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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. There's no way St Louis ponies up that kind of coin for a team that's a distant third in popularity in the city. If LA is going to spend a billion dollars on a football stadium, they're going to get a team. I'll believe that part when I see it.
  2. You mean like criticizing them for not spending enough money we don't have?
  3. Forget it, Eric. It's like I keep forgetting how god awful stupid you are. It's like reasoning with a five year old. Pointless.
  4. Many are idiots. Many have made decisions regarding the rearing of children that have brought us to a point where children now have virtually zero respect for adults or authority in general. That's not going to get unbroken in short order. Spanking probably doesn't accomplish much. The threat of spanking keeps the line of fear/respect in it's proper place.
  5. I changed it to Monkey Dishwasher Pumpkin. In my head. It's a liberty I've reserved.
  6. Ah yes, the "Spending money we don't have to aid the recovery that won't really happen without real changes in fundamental policy". Kick that can a little further down the road. Party now, Paul! Give the fact that the for profit media basically ignored it... That's OK, government employees at the Pentagon have been told that have to take 22 unpaid furlough days by the end of the fiscal year, so at least some of the penance will be paid by Obama voters.
  7. Spanking is VIOLENCE? Jesus, MDP. Is there any level of stupidity you're not willing to go to?
  8. They should just do the same thing they do with "Gun Control". Pass the laws, then don't enforce or fund them. Then the constituency feels better and the borders are still open to terrorists, criminals, etc. Plus, Democrats get more "automatic" votes.
  9. You can pretty much trace it back to the removal of corporal punishment from the public school system. Government stopped being your disciplinary dad and became your always nurturing and coddling mother.
  10. The NFL should simply move the game to Saturday (I know it's already stated in the thread). I can only imagine the rationale for why they don't do it (host city profits, etc). Heaven forbid it's not all about the dollar.
  11. I had no idea the government was unable to more than one thing at a time. Krugman's "point" is the same as it's always been: The Federal Government should be spending WAY more money it doesn't have to get the economy moving in the short term, long term consequences be damned. Heaven forbid we take a look at why the economy is really tanking and take steps to fix those. Lather, rinse, repeat.
  12. We do not discuss moderating policy in the open forum. If any of you people want to address Simon or one of the other moderators, do it via PM. I don't have a lot of rules here at PPP but this is ONE OF THEM. Knock it off. Now, back to the thread: I was surprised to see the Senator on ABC Sunday, discussing immigration policy. I was less surprised when he wasn't asked a single question on this particular subject. The media in this country is an absolute embarrassment.
  13. :lol: :lol: That's the funniest thing posted here in a long time.
  14. You won't find many CONUS based military people complaining about losing the Commissary or BX "benefits" if there's more scratch in their pocket. Those used to be really good deals but now the prices are about the same as stuff downtown, so the only real savings is tax. Of course, that's a drop in the bucket fiscally where DoD is concerned, so I'm not surprised you're whining about it. Try going after the weapons programs no one wants outside congress critters or bases in wealthy countries like Germany/Korea/Japan. And the "support our troops" rhetoric is clearly bipartisan, so shove that straight up your ample posterior.
  15. http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2012-06-21/business/chi-illinois-in-poorest-fiscal-condition-of-all-states-20120621_1_unfunded-pension-liability-general-fund-state-funds And I'm sure it's the model of government efficiency, despite the stories my military friends tell me. You know, like the one where they tried to charge him full sale tax on a vehicle he bought in Alaska 8 years earlier. Their reason? You didn't pay taxes on it when you bought it. Or my other buddy who bought a new house that wasn't completed until October of the year he bought it. They tried to charge him property tax for the entire year, despite the fact that he had all the required paperwork that stated he was only responsible from October on. That one took almost 4 months to resolve. Yeah, you Illinois residents are certainly getting what you're paying for.
  16. ObamaCare didn't address anything that makes health care expensive.
  17. What do you know? Another liberal who doesn't understand history.
  18. Guess the right to free speech doesn't include radio, television or the internet since they didn't exist right? Idiot.
  19. He was in "300", "Punisher:Warzone", and "Rock Star" - off the top of my head.
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