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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. New York State used to have the toughest marijuana laws in the country. It's actually one of the reasons the state is so broke now. They used to have 10 year MINIMUMS for possession. All that did was fill up the prisons and force them to build even more. Politicians finally figured out they couldn't afford to keep up the charade but the damage was already done. Idiots.
  2. Maybe the warm weather will help him stay healthy. Good luck in SD, Roscoe. I'll never forget the opening offensive play of the Jets' game at Rich when you housed an Edwards' swing pass. That was awesome.
  3. The biggest issue with pot is the crime associated with the profit from illegal sales. The effects on people who use it are negligible, especially when compared to alcohol. You want to control someone high on pot? Toss them a bag of Doritos and turn on Scooby Doo. Good luck dealing with a 6'5" 270 pound body builder who has a problem with alcohol. You'll have to shoot that !@#$er to get him under control. The only place marijuana is worse the alcohol is in the miniature minds of man.
  4. How's their FB team? Terrible. Is the exception somehow the rule? How many "student athletes" are part of that center? They should, they bring in the most athletic money. When you bring in big money, you have more to throw around at other **** to make up for how !@#$ed up the athletic department and the education of "student athletes" really is. And I do. Penn State is my favorite whipping boy. The cover up that's been going on there for over a decade is just now seeing the light of day. It's too bad all the "journalists" in this country refuse to report what really goes on under the covers at these "prestigious" universities. It'll say even more if he ends up with a diploma from LSU. Though I really don't care and would be thrilled if the BILLS draft him because he can flat out ball. His football IQ looks to be off the charts, which is all I care about for a CB. If he was a QB, that would give me pause. And? As unpalatable as it is, pretty much all stereotypes are based in truth.
  5. Right, because your google remark wasn't sent right down your nose. Typical passive/aggressive lawyer !@#$. And I could give a flying **** about your opinion and whether or not you are or aren't attacking me personally. You may be new here but you're not the first one to try this and I doubt you'll be the last. Sure it is. Keep telling yourself that. What you mean is "they need a crash course in the zigs and zags that lawyers and lawyers in $23 robes have put in place over the years while they've slowly been eroding away the 'freedoms' that are now just buzz words". You mean go to law school so they can become a drone who accepts everything that has come down the pike, as if it came from the hand of God itself? Well, unless we can somehow get some new "precedent". Yeah, I so wish there were more people like the 4 liberals on the SC who don't think the Founding Fathers meant the 2nd Amendment was an individual right. Maybe if everyone had a lifetime appointment to their job.
  6. How many times he's said something about it in the past, for one thing. I try to be polite with people the first time or two they do something that irritates me but after about the third incident, it's pretty much "go time". Most people don't go that far the first time, so it's quite likely those who were doing it earned the reaction Berman gave.
  7. Which explains why the "system" is incredibly !@#$ed up. The fact that politicians continually show great disregard to the Constitution flies in the face of the statement, so it may be uttered with impunity but presumption obviously doesn't equal practice nor truth, regardless of how many times you and the rest of the lemmings regurgitate it. That the legal system doesn't punish them for it is one of the largest problems facing our society. The "Checks and Balances" that are supposed to be in place have been blown all to hell. Yeah, you're just so much !@#$ing smarter than I am.
  8. I've been reading Matthews since I was a kid. That's going to be weird, even if his "takes" over the last decade border on insanity.
  9. Says the guy who coined: "Like it or not there's a legal presumption they know what they're talking about."
  10. I hate the Fish. Loath them. I hate them so much I want them to go 8-8 every season, just miss out on the playoffs on the final weekend, and end up with a ****ty draft position. That's what happens when you live through "0-for the decade" as a youth and watch Shula and company enjoy every comfort NFL officiating can bring. I suspect those who grew up during the current NE run feel the same way for the same reasons. I respect New England but hate their !@#$ing idiot fans. I remember being a kid and riding up there on game day, buying a ticket for pennies on the dollar, and sitting in the best seats in that shithole stadium because there wasn't a single local who gave a flying crap about that team. They'll be off the bandwagon quicker than they jumped on and that in itself, will be very satisfying. I could care less about the Jets. I have great respect for Wesley Walker, who came to my school was I was young and gave a very nice talk.
  11. From an email I got yesterday: We are down to the final few hours before this first FEC deadline of 2012. Falling short would signal to Karl Rove and the Republican SuperPACs that we don't have the resources to defend President Obama and Democratic candidates. We simply can't show that kind of weakness. They would destroy us. Missing this goal would put the Republicans one step closer to total control of Washington -- and the end of Medicare and women's rights as we know them. We both care deeply about progressive issues. That's why I'm asking tonight if you would please help us with $5 before the clock reaches midnight. These final contributions could be the ones that make the difference between winning and a GOP takeover. Thank you again for your dedicated support, Patty Murray
  12. Religious zealots aren't any different than the liberal zealots who worship federal authority.
  13. http://www.pro-football-reference.com/boxscores/199401230buf.htm
  14. I'm not sure who else thinks "profiling" is a valid technique, so feel free to point out all the posts in the thread I've made to the contrary. Do the class a favor, define what profiling is. Use your own words.
  15. Dude, it's the internet. You're basically a ball of yarn and he's a cat batting you around. Every time you respond, it's just going to end with another paw whack upside your melon.
  16. Mostly because you're the typical, emotional, uniformed American who gets his opinion from the "For Profit" media. "Profiling" is a valid technique that has both solved and prevented countless crimes. It's unfortunate that certain segments of society commit most of the crime but taking away proven ways to combat these crimes is a foolish.
  17. Alex Gibbs deserves as much credit as anyone for the Broncos' Championship teams.
  18. I LMAO when I read that headline. Sometimes they're just really damn good.
  19. I do, on occasion, catch "The Daily Show". I have it set to record on my DVR but I only see about 20% of the episodes it records. My wife turns on the local news in the morning to catch the weather and traffic. I happened to walk in when they were doing their national "tease" and it was about the car elevator. Maddening.
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