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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. When did we start referring to 17 year old kids as "Mister"? Did I miss a memo? Condescension is rarely effective when you type like a !@#$ing retarded monkey.
  2. Don't forget the town's "history of racism" as part of the rationale. That was one of my all time favorites. Do you ever post anything that isn't blindly stupid?
  3. You're absolutely running away with the "PPP Idiot of the Day" award. Congratulations. At least they aren't alone, "Jump to Conclusions" guy. But hey, you're backpeddling a bit so you only look like a majority dufus, instead of a total one. Big win there.
  4. Was Archduke Ferdinand ever a member?
  5. Not based on anything tangible. But politicians and the drones who apologize for them have never really been good with reality.
  6. And the NAACP and CBC are different than an exclusionary place like the Augusta Country Club. You know, because... Never mind.
  7. You know what that means in April? About the same as GHWB's 92% approval rating in February did. Mr. Obama better hope Romney's staff continues to as inept as they've been so far because he can't run on his own "successes".
  8. Fair enough. There's plenty of blame to go around for the housing debacle, though "deregulation" certainly isn't in play.
  9. Is there some kind of contest for "Biggest PPP Idiot" that I wasn't informed about? Because posting this drivel as your "proof" rivals the earlier "deregulation" comment for today's prize.
  10. Your optometrist just called. He wants to know why you haven't seen him in 20 years.
  11. The media isn't stirring up racial strife because of guys like Adam.
  12. Whether it was an "honest" mistake or not isn't relevant.
  13. I suspect Judges will act Judicial when the President starts acting Presidential. Good job, American electorate.
  14. Yet you keep coming back for more. Pretend that's different somehow, you dolt.
  15. I love the pecker checking that you FNGs always need to do. Stand up and sing your fight song. Which is totally different than ignoring the reality of what was. WRs don't exist in a vacuum. Parrish was never going to be a number 1 WR, but with competent coaching and an accurate, gutsy QB, he certainly could have been Az Hakeem. That didn't happen and Parrish is the smallest factor (ironically) in why that actually was.
  16. Here's to hoping Zimmerman ends up with about a half billion of NBC's money.
  17. We've got to pass it so we can find out what's in it.
  18. That's pretty much the "lahjik" currently being used by our politicians, zealots, and alcohol moguls to keep it illegal. Bet Mexico and the US border states are loving the violence that marijuana profit is currently bringing them.
  19. He was a very good punt returner whose career as a WR was essentially ruined by the laughably bad coaching, OLine, and QB play that has been so much a part of this team for so very long. I'm not sure there's a WR that could overcome Dick Jauron/Trent Edwards/JP Losman/Tom Clement/Steve Fairchild. Saying Roscoe "didn't contribute" is actually pretty funny when all the factors are considered.
  20. Yeah, because this is going to be the single place on the internet (or in the world for that matter) where they'd get information and opinion on marijuana. Did you grow up under a rock or something? Get over your !@#$ing self. Look at you, being right for once.
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