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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. And the answer is obviously 2500 pages of legislation?
  2. That's funny, because Obama's policies don't see ANY differences between the two. Rail on, minion.
  3. Because Romney has a car elevator. It didn't take me long this morning to remember why I don't watch the news on television.
  4. Maybe the youth should form a union so they can get their "fair" share. Entitlement Fever. Catch it!
  5. Or just simply choose to ignore it?
  6. Humanity seems to live to place blame and jump to conclusions based on little or nothing. It's sickening. Even if George Zimmerman is completely innocent, he'll have to look over his shoulder for the rest of his life. People should be !@#$ing ashamed of themselves.
  7. I wouldn't say he can "spin" - he can't. That's one of his weaknesses. He's a tremendous "first step/hands inside" contact guy. If you single him, it better not be on a 7 step because your QB is going to get pasted. I think he's going to look absolutely sick next to Dareus in a 43, much the same as Bruce would have if he wasn't forced to play 34 most of his career, though Mario IS NOT Bruce Smith in any way. Bruce was far more agile and had better hips.
  8. You mean like hang out on this board and regurgitate "ideology" that you get from MSN? Yeah, your life is apparently awesome.
  9. Like Global Warming is different than any other subject where that mouthbreather is concerned.
  10. I would venture to guess that the percentage of politicians in this country who have anything beyond a basic understanding of the Constitution is in the single digits.
  11. "Health Care" is a scarce resource? Really? You mean the HMO Act of 1973 didn't do its job? I'm sure with 2500+ pages, "Obamacare" certainly will cover all the holes. If you mean "did we prove that bd1960 doesn't understand basic economics and 'cause/effect' relationships", then yes, we did.
  12. Which would depend on your definition of fair. Go ahead and give the class a lesson on that. Oh, how I love when you liberals throw out such generalizations. What "scarce resources" are you referring to? Be specific. Sure. Which is why you've been able to balance your opinions on virtually every other subject on this board. Right.
  13. It sure is fun watching one of you liberals argue against giving **** away, especially when you're basically using conservative principles as your reasoning. The only reason your !@#$ing panties are in a wad is because it's Cheney. Hilariously hypocritical. It's too bad you can't apply the same rationale to all the other bull **** you assclowns are in favor of.
  14. I love when you self avowed intellectuals step all over your dicks in public. Just like the 3 watt lightbulb on the perfectly sunny day that you are.
  15. I'm sure academics and intellectuals know the difference between "than" and "then".
  16. I'm not sure I've seen a larger indictment of our society. Absolutely pathetic display from virtually every angle.
  17. Why? is there some difference in the intelligibility of your posts? Because I'll be damned if I can see it.
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