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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Eli Manning looked pretty bad in that game too.
  2. Wait, so Brady was awesome against no pass rush? That's somehow news?
  3. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/06/labor-force-participation-rate_n_3028135.html This is more towards the truth.
  4. Who cares what you "think"? Despite the "awesomeness" of this weapon, it's almost NEVER used in any kind of crime. Any other boogie men you're afraid of? It's already available. And the world is still here. "If it bleeds, it leads." The phrase exists for a reason.
  5. I don't blame you because most of the left leaning media tends to ignore reality when it's especially convenient to them. You probably remember it based on what you've read.
  6. http://thehill.com/blogs/floor-action/house/213129-house-votes-to-overturn-supreme-court-property-rights-decision http://www.republicanliberty.org/news/release/rlc-emi-domain.htm http://www.theday.com/article/20120229/NWS13/120229570/1047/NWS
  7. Yeah, because a few more ounces on guys weighing well over 200 pounds is the thing that will put it over the top. This is just another "we're in charge and you're not" thing from people who need to be in complete control.
  8. It was after 10PM and she had been in the hospital with her sick kid. The government/bus driver are totally in the wrong and exacerbated the issue by fining a person who had the fare an exorbitant penalty because they can't figure out, in 2013, how to make !@#$ing change. That's more than a little retarded and one of the major reasons why mass transit doesn't work very well. If I was in their chain of command, all of them would be fired for being morons.
  9. bull ****. This is 2013 - there are soda machines that take !@#$ing credit cards. There's no reason to !@#$ with people when technology exists and is very cheap to implement. Jesus Christ, a bus driver is going to leave a mom and baby on the side of the !@#$ing road because the government can't figure out how to take a !@#$ing customer's money?
  10. What? The market adjusted to poorly thought out public policy brought to you by people who've never done anything of substance in the private sector? Nice job, community organizer.
  11. The U.S. healthcare "system" is really bad, I never said anything to the contrary - but none of the "solutions" you or "tarddog" apparently covet will have a positive effect. Don't let that stop you from the incessant strawmen you keep posting, though. I enjoy watching you retards regurgitate stupidity so vainly.
  12. How about that "Single Payer" isn't the reason other countries have better health outcomes? Correlation doesn't equal causation. Unless you're really dumb. Or maybe: "Single Payer" won't fix the problems with health care in the United States, since they are directly correlated to government involvement/micromanagement of both health care and daily life? Getting the government more involved while ignoring the actual reasons health care in this country grows consistently more expensive is going to lead to an even larger disaster in the future. I love how people believe & post drivel like that, as if those numbers are even close to the truth. Like the GAO in this country has ever even been close on a forecast? There's obviously no easy way to hide expenses to show a desired outcome.
  13. 1. I'm not a "con". 2. Your aberration doesn't make it a rule. Rules are generally made by majorities. 3. There aren't ANY examples of efficient or cost effective single payer systems. You're an idiot if believe anything to the contrary.
  14. You do the math - NASA has been cutting the budget for actually work for over a decade now, in favor of the bureaucrats. It's the dirty little not so secret of big brother government. Couldn't tell you and don't really care. I now have reams of paperwork that I have to accomplish to pay for DoD/VA health care through private entities. That's not even close to the single payer model that you liberals keep humping each other over,
  15. That's the same NASA that's been cut to the bone but actually increased in bureaucracy? Yeah. Thought so. BTW, you do know the government tried single payer with the military and they found out they couldn't afford it, right? This was in spite of the fact that military patients can't sue for medical malpractice.
  16. By the time Obama is done, there won't be any money to raise. And Hillary Clinton is about as unlovable a person as has ever existed on this planet. I'd actually love to watch them try to spin all the horrible **** she's done into gold.
  17. In fairness to him, he prefaced his ignorant conclusion with "not knowing all the facts". He's obviously qualified to be a big box media expert.
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