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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. I catch an episode of that now and again when I'm surfing. That show was decades ahead of its time.
  2. No offense, but owning a 200,000,000.00 house in !@#$ing Connecticut doesn't appeal to me at all. The weather is nice there for about 8 weeks a year and I could give a flying **** about being close to NYC. There are about 50 European cities I'd rather have an apartment in.
  3. That's not at all impressive for the price.
  4. I've seen Maserati Spyders with less than 30k miles going in the mid-20s. That's an incredible deal if someone wants a true exotic that really performs.
  5. Ooh, good one. That really stung. The fact that both sides don't understand nuance or foreign policy doesn't make anything about this Ok. Try again.
  6. So, "Conservatives", would this be acceptable behavior for a Democratic U.S. Senator if your guy was sitting in the Executive? Yeah, didn't think so. Nice job, Senator McCain.
  7. Mostly because our government chooses to ignore sensible law enforcement practices and sentencing, instead choosing to pander to the stupid.
  8. One of my buddy's needed his retina reattached. Surgeons name? Dr. Blinder.
  9. Chimay Grande Reserve - Run, don't walk to your nearest beer snob center and pick up a bottle of this TODAY.
  10. I agree with both of those. I think "Blair Witch" was very good and appealed to people who don't need to be spoon fed every detail - it makes your brain scare the **** out of you. I didn't want to sleep in the woods for awhile after that. I'd add Napolean Dynamite to the Office Space category - I see them exactly the same way. They are both movies that had great writing but were horribly executed.
  11. Maybe you should head back to whatever paper mill gave you your diploma and ask for a class or two in "proof reading".
  12. The best way to get out of a hole is to put down the friggin' shovel. Are you guys really arguing with a guy who has the moniker "cocktosten"?
  13. I think you hit the nail on the head. I watched them play in the Rose Bowl his Jr. season and the dude was everywhere. Very impressive in coverage and slippery as hell. He gave Russell Wilson fits.
  14. Anyone who says a QB has to win games "by themselves" can be automatically discounted.
  15. "Watch me pull a rabbit out of a hat!" "But that trick NEVER works." "Nothing up my sleeve. PRESTO!. I think I'm going to need a new hat." This time for sure.
  16. I watched that game in absolute awe and was thrilled when the BILLS traded for him. That guy was tantalizingly talented.
  17. http://news.sky.com/story/1085444/jessica-heeringa-abduction-new-suspect-sketch
  18. There's no "winning" in the Middle East. Displacing the current Syrian regime will likely put another country in the hands of even more extreme religious fanatics. Assad and his regime suck but the likely replacements suck even more. Welcome to the world of international politics in the 3rd world, Mr. President. Lather, rinse, repeat.
  19. A good left tackle can help an average QB look better. A great QB playing in a scheme tailored to his strengths can make an entire team great. No one is going to tell me that the Indianapolis Colts of the last 15 years would have been anything but average with a QB not named Peyton Manning.
  20. So...Big Business GOOD when liberals say it is? Nice hypocrisy. Highlighted even further by your ridiculous "damn the consequences, the end goal is worth it." I guess that doesn't apply to entitlement spending cuts, right? Friggin' liberals.
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