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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Is this an example of you adding to the discussion? Your politics are once again PROVEN to be inadequate so you toss out a slogan? Yeah, let's wonder why other poster's call you an idiot.
  2. The state of Illinois recently raised the corporate profit tax rate. The result? Neighboring states are wooing Illinois businesses to cross state lines - and the companies are listening and taking the best offer. Once again, the inability of liberal politicians to understand a competitive market place will bite the middle class deeply in the ass. The consequences are going to be staggering.
  3. One of the bit players in the creation of Facebook just renounced his U.S. citizenship in advance of the IPO, so he can save the capital gains tax. Welcome to reality, liberals. Rich people will take their toys and run. Because they can.
  4. I don't know that we'll sign anyone who's currently out there. We may scour the waiver wire later as teams jettison solid veterans in favor of cheaper rookies but I think the BILLS are going to try to extend Levitre and Byrd before the season starts, so anything else is basically back burner.
  5. Yes. He was All-SEC as a Senior at Mississippi State. Hicks was a good player until he screwed up his knee. He was never the same after that. I remember his first NFL start because he spent the day kicking Jason Taylor's ass. After the game, he was asked how he handled Taylor so easily, and he said something along the lines of "I practice every day against Bruce Smith, game days are much easier."
  6. Quite the show of faith by the BILLS' Front Office, right?
  7. Nancy Grace couldn't find them because they were below her foopa. !@#$, I hate that !@#$.
  8. It's pretty brutal here for drones, regardless of political persuasion. The most intelligent posters here aren't "right wingers", they're "no wingers". Just because we hate liberals doesn't mean we're Republicans. Republicans !@#$ing suck too.
  9. The complaint was how complicated the defense was. Players were thinking too much instead of just playing. Recipe for disaster.
  10. They needed the cap room. Look for Dwan Edwards and/or Spencer Johnson to get axed too. There are important guys like Levitre and Byrd to extend. Sometimes you have to make choices. Frankly I'm thrilled the BILLS are actually in this predicament. You just can't let players like that get to free agency because the chance they're going to leave goes up exponentially. Even if they stay, the price is going to be significantly higher. If Buddy is smart and wants to keep those guys, he's working deals right now. Levitre would have been a Pro Bowler last season if he'd stayed at LG all year and Byrd really took a step last season. At the end of the day, Florence was one of the most expendable BILLS and the cap number cinched it.
  11. Which is only important because you're playing with yourself.
  12. Boxing was dead long before Forrest Griffen fought Stephan Bonner. I will grant you that the brutality is only part of what killed it (graft, corruption, PPV, too many promotions, etc) but it did play a role.
  13. Good luck, DF. Thanks for the pick 6 against Brady. I'll never forget it.
  14. This just in: New players rarely play well for their new teams in their first season. Their biggest effect is usually on the team they leave.
  15. Because they aren't and politics isn't rocket science - most problems can be solved using common sense with a side of critical thought. They aren't interested in solving problems, only the perception that they're trying but some entity (usually the other party, because of convenience) is standing in the way of them having someone else's money to do it. Solving problems doesn't create empires that make people very rich - quite the opposite. George Washington warned us about this in his final address. He knew the consequences we were facing 250 years ago and we were fledgling at that point. We're not reinventing anything, only repackaging the same sad death knell that every empire in human history has faced. Enjoy your "benefits" while they last. The bill is going to come due at some point.
  16. I remember when WNY car dealers would give them away with the purchase of a more expensive American car because they couldn't sell the !@#$ing things. One of my buddy's got one as a loaner when his car was in for warranty service. I swear, a soda can had thicker metal than that !@#$ing car. What a piece of ****. I knew we were going to win the Cold War after riding in Eastern Block cars.
  17. I don't have a problem with people continuing to play as long as I don't have to pay for them when they're 45 and drooling on themselves. Assume the risk, reap the rewards (positive and negative). I like being entertained.
  18. That's because you can't turn a battleship around in a phone booth. Politicians don't care about anything but staying in power. "Fixing" things requires making difficult and likely unpopular decisions. We don't elect people who are capable of such things, instead we get retards who spend time arguing about whether gay people deserve equal protection under the law, the legality of abortion and drugs, and who should pay what in taxes. Virtually everything that's wrong in this country could be fixed by returning to Constitutional government. That's not going to happen because a whole bunch of people have figured out how to lead the drones down the primrose path.
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