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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Geez, read some of the summaries of that site. Congrats France, you're really evolved.
  2. His name sounds muslim-y. Probably a terrorist in training.
  3. I would not try to protect my kid and told him that every chance I got when he was growing up. And yes, I'd turn him in even if "no one knew" (as if that's even possible). I have to look at myself in the mirror every day and I wouldn't be able to do that if I knew my kid was a !@#$ing delinquent who did such things. We raised him better than that. When you make your bed, you lie in it. You get exactly what you earn in this world and this particular crime turns my stomach almost as much as violence does. The complete lack of respect for other people's property goes completely against my entire upbringing and is rotten to the very core. If these parents aren't turning their kids in, they should be ashamed of themselves. What if it was their home that they'd worked hard for? They'd be OK with the neighbor kids trashing it and then not owning up to it? Bull ****. I wouldn't care if they didn't deem it a crime. My kid would be on that guy's front porch owning his behavior.
  4. Right. Like NHL players went out on their own and started wearing helmets. Or like NASCAR drivers didn't need someone to die and then the sport to mandate the use of HANS restraints? There are a long list of examples of this kind of thing. I can remember all the flack Eric Dickerson got because he wore pretty much every pad that was available to him, including eye protection. And Franco Harris catching a ton of flack because he'd step out of bounds rather than take a hit to get an extra yard. It's a machismo attitude.
  5. It's sad that letter even has to be written. My kid, were he stupid enough to actually be involved in that, would have been delivered to the police on the end of my foot.
  6. When I said "call him off", I meant "tell him not to start any crap off the faceoff".
  7. I have pity for them because the system is set up with this as the only possible result. There's nothing worse than allowing an immature person to make decisions with tax payer money and zero consequence. Colleges have ratcheted up costs at a much higher rate than inflation without consequence and the government continues to allow obscene amounts of money to be borrowed without oversight. The results are/were completely predictable.
  8. Mostly because they don't understand the argument, much the same way they didn't understand ObamaCare and were actually for it when it passed but now that they're getting some actual detail, it's wildly unpopular. Who cares? Every bit of leftislation that passes is one step closer to the abyss. When it happens, you can post gloriously about how great it is.
  9. Yeah...but...all gun owners are the same, right? This stupid **** never gets old.
  10. No he isn't. It's not like the Sabres are one player away from being a Stanley Cup contender. I'll agree with you that it was pretty stupid to go after Kessel - not sure what the new coach was thinking at that point. I get putting Scott on the ice but there's no way you don't call him off when you see the line combo Toronto put out there. He's lucky he didn't actually get his hands on Kessel because if he'd really hurt him that might have been it for him.
  11. No kidding. I went over to the Toronto Sun to see their reaction and only 38% of Laffs fans think Kessel deserves a suspension. I'll grant you I'd be in that 62% had he stopped with the first slash but when he went after him a second time when he was engaged with some other idiot, that's automatic to me.
  12. They've played two of the worst offenses in the NFL this season. New England and TB aren't setting the world on fire, no matter who they play.
  13. http://www.syracuse.com/orangefootball/index.ssf/2013/09/new_blue_helmets_will_help_syr.html I think they look pretty good and they certainly played better than they have. I don't really understand how you can be the "Orange" and have almost none of the color in your uniform.
  14. No. I don't need to read the article to understand that health care, which is one of the most regulated industries in the country, has a terrible effect on the economy. I also don't need Warren Buffett to explain to me that Obamacare isn't going to change that in the least. Interestingly, Buffett did say: "Attack the costs first, and then worry about expanding coverage,' he said. 'I would much rather see another plan that really attacks costs." Which is pretty much what any sensible person would do when looking at the actual problem. The issue with that is liberals are neither economically savvy nor sensible. So instead we get an even bigger boondoggle which will cost even more. But it will guarantee plenty more votes from the takers and those who will be employed by Uncle Sugar to keep it doddering along. But you keep swallowing the choad and pretending this is "progressive".
  15. 51-3 because it almost erased every horrible memory I had growing up a BILLS' fan. You know, going Oh-fer-the-70s against the Fish, Kay Stephenson, Bruce Mathis, Vince Ferragamo, etc. I'll never forget being up 41-3 at halftime of the AFC Championship game knowing that even the BILLS couldn't blow that lead. If they'd just hammered the Giants in the SB like they should have.
  16. The lack of consistency is drive killing. I'd rather have a FJ type who gets his yards consistently and occassionally rattles off a chunk than Spiller who puts you in 3rd and long far too often.
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