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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Good teams cut late rounders regularly. That's why they're good - they have competition for spots. Bad teams are pretty much forced to keep all their draft choices.
  2. I wouldn't take the fight on 8 days notice either. It's the equivalent of preparing for a puncher only to be thrown a speedy counterpuncher at the last second. To me, it's the biggest issue the UFC faces. This happens far too often and no champion should be made to look bad because they're looking out for their best interest. The UFC would be better off with stronger cards from top to bottom so the loss of one fight doesn't cause a cancellation.
  3. My doberman Bosley ate an appetizer meat tray at Christmas - a huge one. He literally left just one piece of ham on it. He did the deed in less than a minute then went over to the couch for a nap. I couldn't even be pissed. Merry Christmas, ya bastard.
  4. If we didn't lose anyone to injury, then it was a very successful preseason game. No one should read much into the rest of it.
  5. Yeah, the 7th round is the "who's who" of the NFL.
  6. Most of the best coaches are guys who fell short. They simply lacked the athletic ability to do what their brain told them.
  7. This "owner" was only macho in the sense of wanting the dog because it was a Rott. Working breeds, especially the German ones (Shepard/Doberman/Rott/Etc) need constant stimuli and attention. If they're left by themselves for extended periods, they basically go stir crazy. This dog was always left alone in a run in the back yard. It was pathetic.
  8. You'd get the same treatment from virtually any working breed when you "confront" a member of their pack. I had a similar experience with a family member's 120 pound Rott, though there wasn't any real stimuli to cause it. That dog was completely out of control and ended up having to be destroyed. Completely the fault of the owner.
  9. I'm curious to know how they were "socialized, obedience-trained". As a responsible pet owner, I don't let my dogs run free in my yard without supervision. Not because they'd do anything on their own, but because there are people who antagonize and then play victim (I'm not saying you did that - at all). Anyone who lets large breed dogs run free is asking for trouble, especially if their dogs have any kind of prey drive. Dogs aren't any different than humans. A small percentage of them are subject to doing things that seem mind-boggling and completely out of kilter with their normal behavior. I'd be VERY surprised if what happened to you wasn't a manifestation of many minor "incidents" that were basically ignored, or even praised by the owner(s). It really sucks that you were the victim. I'm a dog person but I'm VERY leery of large breed dogs who I don't know. They have tremendous destructive power. I've also taken classes on dealing with them, so I'm somewhat comfortable in most of those situations.
  10. I think the most heartening thing about the video is his effectiveness when there's a push in the middle. He's relentless and when the QB can't step up, he makes plays. He could absolutely rake with Meatball and Dareus laying waste to the interior.
  11. When you start inviting the government into your daily life, these are the results you can expect. That story makes me ill at my very core.
  12. Rahm Emanuel has done nothing but continue/enhance the same failed policies that started Chicago down the path its on. His leadership is akin to rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. The only people who apologize for politicians are those who are too stupid to realize how the world actually works.
  13. And you are? The government passes laws all the time to "level the playing field" when there isn't any evidence that the action is necessary. Military people have to show their IDs to buy a candy bar at the Base Exchange but a citizen doesn't have to show ID for something as important as casting a vote? Horseshit. The Liberals have a stake in keeping poor people poor. It's good for business.
  14. You mean because it's too hard to get from LA to Las Vegas? It's a freakin' $59 flight or an easy 4 hour drive. Way to solve a problem that doesn't exist with billions of dollars you don't have.
  15. Anchorage, Alaska Alaska Aces Glacier Blue, Silver, and Black. Imagine the home field advantage in January.
  16. You know, because I make all the decisions for the state of Alaska and because I voted for the idiots who do.
  17. People having "insurance" hasn't made health care less expensive. So far, there's been little to nothing reported on "ObamaCare" that shows tangible proof that costs will decrease at all. In fact, virtually everything I've seen shows it'll increase it at around the current rate or higher. Whoopie.
  18. As long as that means no other federal taxes on anything, sure. And while you're at it, force through a Balanced Budget Amendment.
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