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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Hmmmm. That sounds suspiciously like the figure that would cover the "Tax on the Rich".
  2. Yes. And if I waterboard you, you'll change your tune. I'm not saying I have a problem with it but this cavalier attitude that so many people have on the subject is appalling.
  3. Go to a local yoga studio and talk to them. They'll put you in a class that's suitable for your ability (or lack of). You don't want to do it at home to start because you're not going to do it correctly and you may hurt yourself.
  4. Because you can't be smart or successful in America unless you're an indoctrinated drone who can regurgitate with aplomb.
  5. One of the guys I work with just got scammed out of a motorcycle via Craigslist. Don't accept anything but cash, wire, or cashier's check. Report the contact to the FBI.
  6. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=95773&view=findpost&p=1552177 Jauron !@#$ed up trying to make Marshawn the number 1 guy when FJ was clearly the best, most productive back on the team. That's just a microcosm of why dude got fired.
  7. Wait, so large news agencies are all over an author who wrote a book that negatively portrays a large oil company and shows the all powerful government they dream of as something less than they believe it should be? That's surprising.
  8. If there are 21,000 seats and it's only occupied by 14k people, it would appear even less full because of the number of people standing on the floor. Regardless, it's still pretty much a non-story.
  9. Fortunately for the BILLS, he's not a young man in running back terms. If he continues to produce at the level he was at this past season, he's one of the NFL's best bargains.
  10. You will be absolutely embarrassed by how difficult it is - the instructors and regulars make it look so easy but it's ridiculously hard.
  11. I'm just glad Millen didn't say we had the best draft. Whew.
  12. Yeah, let's make it easier for kids to get out of student load debt at the expense of the taxpayer. There couldn't possibly be any downside to that. What's the tuition rate rising at compared to inflation? Be prepared to watch it double from the ridiculousness we're watching now. The bright side is the big colleges will be able to build bigger, more expensive buildings and give even more educators "tenure".
  13. Gee, Al. Maybe if the wheels of bureaucracy didn't turn so slowly businesses wouldn't have to call their Senators to get visas for Canadian lacrosse players. Congrats on using your political "muscles" to move something along that should have been painless in the first place.
  14. It's understandable because Megatron is a "one in a generation" talent. That size, speed, those hands, and desire to catch everything is unparalleled. It's going to be as tough to find the next Calvin Johnson as it has been to find the next Jerry Rice.
  15. That's what I thought when I started watching some tape. He's wicked fast.
  16. That's a "WTF" pick/trade. Maybe it's past Chix' bed time.
  17. Anyone who has stuck with THIS team THIS long is as much a BILLS fan as anyone who has lived in WNY all their lives. Good for you.
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