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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Given that they touch about .20 of every dollar generated in this country, they ought to be doing good a bit more often than "time to time".
  2. That's pretty much expected, given your obviously low intelligence. Whatever. Guys like you remind me of the tards who write for Rolling Stone. There's nothing better than some wannabee or never was who needs to try to sound smart about something that anyone with a clue doesn't give a **** about. Go smell your own farts, poofter.
  3. What LBer in the NFL can regularly cover those guys? I haven't seen them. The BILLS use a safety (Scott) in those situations and HE can't cover anyone.
  4. 37 points on 7 scoring drives? Yeah, that's awesome. What games do you watch? This team can't get a stop when it has to have one. Couldn't keep the Colts out of the end zone at the end of the first half (though I'll grant that the NFL boned us because Byrd forced Wayne to fumble). 2nd and nine on the last drive they give up 14 yard pass to Wayne. 3rd and 10 on last drive, give up pass interference penalty and automatic first down. Luck is going to be a great QB but his stats right now are worse than average (fewer TDs, more picks, lower QB rating than Fitz!). The reason he wins is because he regularly makes the plays in the clutch the BILLS haven't made in over a decade. Gimme a break.
  5. The defensive stats are improving because the competition level is lower. I didn't see anything noticeably different yesterday. Henne was comfortable in the pocket the entire game and the sacks were of the coverage variety. Brady would have lit us up. I turned over to the Pats' game late to see Miami driving inside the 10. On third down, Belichick delay blitzed Spikes untouched over the left guard for a big loss and forced FG. Brady then kept the offense on the field for pretty much the rest of the game and cinched it with a FG to put them up 2 scores. A successful blitz in a critical situation? What's that like?
  6. Agreed. He uses the same tactics Revis uses. Once he stops the ridiculous "180 spin move" coverage thing and the officials start respecting him, he could be very special. Agreed. There were a number of plays the Jags left on the field yesterday. There were open receivers that were recognized but Henne threw bad balls in the weather. I didn't see much difference in the defense from the pathetic efforts we've had all season.
  7. Jake Reed (far more consistantly productive than any BILLS' opposite receiver during Reed's time), Randy Moss, and Robert Smith - to name a few. Beebe never caught more than 40 balls in a season. Lofton had 2 pretty productive years in Buffalo and that's about it. Carter played in a more pass heavy offense and more than half of his games indoors, so his stats are better. Both are HoF worthy. As far as which guy is a bigger douche bag, that's up for debate.
  8. The ACC is going to be a ridiculous hoops conference.
  9. The defensive schemes this team runs are maddening. Other teams consistently get their best receiver one-on-one with our nickle guy, which is something that should never happen.
  10. I'm a homer and a bit of a purist when it comes to the award. If Manti doesn't win it, then they should just admit that defensive players aren't eligible anymore.
  11. QBs Against Colts: 2,403 yards, 18 TDs, 4 picks, 63.55 completion %, 22 sacks, 7.6 YPP, 98.25 rating. The Colts are minus 13 in turnovers. There isn't a worse 6-4 team in the NFL.
  12. Swap the QBs. Indy has been fortunate enough TWICE to suck when the best QB of the generation is there for the taking. The BILLS' worst season netted us a number 3 pick. If it was 1983 that would mean a shot at a couple of future HoFers but any other time? Our roster is so much stronger than theirs it isn't even funny. Our defense has played poorly but looks like the '74 Steelers talent-wise compared to Indy.
  13. It's not only trendy to bash Sheppard, it's correct. He is the worst MLB in the NFL and it's not close. He doesn't fill his gap, can't shed, and misses the tackles he can get to with shocking regularity. On top of that he can't cover or recover. Terrible, terrible football player.
  14. I think you're right and wrong. There is very specific breeding of working dog breeds for "prey drive". "Prey drive" is basically aggression toward a target. If you breed two working dogs who have high prey drive, you're more likely to have multiple offspring with similar traits. The cycle has perpetuated numerous times with multiple popular breeds (GSD, Doberman, BM, etc). I'm not disputing the rest of what you typed but there are numerous books on the subject that have fascinating science behind them. It's not an "all or nothing" sum game. If I were Buehrle, I'd refuse to report and hold out until traded to a place my entire family could live.
  15. It's not just pits who are "raised well". It's the breeding cycle and the scumbags who breed the more aggressive samples, hoping to make the ultimate dog fighter. It's a travesty for such a noble breed.
  16. Perhaps the BILLS felt the need to have a player on the roster who could play before the second half of the season? There's a reason D.A. wasn't on anyone's roster until week 9.
  17. Manti may be that once in a generation Ray Lewis or Brian Urlacher type leader that an entire defense rallies around to elevate their play. ND is going to have every defensive senior drafted and that's not something I would have thought going into the season. Bob Diaco deserves a ton of credit but Teo is a special player.
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