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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. You mean "individual who is under the care of a physician and has been prescribed SSRI drugs, right? Because it's the single factor that links EVERY single mass shooting that's occurred. Love the "dweeb" comment. Very refreshing to see that condescending liberal hypocrisy when the guy isn't voting for your guy.
  2. Yeah, because the government touching between $.17 and $.20 of every dollar generated in this country isn't nearly enough. Dear God you liberals are freakin' retarded.
  3. I'm not sure why this is a problem. The media sucks and voters are stupid - not exactly news. We essentially require other foreign companies to at least assemble a portion of their fleet here. Why should China be different?
  4. There isn't anyone in charge of the ATF. The agency hasn't had a director in SIX YEARS. Coincidence? Probably not.
  5. I love that kind of blanket judgement, as if you have any idea what was actually going on in his house.
  6. There are already 20000 gun laws on the books. Maybe we should try actually enforcing those first.
  7. Spoken like someone who has never served a day in the military and has never held a gun in his life. You're nothing more than another ignorant liberal blowhard who lives in a fantasy world. No, Americans simply reacted to the emotional sale that politicians pushed on them and went along like the sheep most of them are. "Japs are bad!" "Assault weapons are the devil." Evil people are only able to commit atrocities because good people refuse to act. Sound familiar? Yeah, didn't think so.
  8. "Terriers" was going to be a great show. They really screwed the advanced marketing. It was doomed before it even started.
  9. Not just base closures. We've got a bunch of weapons systems and other gear that we're still buying but don't need/want because we can't retool the production places in a timely manner.
  10. That's a fair point - it's actually already happened regarding veterans who've returned from combat and gone through counseling.
  11. When it was written the government wasn't dropping 2000 pounders on restaurants in sovereign nations or using drones to monitor its citizens. I think the solution is probably to publish the locations of all legally owned firearms. Sincerely, Liberals
  12. I don't see it as being any different than the liberal ideology. Both are stupid and offensive.
  13. The really glaring thing I noticed is his accuracy really suffers when he doesn't set his feet, especially when it's a designed roll. The ball certainly gets there in a hurry but it's either overthrown or short-hopped. He throws a nice deep ball when he sets his feet.
  14. Leodis has been a good returner his entire career, pretty much regardless of who has been back there. The kick block thing, to me, is more of an individual effort thing. We're not doing anything special or unique, simply benefiting from Carrington and Dareus and the pushers who're getting them through. I think the kick and punt coverage most of this year was dreadful. The stats don't necessarily bear it out but we were forced to use defensive starters on special teams more as the season went on. Personally, I think it's time to go a different direction.
  15. I'd like to make every taxpayer actually write and sign a check every month for what they actually pay in taxes. Can you imagine the uproar when they had to write a check for 13% of their gross just for Social Security?
  16. OMFG that was awesome. Totally forgot that.
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