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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Barkley has bust written all over him. My Mom could riddle WVU's defense. That game was a 60 minute 7-on7 drill. Jones looked like a B word against ND, which plays NFL style defense. I don't think I'd go anywhere near him.
  2. Me either. The Trojans have owned us and are a match up nightmare, despite their record. They're really talented.
  3. College football's championship is a joke. It's nothing more than a popularity contest or beauty pageant. They might as well have Honey Boo Boo hand out the !@#$ing trophy. Go Irish.
  4. Thank you. I thought I was clear but there was obviously some confusion.
  5. And it should be because it's one of the coolest things on this planet. It's like playing football in the Grand Canyon or in the shadows of the Pyramid at Giza. Deion looked happy compared to Faulk, who looked like he was broadcasting live from Freeze Meister's lair.
  6. The problem wasn't the play call, it was Chandler's execution. You have a 6'7" TE who can't wall off a CB? Really?
  7. Moore is a very good pass rusher who should be out there in every obvious passing situation because he brings heat every snap. I don't know about his run defense but I do know it's embarrassing that our PR has been so bad this season and this guy hasn't been given an opportunity until almost everyone in front of him has been carted off. That said, there were open receivers all over the place last night but Tannehill had happy feet because he got whacked a few times early in the game. We'd have given up 40 to a good QB.
  8. Spiller just isn't that guy. Freddie is pretty good at finding that little crack that's going to be available but CJ is like Barry Sanders in those situations. For every home run he hits, he's going to get crushed 5 or 6 times. The best thing the BILLS can do to resolve this next offseason is find a real short yardage guy who can move the pile. Note to Chan: Stop taking Spiller off the field in the red zone. The damn football isn't heavy.
  9. I'm sorry for your loss - I know exactly how that goes. We literally lost 3 dogs in an 18 month span and two of them were to cancer. It sucks. The only thing that heals the hurt is adding back to the family. When we lost Auslese, I called the state Doberman rescue from the vet's office and asked them if they had any females available. They brought us a dog that afternoon. It was almost like a miracle for my family and Molly has turned out to be the most grateful dog ever. There's a scared dog at a shelter somewhere just waiting for you to show up and give them a chance at a great life. You both deserve that and King would be happy to know you paid homage to him.
  10. You mean because the current system is fair and the right teams play for the national title every year?
  11. I've had mine (16kW) for over 6 years. I've needed it a handful of times but I can tell you that when it's ridiculously hot or ridiculously cold it is awesome to have.
  12. http://kohlerpower.com/residential/solutions/sizingcalculator.htm?sectionNumber=13561&nodeNumber=1&contentNumber=103
  13. Why would you have to? Any scrap place would give you a few bucks for it.
  14. It truly depends on what you want to be able to run. You have to figure out the load of the things you want to use. If you want to run everything in the house, you're going to need a pretty big generator and that's expensive. If you only want 100 amps, "whole house" LP/NG generators are pretty cheap - Generac's in the $3500-$4K range for a pretty nice unit. How ever, if you want over 200 amps, you're going to pay 4 to 5 times that much. To start a 5-ton AC unit you need at least 15kW. That's about the last size that falls into the affordable range. 20kW and up start getting pretty pricey. Both Generac's and Cummins exercise themselves weekly. The only thing you really have to be careful with is the batteries because they wear out after about four years, like clockwork. The upsides are big, though. They exercise themselves automatically, turn on automatically when the power goes out, and then turn off when the power comes back on.
  15. I thought it kind of sucked. A lot of plodding surrounded by "suspended reality" action scenes. Very disappointed.
  16. If your dog cleans itself constantly she's probably allergic to something in her food.
  17. Because it isn't. FWIW, I think the football program at PSU got royally screwed so a whole bunch of stupid people could feel good about themselves. Much the same way the PSU guy in this thread is an idiot who is tossing a bunch of crap against the wall to try to feel better about himself.
  18. Enjoy that ND game a couple weeks ago, convict?
  19. http://reviews.totalhockey.com/9034/5888_2/sportsense-odor-and-bacteria-spray-reviews/reviews.htm?sort=rating
  20. I know it's a television show and it wouldn't be as gripping if the characters were sensible but there's no way I'd waste ammo on zombies when you can kill them through a fence, nor would I ever walk over one without putting something through its skull. That drives me crazy! I like the show but stuff like that makes it stupid and it doesn't have to be.
  21. Young is not intelligent and is also very lazy. He got cut because he lacks the will to live up to his talent.
  22. "Hey, TMQ guy. You know you didn't get the BILLS' CBs name right, don't ya?" "If the BILLS don't care about their team, why the !@#$ should I?"
  23. How about not lining up a safety mano y mano on the other team's best receiver in the first place? That's just horrible coaching and should NEVER happen.
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