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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. C'mon, the squirrel finally found a nut and you're going to smack him for it? Regardless of your politics, that's pretty funny.
  2. One of the things I don't miss about being in the military. One place had a rule that we couldn't wear warm weather boots once it started snowing. I was asked why I kept wearing mine, since it w as against command policy. "Because it hasn't snowed in my office yet, it's a balmy 72 degrees in there."
  3. I'm glad we waste so much money on marijuana policing and not this kind of stuff...
  4. Actually, he only played 4 seasons at corner. The final 10 seasons of his career were split between Free and Strong.
  5. Wait, so if all the tax breaks are only a trillion dollars annually how will they reduce the deficit and balance the budget when the deficit far exceeds that number? Uh oh.
  6. Fight Breaks Out At Conflict Resolution Meeting
  7. The reason he supposedly "hates" Alaska is because he "thinks" in his tiny "mind" that it's how he's going to get to me. You're playing directly into his desperately childish game. The correct response to that post is nothing, because that's pretty much what he brings to the table - and because the perception that Alaska somehow sucks is a net positive at the end of the day. It keeps a whole bunch of terminally stupid people from coming up and !@#$ing it up for the rest of us.
  8. So, is it as annoying as liberal retards who pretend they're intelligent but can't figure out how to use proper capitalization or punctuation when they post?
  9. What, your liberal ass doesn't like when the system you people worship doesn't work? What you people without the facts want isn't "justice". "People" are "upset" because they're easily manipulated by the media that caters to both their out of control emotions and their stupidity. Finally, something you're actually qualified to comment on. Of course, you're wrong but that's expected given your track record. Yeah, that's my problem. I'm a huge doper. I'd love to have an blind, independent review of each of our posting histories and see what the results are on this topic. I'm sure you'd come out really well. I love when you over-matched dimwits try to play rough. It's like watching a puppy try to nip a lion's tail.Do everyone a favor and head over to "Off the Wall" to start another "So" thread.
  10. I didn't realize anyone had been convicted of a crime by a court of law. I guess I just learned something.
  11. Thank you, eye witness. Sincerely, M. Nifong
  12. Just when we think we've seen the absolute bottom of your stupidity well, you start digging again.
  13. Hey! Remember me? Sincerely, The Duke Lacrosse "Case"
  14. Those are Captain's bars (Army/Air Force/Marines) or Lieutenant's bars (Navy). USA/USAF/USMC's Lieutenants have a single bar, either bronze or silver. Bronze is 2nd Lt, Silver is 1st (higher). The Eagle is a Colonel (Army/AF/USMC) or Captain (USN) The 2 stars are Major General (Army/AF/USMC) or Rear Admiral Upper Half (USN) The "2 Up" is Corporal (USA) The Blue 5 Bottom Stripe/Single Top Rocker is USAF Master Sergeant I scored 81.
  15. Byrd made the lion's share of those picks because he was late to the spot. He's a much better player now in every facet of the game but he'd better not regress to where he was then.
  16. It's actually easier today to stop that from happening. It doesn't happen because partisans refuse to hold anyone accountable for anything. Keep doing what you're doing and you'll keep getting what you're getting.
  17. I don't think anyone did when the decision was made to go in there and it doesn't seem to have changed (I have no data in either direction, it's simply my perception).
  18. In order to "win", you have to define what "winning" is.
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