the Republicans move in – and there goes the neighborhood. Or we can re-elect President Obama, keep our Democratic Senate, and kick this Republican war on women to the curb. But we need to act NOW. Give an immediate $5 or $10 to the DSCC. They’ve got a massive FEC goal -- $1,068,000 – and only 13 days to halt the Republican moving vans. Click here to give $5 or $10 to the DSCC. The future of our nation – and neighborhood – depends on the choice you make right now! Hit this goal, we’ll keep the Republican riffraff out of the neighborhood. Fall short, and we’re looking at years of the world’s worst neighbors. You might think it’s early. Yeah, right. Karl Rove and his cronies are already running attack ads against our candidates. Are we gonna let them say nasty things about Sherrod Brown and Tammy Baldwin without fighting back? Heck no! You might think Democrats are doing fine without your help. I hate to burst your pretty pink bubble, but some recent polls show Mitt Romney (bad neighbor) beating President Obama (best neighbor). Here’s some real talk: We’re defending 23 Senate seats. These Republicans only need to flip four – four! – seats to gain complete control of Congress. That’s fewer seats than they gained last cycle. We don’t have to settle for the world’s worst neighbors. Click here to give $5 or $10 to the DSCC. The choice you make right now will have lasting consequences! Let’s hit this FEC goal, re-elect President Obama, and slam the brakes on the Republican moving van before they even think of hauling in that ugly lamp. James Carville
  17. And, more importantly, will it be filmed for educational purposes?
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