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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. The Tosh.O episode where they covered this was hilarious. They inserted the "Black Betty" song in just before the dude said "bamber-lance". Classic.
  2. Never mind the fact that 900 RPM guns are virtually impossible to get and almost never used in crime.
  3. Wow. Who could have seen this coming? Nice job liberals, as usual. But continue to trumpet the five things you actually know about Obamacare, as if the other 2700+ pages don't matter even a little bit. RETARDS.
  4. Forgive me, I didn't read more than a couple of posts in this thread.
  5. At the end of the day, until governments at all levels re-prioritize we don't need any more laws passed. You can continue this charade for the next month but this law wouldn't have changed a damn thing and blaming the NRA (the GOA is actually a far more effective organization) for gun violence is blindingly stupid.
  6. Yeah, I hate when the other side uses legal means to torpedo terrible legislation too. Get over yourself. There's a large portion of the population that thinks people like you are retarded. They give money to political organizations that represent these views and a few of them (the NRA, GOA, etc) are VERY good at holding politicians accountable. The system is working as designed. Guns and gun laws aren't a big problem in this country. Enforcement and prosecution are. Stop wasting money on putting pot dealers behind bars and start going after violent criminals. I already posted in this thread about the .06% prosecution rate of current background check laws, yet you continue to whine like the little B word you are about the most recent law not passing? How stupid are you?
  7. 73000+ denials during NICS. 44 prosecutions. A .06% prosecution rate. Impressive by any standard. I'm sure we need more gun laws and not better enforcement of current laws. Yeah, that's it.
  8. Almost $1500 a month for taxes to live in WNY? That's !@#$ing insane.
  9. That's one of the things about actors that I find fascinating - the ability to change your personality so much that it masks the fact you're truly a giant douche. Burghoff should be thrilled that people still recognize and love that character after all these years.
  10. 3 of Oakland's last 4 picks inside the Top 10 were a WR, LBer, and QB. The other was a RB. Try again.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEwekP_lZfc
  12. I would have zero problems with the BILLS taking Warmack at 8. His salary would be about $3m per, which is about a third of what Logan Mankins is making. This isn't the NFL draft of 5 years ago, the salaries aren't crazy. If there's not an elite pass rusher sitting there, you can feel free to give me a 10 year pro bowl Olineman who has won a couple titles. This team desperately needs some winners.
  13. Someone in the relationship has to be the stable one...
  14. Except they wouldn't, because you're not factoring in all of the minimum wage jobs it takes to get that burger out of the field and out the drive through window. Living wages are for people who earn them. Communism doesn't work. A large group of economists? How much more delusional can you get? They predict things in the short term without understanding the long term effects. How'd that stimulus plan work out for those economists (I'm looking at you Krugman)? How about those short term deficits that now add up to Somewhere north of $30 Trillion (off the books debt added)? You bit hard on the Happy Meal hook because you obviously don't understand basic business, supply chains or logistics. 12% here, 12% there, pretty soon it adds up to essentially killing off the middle class completely. Then you could have the total class warfare you nut jobs obviously want. At least at that point you'd have people willing to actually fight for something on your side. This is America. It doesn't matter where you're born or who your parents are, your chances of making it here is still better than anywhere else but you actually have to participate. Well, at least for a little while longer. You know, until you self-proclaimed academics leftislate even that away.
  15. Every war is like that. War sucks. Politicians suck. Get over it.
  16. 31+34+93 is about right if you use the value chart. The extra number one is ridiculous.
  17. The number of background checks done by the government is staggering, literally millions a year. The definitely miss some. Would they miss one on that scale? Doubtful, but there have been people who've stolen/sold intelligence that had red flags all over them and their access wasn't pulled until they were caught red handed.
  18. Your proposal would certainly give us the chance to find out. You are one delusional, ignorant dude. $30 happy meals anyone?
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