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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Horrible human being. Retatta thread: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/25951-oh-this-is-nicereal-nice/
  2. Actually, it was movies, not music. That thread was hilarious. I wish we still had the "telephone pole" thread. Also, Ed trying to figure out who the !@#$ Crayonz is.
  3. These are the obvious consequences that tards like EII can't wrap their tiny brains around. There are many others coming. Criminals are far quicker to adapt than law enforcement and politicians.
  4. I worked with a girl who narrowed the kid's name down to "Grayling" or "Pike" (they were avid fishermen). She asked my opinion, so I said "why not Kickmyassontheplayground? You'll get pretty much the same result." She didn't think it was funny.
  5. Based on what data? Mass transit works in places like Europe because they have the population density to support it. It doesn't work here because we don't. It's truly that simple. We can't afford it and it'll never pay for itself.
  6. Consequences, schmonsequences. We have political hay to make. Nice job, liberals. As always.
  7. There isn't anything average about ND's front 7 or Offensive line. Nothing at all. That game was tied going into the fourth quarter and Georgia gave up almost 250 yards on the ground. Florida looked like crap. South Carolina had to rally to beat Michigan. MSSU got spanked by a team that hasn't won a bowl in like 70 years. I'm interested to see how A&M plays against Oklahoma.
  8. Each and every person who thinks "outing" private citizens is a good idea should learn a lesson from this. Once again, a powerful entity decided to overstep its bounds and go after those who're individually almost powerless but collectively very powerful. Apparently just a few communicated "threats" forced the previously powerful entity to re-evalute and go to the mattresses. WAKE THE !@#$ UP, RETARDS.
  9. You really need to me explain why global energy prices that were 4-500% lower during the time period would lead to higher tax revenues? REALLY? I could give a crap about CBO estimates or any other statistic the government has thrown out. At the end of the day, the government has proven that no matter how much money we give it, they will spend that much and then MUCH, MUCH more. The answer will NEVER be to give them more money, it's to reign in the spending and limit the negative effect. Post more. For crying out loud!
  10. You don't warrant a serious response because you take very basic statistics and try to sell them as absolutes. The problem with that "thinking" is the U.S./global economy is extremely complex and the underlying factors between the comparison periods are extraordinarily different. For example, maybe we could compare the price of a BBL of oil from 1993-2000 and then from 2000-2008. Think that may have had an impact on the economy and somehow affected tax revenue? Nah, not you. You're educated. You have a statistic in your favor. That's one enormous difference, there are many more. But keep ringing that bell, I'm sure your students lap it up. Young minds tend to be more drone like and willing to swallow your **** than those of us who've actually seen the world.
  11. You're talking to a guy who actually believes the tax rates during the Clinton Administration caused a surplus. You know that, right?
  12. Wait, so they need guns to protect themselves in times of strife? What a novel concept.
  13. Belichick didn't "bomb" in Cleveland. They were 11-5 and won a playoff game in his fourth season and were 3-1 in the fifth season when Modell announced the team was moving to Baltimore - they finished 5-11. Ozzie Newsome and many others credit Belichick for showing them how to build a franchise.
  14. Agreed. Whisenhunt has proven he can get to the SB with a great QB, though I'm pretty sure he originally chose Leinart over Warner. He's also had a tough time developing any of the other QBs he's had access to and that's a REAL concern to me. I can't say I watched a lot of Arizona football since Warner retired but I will say that the personality of that defense is pretty "Steeler" like. They certainly get after the QB and hit like hell (in the few games I've seen). I don't think their draft track record is very good and I don't know if KW had a lot of input on that side of the organization. I'm not even sure who I like anymore. My feeling is similar to the situation when Gailey was hired. I don't think any good candidate is going to look at this organization with anything but wariness. I know some things are certainly better now than 3 years ago but I think the reputation around NFL circles is poor and that's a tough thing to change.
  15. The one that comes to mind is Barry Switzer. The point is, the NFL is a QB league. I don't care how good a coach you are, you aren't winning without a good QB. You might be able to get into the playoffs but your team will find a way to lose to quality opponents more often than not.
  16. And almost no coach wins consistently without one.
  17. Not too many coaches in the NFL are good without good QBs. The BILLS have one of the worst defenses I've ever seen but would have been 10-6 with above average QB play.
  18. Perhaps (and I doubt it based on track record), they've already got a guy and he's already worked the phones to the point where they're ready to move forward. That's what a good organization would be doing.
  19. Yet another liberal who doesn't understand consequence. How surprising.
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