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Alaska Darin

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Everything posted by Alaska Darin

  1. Tyrod wasn't doing a good enough job killing his last chance to be QB1? Send in the doc!
  2. Awful lotta whiteys, eh lefties?
  3. Good luck fixing liberals. The very idea that big government is the right thing is blindingly stupid based on all of recorded human history.
  4. Chance favors the prepared. There's no reason to put yourself in a situation like that. I've seen too many things in my life to leave my personal safety to public servants. No offense to any of them but in this environment, you gotta be nuts to believe you're gonna get a fair shake if you have to defend yourself.
  5. Democrats (and Republicans for that matter) aren't great at understanding blowback. It's going to be very interesting to see the post election stats on Jewish voting in particular and how it compares historically.
  6. https://babylonbee.com/news/ninth-circuit-court-overturns-death-of-ruth-bader-ginsburg
  7. A Canadian liberal jailed on a gun charge? The irony is delicious. Enjoy your stint in the pen, ya fruit bat.
  8. A non-nuclear Korean peninsula ain't exactly a stocking stuffer.
  9. Which probably didn't sway a single vote of opposition. Romney lost because he has the personality of a rusted lawn ornament.
  10. I still don't get the whole tax return thing. Why does anyone care at all? Do they honestly think the IRS doesn't go through Billionaire's tax returns with a fine tooth comb? Is the winning argument going to be that he doesn't pay a high percentage of his wealth to the government because he doesn't have to?
  11. It's hard to argue with the strategy. The more a liberal talks, the more voters flee. If Hillary had stayed in her basement, she'd probably be President. Instead, she let everyone know what a horrible person she really is. Biden should have an hour long interview on 60 Minutes, just to finish the whole thing off with style.
  12. I wonder how much the whole "we're tired of paying you to defend your country while competing with you economically" played into this?
  13. Democrats controlled the Senate from 2009-2015. If RBG wasn't such a narcissist, she could have stepped aside at any point AFTER TURNING EIGHTY. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divided_government_in_the_United_States
  14. Since it's killing people and the President is taking it...
  15. Going to be fun to watch the media elect Trump...again.
  16. Nah, HCQ is incredibly dangerous. I know because the media told me so...incessantly.
  17. Careful. Your sensible post is going to get them stomping their feet, chanting stupid things in unison, and lighting things on fire.
  18. Oh you didn't know? RBG > Constitution
  19. Smart people don't trust the mass media.
  20. Desperate, incompetent people who are getting beat at the game they made the rules to.
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