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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. NCBI "The number of impacts per 14-week season varied by playing position and starting status, with the average player sustaining 652 impacts." 18 Year Old HS Football Player's Brain Already Showing Signs of CTE
  2. Drones in their homes. Protect us, government.
  3. The minute you post something intelligent, you'll stop getting insulted. Retard.
  4. I love the sentiment. "WE CAN'T FIX THE PROBLEM BECAUSE THE ECONOMY IS ****!" Guess why the economy is ****? Dumb asses. They expand government when the economy is great. They expand government when the economy is crap. It's always about kicking the can down the road with zero understanding of what the consequences actually are.
  5. I think if every level of football got serious about steroids and HGH that the issue would be minimized quite a bit. These freakin' players today are huge and it's not because of nature. That said, I wouldn't allow my kid to play football now. It's no longer a contact sport, it's a collision sport. The size of the players at the high school level is unbelievable. There was some study recently that showed high school kids were basically involved in about 30 low speed car-accident level collisions at each practice. There's no way that doesn't take a toll on your long term well being. Wait until high schools can't get insurance.
  6. In the world where taxpayers don't have to finance government pensions that are unaffordable. There's a reason private companies don't offer pensions that are 75% (or higher) of an average of the recipients 3 highest earning years. In the short term, it certainly hurts the unemployment number - which you alluded to. That doesn't change the fact that it's one of the things that's bankrupting this country and it needs to be changed NOW. No government entity that has this type of benefit should be adding a single job to the payroll until the benefits are more in line with what is affordable.
  7. We don't care about the negative byproducts of our ridiculous "solutions". Sincerely, The Ignorant
  8. That's definitely the reason for his "evolution" but at the end of the day, it's a good thing for the country. I'm glad he did it, even if his reasons aren't at all pure. Shame on you, North Carolina. Shame.
  9. In fairness, he looks far more like the average West Virginian than Mr. Obama does.
  10. Your "point" makes sense in principle but not in practice. The fact of the matter is the 46% don't care about the cost of government because every April 15th they get back more money than they paid in. For them, they think the system "works". They don't get into the "weeds" of what they pay. I work with people who have wicked education qualifications but don't realize they pay over 45% of their income in taxes. The government has done a great job of hiding this little fact. It's kinda like when Germany reunited. The East Germans had almost zero work ethic because for generations they had been allowed to be minimally productive. They all thought that when the moved to capitalism, the only thing that would change was their lifestyle. They didn't realize they would have to work to live like their relatives in West Germany. It caused a tremendous amount of strife then and is only marginally better today. America now has families that have been on welfare for generations. Parents who show their kids how to go on the dole. We're rotting from the bottom up and the top down. Thanks, Democrats and Republicans. "Reich Wing"? Are you !@#$ing kidding me? Take a history class.
  11. The Capital Gains tax is the only FAIR tax we currently have in America. Once again, the problem in this country isn't the amount of money the government takes in. It's the amount it spends and the return it gets on that "investment". Try dealing with the actual problem for once. It's this ridiculous class warfare that allows **** like "ObamaCare" to pass.
  12. Antonio Gates never played college football, right? Maybe the Brick can coach this kid into something.
  13. Don't know and I doubt you do either. Irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, though I'm not surprised someone with so little cognitive ability uses such pedestrian fodder. Nice conclusion, you !@#$ing chimpanzee. Maybe you can serve on the jury for some of the upcoming military PTSD trials. Then all those guys can get the convictions they obviously "deserve". Yeah, because it's so unlike the government to slowly boil the frog. You're a real righty savant. You're in no position to make demands. I know, it hits a little too close to home with clowns like you. Go stand in front of your mirror and tell yourself you're not a racist.
  14. Thud. Enjoy another off season of total underachievement,Flyer fans.
  15. Waterboarding, and virtually every form of "enhanced interrogation" have long term effects on the subject. Physical and mental. To say nothing of the blowback we're going to get for how we continue doing things we B word at everyone else for. And there's nothing saying that each person who is taken into custody and subject to enhanced interrogation is guilty of or even has engaged in criminal activity. We've been known to make numerous mistakes at every level in that regard. To say nothing of the supposed conservatives who want to reign in government power in virtually any turn, well, unless we're talking about waterboarding potential terrorists. Not hypocritical at all. Is that because the people are brown? Watch out how much power you're willing to cede because at some point it may actually have an affect on you.
  16. I seem to remember one of "The T.O. Show" episodes where he went and dropped $80k on earrings for himself. Yeah, I got tons of pity.
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