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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. The reason it "smelled like gasoline and paint thinner mixed with rubbing alcohol" is because whoever made it didn't pour off the methanol that's produced early in the process. The reason you "went blind" was because you drank freakin' methanol because some asshat didn't know WTF they were doing. Anyone can make moonshine - it's a very simple process and it's quite easy to make it VERY strong.
  2. Such a surprising response. Here's a newsflash, Sparky: I didn't vote for George Bush. I didn't support going into Iraq. War is either about conquest or defense. Iraq was about neither and it turned out to be exactly what I thought it was going to be. And you have zero idea what the end game looks like in Syria because no one does. If you're in for a penny, you better be in for a pound. That's the problem with calling people's bluff - they might be willing to look you in the eye and take you up on it. Especially when you look like a weak kneed child who's afraid of his own shadow and need polls to tell you what the next step is. Enjoy the corner your "Dear Leader" has backed you in to.
  3. Like you have any idea what that means. You're a !@#$ing caricature. The typical liberal apologist who can find no wrong in those he worships. I enjoy watching you dog paddle around in the cesspool of **** that the Democrats have created. It's a riot.
  4. http://espn.go.com/blog/buffalo-bills/post/_/id/544/football-journey-nickell-robey
  5. Wait, so there are repercussions that politicians gave no thought to when ramming through this law? I'm surprised.
  6. So they held a vigil for a guy who got shot BECAUSE HE WAS COMMITTING A ROBBERY? Just when you think you've seen the dumbest **** ever...
  7. Gross. By the time any of you clowns even got in line it'd be like throwing a hot dog down a hallway. How freakin' desperate are you?
  8. I've been to Amarillo - it's tough to argue with their sentiment.
  9. You mean like "The rates are going to increase across the board, unless you factor in FEDERAL SUBSIDIES"...? That means the rates are going to INCREASE and SOMEONE ELSE IS GOING TO HAVE TO PAY. Guess what? We're BROKE. BROKE. There's no more OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY available. Jesus Christ you're stupid.
  10. Voting is completely accessible even with an ID being required and anyone who says otherwise is full of crap. I'd much prefer an ID requirement and the ability to cast your vote in ANY precinct over the current situation. As far as there being "no evidence" of compromise, that's a meaningless argument. And I'm not "conservative". I'm more libertarian but quite frankly I don't understand the whining over people being forced to show an ID to vote. I've never lived in a state where I didn't have to show an ID AND sign my name. Those are MINIMAL requirements to exercise such a precious right that other people have literally given their lives to protect.
  11. I was in the military. I've showed my ID probably 10000 times for a variety of reasons. To get on base. To buy a soda at the commissary. To get in to a hanger that I was forced to go to to see President Clinton speak. To this day I have to show an ID and put in a PIN to get into MY office. Showing an ID to vote is NO BIG DEAL and it isn't discrimination. The fact it's phrased that way and people actually continue to barf it out is pathetic. If our military personnel have to show their IDs to enjoy their "benefits", I'll be damned if the average guy/gal shouldn't be held to the same standard.
  12. You mean the ACoE? Not even close to the same as military personnel not getting paid.
  13. Do either of those two look like the President's son?
  14. Maybe a couple of more regulations and laws will drive the cost of living down.
  15. WRONG. The problem in America has almost nothing to do with guns. Guns are a convenient target for people who have a hard time facing reality. Only idiots would indict millions of American gun owners because of a single irresponsible act. You know, kind of like the people who indict all Muslims because a tiny fraction are total wackos. Ah yes, because they disagree with you they must be labeled as "foaming at the mouth." Hypocrite much? Uh, no. Stop regurgitating the **** you read at Salon, Huffington, and Rolling Stone. It's incredibly tiresome. The NRA is for SENSIBLE gun regulation. Most of what is proposed by the failures that have been elected to lead do not fit that category. As the onion continues to be peeled back on the NSA scandal, it shows more and more why the NRA and gun owners across the country are justified in their opinions on keeping the government in check regarding access to sensitive private information.
  16. How have I never seen "Mega Stuff" Oreos? What the hell!
  17. I'm not sure any player is going to look very good in Wannstache's "scheme". I'll grant you that Mario was pretty pedestrian early in the season but he was basically playing with one arm and the defense didn't have ANY other person regularly making plays.
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