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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. And we all know that's the best way to make things easier and cheaper, said no one, ever.
  2. Lost their minds? When I was growing up, residents of neighborhoods regularly asked people they didn't recognize who they were and what they were doing - especially at night. Of course, 16 or 17 year old kids who weren't up to no good weren't afraid to talk to people, either, and they certainly wouldn't immediately resort to violence when they were within visual distance of their own home. This is the world that liberal "thought" has given us. Don't worry, the average person's self esteem is at an all time high.
  3. You do. The PPP mod didn't discipline you. That doesn't mean others won't.
  4. Bull. The guy is one of the most dominant pitchers to ever step on the mound and he's a perfect representative for what professional athletes should be. The fact that he played in the game's largest market is more of a burden for him than a plus because he's done what he's done under a huge microscope. Mariano Rivera is everything we're supposed to like about sports.
  5. The only thing that exceeds liberal passion is liberal stupidity.
  6. Jesus Christ, you are an idiot. Any other boogie men that don't exist that you're afraid of? is there some epidemic of "people who want to kill blacks in Florida" that simply aren't being reported? Yeah, didn't think so. BTW, in the 500 or so days since Trayvon Martin was killed in a self-defense action, over 10k black men have been killed. 94% have been killed by other black men. That's over 20 per day. Has that got something to do with "Stand Your Ground"? Evil white Hispanic people who want to kill black men? Yeah, didn't think so. Turn off your !@#$ing television, drone. You're too stupid to watch it without supervision.
  7. Welcome to the typical regurgitation from the "for profit" media. Turn off your !@#$ing television, drone. This "case" has "Duke Lacrosse" written all over it. It's a microcosm of everything that's wrong with America and that has nothing to do with the outcome.
  8. And it's really not that big a deal to him financially because he pockets millions in appearance fees over the course of the year because every tournament he plays in pays him just to show up.
  9. In order for rehab to work, people in prison have to want to change. The percentage of people in prison who want to change isn't high. That's not saying there aren't significant problems with the prison "system" but if you want to fix prisons, you have to start BEFORE people end up in the klink. That's not an easy thing to do, obviously.
  10. My take isn't any different. WNY, nor downstate, can afford to fund a new stadium for an NFL team. The region is a fiscal mess and will be broke for generations as it is. Adding another "x" number of millions of dollars plus interest is absolutely senseless, especially considering how little actual use the stadium really gets. Which is a problem, why? Be specific. The problem with all levels of government isn't the amount of money taken in, it's the amount of money spent and the priorities. If the Federal Government stuck to their Constitutionally granted powers, there would be much more money at the state level to handle things and stupidity wouldn't be so pervasive.
  11. The Rams don't think they need a new stadium. Their lease expressly states their stadium must be in the top 20% of the league. Since a number of new stadiums have been built since the Rams took up residence at EJD, it no longer meets the terms of the lease. It's a dumb clause that all but meant the Rams were going to get out of their lease at some point. WTG, politicians.
  12. I doubt St Louis gets another team this generation. Losing two teams in such a short span signals the end to football in St Louis. The region doesn't care nearly as much about the Rams as it does the Cardinals.
  13. Exactly. If I'm allowed to touch them, they're real.
  14. Good luck getting public funding for new stadiums in the future. This was the right decision and I hope taxpayers continue to hold up the middle finger to these billionaires.
  15. I didn't play softball for about 12 years. Went out, had a pretty decent day. Couple of line drive hits, no errors in the field. Woke up the next day feeling like someone had hit my legs and groin about 100 times with a bat. Over a game of beer league softball? Are you kidding me?
  16. Why limit it to the NFL? If you work in a company with 100 people, you've got the same things going on. Welcome to the world.
  17. Every NFL teams has investigators that check out the backgrounds of players they're interested in drafting. It works pretty much the same way that DoD and the USG does security clearances. Does that mean mistakes aren't made? No. Does it mean the Patriots didn't know that Hernandez had a questionable background? Absolutely not. I think the Patriots knew, just like they knew with Randy Moss, Haynesworth, etc and figured that the strength and character of the organization would help get/keep Hernandez on the right track. It blew up in their face. **** happens.
  18. They call it "sending a message". The next company who tries stuff like this will think twice because a whole bunch of money will be on the table. Why in the world would anyone be congratulating Michael Jordan in 2009 unless it was for a profit?
  19. You know, I completely understand breast implants. Especially if you have something below a "C" cup or have a big butt and want the top to match. Getting butt injections is just shear laziness. You can get a great ass with nothing more than squats, lunges, deadlifts, and sprinting. Do a couple of 30-40 minute leg sessions a week and you're golden.
  20. Nice strawman. Which doesn't meet the burden of information that needs to be classified. You should argue with me about it, because you clearly have worked in the industry. Changing their M.O.? Do you honestly think that terrorists don't think we monitor the !@#$ing phone system? Bin Laden hadn't used a telephone for communication for over a decade. Coincidence? It's "serious" because your masters tell you that it is. All Hail Rush or whatever other !@#$ing blowhard you're slurping from. I'm a hell of a lot more concerned that our government is acting like the old Soviet Union. Perhaps we wouldn't need to data mine all the information in the world if our foreign policy was a little (a lot) smarter. My reading comprehension isn't a problem. You're a friggin' moron.
  21. What if your head was as big as your front door? Would it still fit up your ass? The "information" that he's "shared" isn't about sources or deep cover agents. To be quite honest it doesn't really fit the definition required for classification. It's probably classified to keep what's happened from happening but that's about the only reason. His offense is the equivalent of jaywalking. You're basically accusing him of murder. That's !@#$ing ridiculous. Turn off your talk radio, you dimwit.
  22. The Russian winter and Hitler's ego turned the tide of the war, you mean.
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