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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Because of the law. In her way of looking at it, she's believes George Zimmerman committed murder but Florida law says it isn't. That's not really "all over the map". I wonder how many of these blowhards, in a situation where they were armed and having the **** kicked out of them by someone who had literally threatened their lives, would still think it was murder.
  2. Anyone who's interested can do a search on Small Business 8A set asides. It's one of the dirtiest little secrets going. The best part of all of it is how much money politicians make by "investing" in companies who later on magically become subs of these set aside contracts.
  3. It was a great final episode. Honestly, the only show I've seen that did it better was "6 Feet Under", which set the standard for all finales to shoot for.
  4. Care to look at other things that are wickedly popular globally? You know, like David Hasselhoff's music? The Trayvon Martin Racefest? Popularity rarely equals quality.
  5. My wife and I love Scrubs, though they shouldn't have come back for the last season. Perry Cox is one of the most underrated characters in the history of television. The only thing that bothered me was how effeminate they made J.D. as the series went on. Unnecessary and lazy writing.
  6. Welcome to the real reason governments are going broke. The vast majority of private companies don't allow sick leave accumulation because they simply can't afford to pay for it. The government can offer benefits that are off the charts (like pensions) because they have the taxpayer and the "full faith and credit of the United States" to allow them to go TRILLIONS in debt. If you're lucky, you'll be the last generation to enjoy your government pension at the promised rate. I suspect, though, that you're going to see a fairly sizable cut by the time you're eligible for full retirement. The current unfunded liability of CRS is approaching a TRILLION dollars. FERS is in the red too, but since it's so new it's not even a hundred billion. Ten states owe more in pension liability than they take in annually. I'm sure the city/county roles are at least as bad and more likely worse. http://www.reuters.c...N0F21RD20130627 Tick tock...
  7. And the fact that virtually every major competitor on the planet had to entirely rebuild their infrastructure. Thanks, WWII!
  8. It has nothing to do with "the good old days". It has to do with how this horrible leftislation passed ("we have to pass it to find out what's in it"), the fact that it has so many hidden boogie man that the President himself was hoping the Republicans would save us from much of it while keeping his reputation intact, and that it addresses virtually NONE of the things that actually make health care expensive. But you keep riding the retard roller coaster. Just don't act surprised when you fall out at the apex of the worst loop-de-loop and end up dead, because anyone with half a clue warned you not to get on the ride in the first place.
  9. You mean because I give a crap about your opinion on anything?
  10. So is most data and conclusions based on it - it's very easy to manipulate it to fit whatever conclusion you want to get to. The reality of the gun "debate" is guns aren't a problem in America unless you're heavily involved in the trafficking of illegal drugs or live in a neighborhood where that's one of the top "businesses".
  11. A big government liberal apologist asks why things are subsidized?
  12. I'll respond to it when I have time. I don't expect you to understand it, given your penchant for not being able to do anything except regurgitate the same stupid liberal B.S. But I'm still somewhat willing to occasionally bat you clowns around like the cat toys you are.
  13. What a giant load of horseshit. There isn't a single instance of the government taking over something and making it more administratively or cost effective. And the conclusions that the single payer studies come to are even bigger loads of crap, brought to you mostly by big government lunatics looking to advance their agenda. Governments are the reason health care costs continue to significantly outpace inflation globally. Only a complete dolt can't see it and only a bigger dolt would believe MORE government would actually fix the problem. Patently ridiculous. It's the equivalent of trying to fix a sucking chest wound with a bullet to the cranium.
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