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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Examples? You know, since I've obviously done that so many times that there's a pattern. You ought to be able to show us at least two. You made a statement along the lines of "assault weapons should be illegal". Someone asked you to define "assault weapon". You came back with a wikipedia definition of guns that are essentially already illegal and almost never used to commit crime in this country. That pretty much proves you either don't know what you're talking about or you're pandering, just like the rest of the ignorant politicians. Somehow, I don't see that being MY problem. You know, if I gave a flying crap about your opinion...
  2. It's too bad work has slowed down for the holidays. I can't say I've missed the tard bashing as much as one might think I would.
  3. From an email I got today (I haven't verified the figures but it doesn't change reality even if they're off a bit) I've gotten this as an email two times now. I have shown it to several people. They all react the same, "OMG. We need to do something." I tried to verify on Snopes and FactorFiction.com, but I couldn't find it on either. So I just checked the figures stated myself by Googling. The stated figures are all very close to the amounts I found. It's very interesting so I thought I would pass it along so everyone will be able to realize what we are facing. Why S&P Downgraded the US: U.S. Tax revenue: $2,170,000,000,000 Federal budget: $3,820,000,000,000 New debt: $ 1,650,000,000,000 National debt: $14,271,000,000,000 Recent [April] budget cut: $ 38,500,000,000 Let’s remove 8 zeros and pretend it’s a household budget: Annual family income: $21,700 Money the family spent: $38,200 New debt on the credit card: $16,500 Outstanding balance on the credit card: $142,710 Budget cuts: $385
  4. And you're a hypocrite. You whine incessantly about insults but you just can't stop yourself the second you see an opportunity. I remember, not so long ago, when you whined because I used your name (Eric) on this board, complaining about your privacy. I can dig up those PMs, if you'd like. I probably still have them somewhere. You're absolutely amazing. I point out your ridiculous lack of command because it's a symptom of both your laziness and stupidity. You want people to take you seriously but you wouldn't be able to put a cogent thought down if your children's lives depended on it. I applaud you for sticking to your "AD never talks about anything", despite the insane amount of contrarian data that's available using the search feature on this very message board. Do I insult you and the other retards far more often than I put down wisdom? You bet. BECAUSE THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT YOU (and they) DESERVE. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. Even you, with your menial education and skills, should be able to process it. You don't even grasp basic concepts. You're nothing more than a parrot. If this kind of **** continues, some criminal is going to use the information to break into one of these homes, steal a weapon, then use it to commit a crime. I only hope that crime is perpetuated against someone like you - someone who doesn't see what the big deal is. Some people have to learn the hard way. It's usually the shallow end of the intellectual pool, where you've been smashing your head against the floor since you crawled out from wherever you came.
  5. It's tough to give credence to your "intellectual" abilities given you lack the ability to form even a basic sentence.
  6. If you "know quite a bit about guns", then you'd know that "assault weapons" according to the definition you posted are already essentially illegal. So why bother pushing that issue unless you're pulling the same crap the rest of the ignorant politicians and the fools who follow them are currently spun up over?
  7. Here's a newsflash: The weapon used in Newtown doesn't fit the definition in the link you posted. It is neither automatic nor burst capable. This is exactly why people think you're a moron.
  8. That's right. The neocon's stupid wars and defense spending cost A LOT. And so do the stupid liberal social programs and give aways that have played at least an equal part in bankrupting the country. But you'll ignore that because your partisanship is convenient to YOU.
  9. Anything that scares him or some other uneducated liberal.
  10. It can't be either. It has to be both. I don't think anyone is accepting anything right now. There is plenty of discussion, though most of it is the typical "blame game" **** that has gotten us to this point in the first place. The most recent "situations" are the result of decades of bad policy decisions at all levels of our infrastructure. We don't do a very good job of taking a hard look at ourselves because we're too busy selling our kid's futures to the highest bidders. Go, go Partisans!
  11. No, it's death by 1000 cuts as anyone who has followed the history of it already knows. You educate YOURSELF.
  12. How exactly was it "easy access to weapons"? That dude went to the store and tried to buy a gun. He didn't get one there. Like virtually ALL criminals, he found another way. People bent on mayhem tend to do just that. Violent crime in America is pretty much at an all time low. If you're sick of it, turn off your television because it's the only place it's actually impacting your life. It certainly isn't part of your daily life any other way, if you're an average guy. This is another "lie repeated often enough"... It takes about 1 second to reload. ONE. This guy was in a school with KINDERGARTENERS. Let's say he had 10 round clips. Instead of reloading 6 times, he would have had to reload 18. Or he could have chosen any of the other guns he had on him. Your "idea" wouldn't have changed the outcome. Looking at it another way. The last "Ban" made the manufacture of hi-cap magazines illegal. It did not, however, make the "reconditioning" of high capacity magazines illegal. That meant there was still just as much of a market but the prices skyrocketed. You know who could afford to buy those? A dude whose mom lived in a million dollar mansion and could afford to own multiple high cost weapons, including a $1200+ Bushmaster. Most gun owners look at the politics of these situations as "frog boiling" situations. Sure, you banning "assault weapons" wouldn't have any effect on actual crime but it opens another door - because there will be precedent when this **** happens again. AND IT WILL HAPPEN AGAIN. No matter how many laws you pass, there will be dickheads who kill defenseless people. It's been that way since we started drawing **** on cave walls. And prohibition has proven not to work at all. You want to fix what ails America? Get involved in your community. Teach parents, administrators, and teachers how to recognize mental health problems and get people the help they need. Start looking deeper into who is benefiting from keeping drugs illegal because the violence and prison culture that's been perpetuated from it has killed our inner cities.
  13. So? Move to Canada. The reality of America is that unless you're involved in illegal activity (especially drugs), then you're no more likely to be a victim of gun violence than anywhere else in the world. Probably has nothing to do with the fact that "semi-automatic" weapons are pretty much the same as hunting rifles. When you get down to it, the differences between "military-style" rifles and hunting rifles are purely cosmetic. Less than 2% of all gun crime is committed with "assault weapons". I'm not even going to get into how silly the last "assault weapons" ban was - it didn't keep a single "assault weapon" off the streets and the next one wouldn't either. If someone wants to kill people and become famous, they are going to find a way to do it, the media is going to fill their role, and politicians are going to try their best to capitalize on it. That's just reality.
  14. I'm as big an ND fan as there is and I'm wary of Te'o at the next level. If we were picking in the 20s and he was the best player on the board, maybe. Leadership is an important thing but only if you're good enough to be on the field. If I was going to pick someone from South Bend, it'd be Eifert. He's going to be a witch in the pros - another Gronk.
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