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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. The guy is a WR who caught 28 passes last season. He's more likely to be Mike Mamula than Jerry Rice.
  2. Don't worry, campaign finance reform is fixing all these things. You know, just like ObamaCare is going to fix what's wrong with the Health Care "system".
  3. Every year there are draft day winners anointed. 3 years from now, when the real results of the draft are known, the actual winners will be quite different. Personally I think Cleveland was smart to give up virtually nothing to get the Richardson because he's got the highest likelihood of impact in the entire class. I also think they were incredibly stupid to spend a first rounder on a 28 year old QB.
  4. Car manufacturers "scrape" to make their cars one MPG more efficient because of CAFE standards. Every MPG they squeeze out of efficient cars has a downstream affect on their ability to sell higher margin SUVs and trucks. The "Sales Factor" of MPG is a positive byproduct, but not the reason for the goal. You're not going to find disagreement from me when it comes to the stupidity of the world populous. We keep electing Democrats and Republicans and falling for **** like "Global Warming", don't we?
  5. Depends on what they get. It's pretty much accepted that the talent level after pick 5 isn't significantly different through pick 25. If the Vikings pick up an additional first and second, I'd do that deal all day long.
  6. Except the price of gasoline affects the price of EVERYTHING in this world. How do you think products get to the store? When gas prices double (which they have), that means the cost of getting goods and services to their end points do exactly the same. The price of gas has a SIGNIFICANT affect on how the world economy works. During the Clinton Administration, oil averaged $17BBL for over 7 years. The world economy went absolutely crazy. Then, with a few months to go, oil prices spiked and the world economy started griding downward in a predictable manner. Your example is far too simple for reality.
  7. Go hire a real professional trainer and a sports dietician. You'll be amazed at what your body is truly capable of if you're really willing to put the work in and be completely dedicated to it.
  8. Good thing giving away tax payer money doesn't have a negative effect on the economy.
  9. Jesus H. Christ, did the douche who designed Sluggalo get into the Steelers' conference room too? Absolutely horrible. I want to see the rejected designs.
  10. Some middle school, somewhere? That chic has the body of a 12 year old.
  11. So we'll give the government all the power. Good thing the government isn't part of the "establishment".
  12. Shut up. Gas prices are down almost 1% in a few days, so it's obviously time to celebrate. Let's go ahead and re-elect the current group of thieves instead of the other group of thieves that are running against this group of thieves. !@#$, some of you are blindingly stupid and able to justify anything based solely on that fact.
  13. I'm not doing anything except watching a whole bunch of really dumb people jump to conclusions based on nothing more than what rattles around inside their empty heads. I think my favorite part of this whole thread is fat ass judging someone else's behavior and calling it "unstable". I might have to start "rationing" some people's posts.
  14. If I started bashing your head against concrete, it would probably cave like an eggshell. Or NOY. (sic)
  15. This is from an email from the DSCC that I got LAST WEEK. Thank you for an Unprecedented Show of Support! We needed a massive show of Democratic grassroots strength, and boy, did you deliver! Last month, we received more contributions and raised more money than at any time since before the 2010 elections. Our grassroots donors clearly understand the serious threats we face from Republican extremists and Karl Rove-aligned SuperPACs. The GOP is prepping for a massive attack on our candidates, and thanks to our donors, we can fight back. Thanks for all you do to help Democrats win! Least Surprising News of the Week The GOP's war on women appears to be hurting them with women voters. According to a new USA Today/Gallup poll conducted in a dozen battleground states, 41 percent of women identify as Democrats, versus 24 percent who identify as Republicans. Among women voters in those twelve states, President Obama holds an 18 point lead over former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. And the trend isn't limited to the presidential election – other Democratic candidates currently holding large leads among women in new polls include Sherrod Brown of Ohio, Bill Nelson of Florida, and Tim Kaine in Virginia.
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