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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. I'll bet it took her all of 2 minutes to hammer that out. Her "issue" is she values herself, doesn't like being treated like crap, and isn't afraid to let people know about it.
  2. Graham was open numerous times in the "All 22" film from the Panthers' game. The fact that EJ didn't throw to him isn't his fault. Colin Brown has been brutal. Chandler is a shell. CJ was absolutely horrible in the Patriots' game. He missed at least 3 truck sized holes that killed drives.
  3. Bold move. Hope it works out for Browns' fans. Chud better have a winner by year 3 or he's done.
  4. Am I the only one who thinks those !@#$ing things taste like nail polish remover smells? Just nasty.
  5. I don't understand why people actually buy that overpriced, bitter garbage. That is some terrible coffee.
  6. Honestly? Because most people who are "trained" don't really do their jobs. They get into a routine and stop paying diligent attention to things. There's nothing worse than someone who's in a "security" position who is comfortable. It's a recipe for disaster. That's why real "trained" special operations folks cost so much money. The incessant drilling to keep people's skills razor sharp is crazy expensive. The average cop/security personnel are only deterrents to honest people. Not much different than a lock on a door. If someone wants to go on a killing binge, they're going to have success to a point. That's just reality. I've been part of numerous aggressor forces that have easily overtaken security forces who KNEW we were coming. Why? Because we watched their routines for a few days and figured out when they were weakest and then took them out. EASILY. Trust me, these guys were way better at their jobs than whoever is "guarding" the DCNY. Guns aren't the problem and never have been. They're simply convenient.
  7. I suspect that's why Woods wasn't in on the finally play. I think he almost knocked himself out trying to make that block. The kid is tough. I was dying inside when I saw Graham all by himself on the right side of the formation and Stevie and 7/11 on the other side. Not exactly confidence inspiring. If I remember correctly, the reason Newton ducked was because he saw Hughes not Alonso. That was just a terrific defensive design. Every player in the front 5 had a responsibility and they carried them out PERFECTLY.
  8. That's why I stopped sitting in gen pop. The peasants are revolting - they stink on ice.
  9. I was more disappointed in his read on the Ginn TD. That actually cost us.
  10. Quinton Mikell is known for that kind of stuff. He's be famous for being dirty but he's been buried in St Louis.
  11. Bill, I wrote this up before I read your thread. Swear. I guess great minds think alike. 1. The FB sucks. Just sucks. Took a stupid holding penalty on a punt that gave them the ball back. That drive ended in Ginn's TD reception. Then he gets manhandled by a 205 pound safety, causing EJ's fumble. I'd like to send Sam Gash to his house to kick his !@#$ing ass. 2. Freddie is still a stud. Dude never takes a negative play and he's just !@#$ing smart. 3. Marrone and Hackett need to understand this is the NFL. When you have 2 shots from the 2 yard line and Fred Jackson in your backfield, the correct decision is to shove the rock in his gut twice, not run two !@#$ing timing fades into each corner. That's high school ****, unless you have someone like Harold Carmichael. We don't. 4. This team desperately needs a real Tight End. Chandler looks like he's running in pudding and his hands are becoming suspect. 5. Eight quarters, 8 sacks, numerous QB pressures, ZERO holding calls. Yeah, officiating in the NFL is consistent. I especially liked the play when Newton got away from Mario because he was CLEARLY being held. There was another significant hold on Carolina's final scoring drive, on the play where Olsen caught the ball wide open. One of our DLinemen got friggin' mugged. 6. Kiko's gonna be a star in this league. EJ looks like he's going to be something but Robert Woods might be the best football player we drafted this year. He's something. 7. Manny Lawson is a nice player. Good pickup. Nick Robey also impresses me. That little !@#$er is smart. 8. The OLine did a good job today against a really good front 7. That was pretty impressive. 9. TJ Graham was wide ass open about 3 times on the final drive for what would have been big gains. The end result doesn't matter but if we had lost... 10. Great last drive. EJ made one helluva play that about 4 guys in the NFL can make and the rest of the drive looked pretty Brady-like. Given what he went through today, it was an impressive ending. 11. A loss in this game would have been a disaster - we'd have given away two home games, two weeks in a row. Carolina literally did NOTHING to win this game, the BILLS tried to give it to them. At the end of the day, it's a win so all is forgiven, I guess. I know Marrone is happy to get his first win under his belt but he can't be happy with some of the **** that went on. 12. Aaron Williams is going to be a terrific safety if he can keep his head. He was great today against the run but the Ginn TD was pretty much a complete !@#$ up on his part. I know it was frustrating listening to the Carolina receivers woof at you all game but you can't whack guys 3 yards out of bounds and keep a drive alive for your opponent. Fix those things and we've got something here. 13. Dave Wannestadt who? Pettine has big brass ones. I don't think I've ever seen anyone blitz a Hail Mary. When it works you're a genius. 14. The defense is going to wear out by midseason if we don't start holding the ball more than 25 minutes per game. I don't care how good you are, that's a recipe for disaster in this league.
  12. Seven MONTHS for an MRI? Yet there are still people who are pining for this. Amazing.
  13. Let's see: Prison rape, torture porn, prison violence, a shootout, a murder, corruption, a porn whore with a busted grill, a school shooting, etc. What isn't to love?
  14. What's the appropriate temperature for having it sit in your lap in the car and then spill all over you because you're too stupid to use a cupholder? I read about a lawsuit this morning. A couple of parents are suing a zoo because they accidentally dropped their child into a wild dog enclosure. Apparently their decision to hold their kid up over the safety railing, drop him, then watch him get chewed on by wild animals was the zoo's fault. This lady ought to see the car manufacturer. It's their fault she didn't use the cupholder.
  15. This just in: Attractive people are generally more successful than unattractive people, especially in television. This is a non-story.
  16. Why not just admit you're a !@#$ing idiot who is hugely influenced by the media and can't think for yourself? Zimmerman's "Florida Resident" CCW allows him to carry/transport in THIRTY FOUR other states. That's why the trooper in Texas didn't put him in bracelets when he was pulled over. So what you "beleive" (sic) isn't anywhere close to reality. Get a clue.
  17. Which is mostly because the Yankees were in Chicago on 9/11 and were grounded there for days after, then had a seven game road trip when baseball resumed. Again, Valentine is a dick.
  18. http://espn.go.com/new-york/mlb/story/_/id/9662582/new-york-yankees-respond-bobby-valentine-accusation-9-11-response Really? Still a little bitter over losing that World Series?
  19. They need to be reminded every decade or so. Gun owners vote. In droves.
  20. The creases were there - CJ simply wasn't hitting them and Freddie was. It wasn't an OLine problem, it was a "CJ's head isn't in the game" problem.
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