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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Quite a leap. Inherently? No. More likely? Yes. Of course there are. Any more pearls of wisdom you'd like to offer while looking down your nose? Never said it did. It does, however, contribute mightily in places like Mississippi. You can argue that all you want - I don't care. Some of the most educated people are the largest drones. Lack of education isn't the only source of the problem and more education isn't the sole solution. While things are generally as simple as they seem, one size rarely fits all. You're one defensive dude.
  2. That's your definition. I wouldn't put the populous of Mississippi in the "undereducated" group. I'd put them in the "uneducated" group. I've been all over this country and Mississippi was by far the worst place. It's like stepping into a time machine to the dregs of American history.
  3. "Free Trade" alone doesn't outsource jobs. "Free Trade" + unreasonable corporate leadership + unreasonable union demands + overbearing government = outsourced jobs. For whatever reason, most people don't understand competition or the things that drive/dilute it. Your assertion is far too simple to be realistic. At the end of the day, it's all about "me first". Until Republicans and Democrats can start pointing the wagging fingers back at themselves, nothing changes.
  4. So one of the most impoverished, least educated states is still backwoods? Not exactly news. And it's not like your politics would be the thing to get them out of it, either.
  5. People tend to learn better when they're allowed to fail trying it their way first.
  6. Fiscal responsibility is hard when you're trying to buy votes.
  7. No he didn't. And according to Health Affairs, the U.S. paid almost $50 BILLION in 2008 in defensive medicine costs. That's more than CBO estimated we'd take in if Mr. Obama's plan to tax the rich was actually implemented.
  8. Nice to see you're correct for a change. Oppression by government power is a bipartisan issue. Both sides totally suck and any other deduction is a pathetic indictment of the person making it.
  9. First: I don't care about your opinion of me. I've stated it at least once already. You can stop with that entire line. I didn't care about being popular when it was supposed to be important and I care less about it now. You're a freakin' cat toy. The rest of your post is a giant pile of horseshit. You don't speak "dialectically" about a 2700+ page bill and call it a "floor", a "canvas", or any other comparative word based on the criteria you're using unless you're a !@#$ing drone. ACA doesn't even begin to address the real reasons why health care is expensive in America because if it did the governments at all levels would get the blame it deserves and there is a chance we may be able to make actual headway. I really appreciate the "I know you are but what am I" part of the post. Pretty obvious there's absolutely no original thought going on. Keep reading the polls and pretending that the 3 pages that "some people really like" somehow absolve the 2697+ other pages that none of the politicians nor their apologists has ever read and the cost estimates that have doubled in the last year (and will likely double again withing 24 months). I speak in absolutes because I have principles and convictions and I'm not solely shaped by the information I'm bombarded with on a daily basis. It's called leadership. I'm not surprised you don't recognize it. Few people can anymore.
  10. Kinda like how anyone who disagrees with you must be a drunk, redneck, backwoods, looney, conspiracy theorist, right hypocritical !@#$head? Look in the mirror. You're your own worst enemy and you're too stupid or narcissistic to even realize it. 2700+ pages that "we have to pass it so we can see what's in it." But hey, we have polls.
  11. Do you? Do you actually "site" it? I don't care about polls. Polls are devious tools that are used by politicians and their minions to reshape public opinions and herd people in a direction. Most "polls" ask very simple questions and look for very simple responses. The one thing they don't do AT ALL is detail. Because if they did, they'd likely show that over 90% of the people who respond have no !@#$ing clue what they're talking about. Congrats, you have "sited" some polls that give validation to your "opinion". That's quite a feat in today's Information Age. Yeah, you "site" some polls. Polls responded to by people who watch the same for profit media streams and are able to blindly regurgitate the five or so talking points that Pelosi, Obama, Reid, etc use to scare the public into sheepdom. Then Fox responds in kind. So it's more than a little hypocritical for you to use these polls and then B word at someone who disagrees with you because there's a possibility they don't follow the same media masters you do. At the end of the day, "Affordable Care" is no different than the "HMO Act of 1977". It won't reduce costs, won't improve efficiency, and there will still be a similar percentage of people who will be without coverage . What it will do is create a larger bureaucracy at every level of government and create some more drones. It's going to look a lot like the "Drug War" and the "War on Terror". There are still drug addicts and terrorists and all the **** associated with each. But hey, you and a whole bunch of other drones are spun up, so that's a win for the politicians because it keeps you from noticing how !@#$ed we really are. I don't watch Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, etc. I'm not a Republican or a Democrat and I don't vote for either party. Everyone who disagrees with you isn't automatically "right wing". Some people just think you're !@#$ing stupid. I'm one of those people. I'm glad "nothing is accomplished legislatively" and I didn't like the previous administration, either. Again, being against bad laws and unConstitional legislation isn't part of either party's lexicon. You have to be able to think for yourself to understand this simple concept. /irony In your dreams. You're right, my community of "peers" is very small. There aren't many people who have lived all over the world , are able to look at things critically, and understand what the possible long term consequences of action or inaction are. We're far more equipped to "trustee" for the rest of the country than you and the rest of the drones. I don't care about 3rdnlng, Republicans, you, Democrats, or polls. Congrats on being able to Google or hit whatever partisan page gives you the information that's compiled to support your argument. I'm sure some Republican drone is willing to spend the time refuting those with polls of equal value. Enjoy getting what you wish for.
  12. Except that's not what I said. They DO participate in the American political process and it's not illegal because you !@#$ing drones refuse to hold anyone accountable and continue to play the "lesser of two evils" game. Politicians love your stupidity almost as much as they value your loyalty. I totally care what you "think".
  13. I don't think people standing up for equality suck. I didn't get married in a Church or by a Religious Official. I got married by a Justice of the Peace and got a government certificate so I'm entitled to all the protections that go with that. I simply don't understand why homosexual couples aren't afforded the same rights I am in this regard. I think Churches should be allowed to discriminate on whatever boundaries they desire, just like I think there should be private clubs that can exclude people based on religion, sex, orientation, color, whatever. BUT THE GOVERNMENT CAN'T BE AFFORDED THE SAME LUXURY. It's against the very principles this country was founded upon (spare me the slave ownership/suffrage/etc arguments, they're irrelevant now).
  14. Thanks for the typical oversimplification, liberal drone. What, you don't know how to use Google? I don't think most people need to read an AP Wire story that's nothing more than a long winded version of "Facebook douche renounces American citizenship so he doesn't have to pay capital gains taxes on the IPO." And for the rest of you tards: It's all about balance. You simply can't raise taxes to unreasonable levels because there will be a relational effect to the negative. Just like you can't continue to enslave entire generations with "benefits" off the backs of the productive to keep your political party relevant. Yeah, his single vote is worth losing all the other benefits his money provides. Great long view there. Just in case you didn't know, DRONE: He has money. He'll still participate in the U.S. political process using it. It's not against the rules - and his participation will be far more productive than YOURS.
  15. Good job, Zealots. That's the right message to be sending in 2012.
  16. Dumbest stat ever. Vince Young has never thrown for 2600 yards in a SEASON. Vince Young has never thrown more than 12 touchdown passes in a SEASON. Vince Young has thrown more TDs than interceptions in a SEASON TWICE in his ENTIRE CAREER. Vince Young has never averaged 200 yards passing per game in his career. With Vince Young as a starter, Tennessee never ranked higher than 24th in the NFL in passing yards. In his Titans career, Young had twice as many games where he threw for under 100 yards than he threw for over 250 yards. In his 2 seasons and 29 starts in Buffalo, Ryan Fitzpatrick has thrown more touchdown passes than Vince Young has thrown in his entire CAREER. That's 50 starts and 61 games for Young.
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